30 Day Shred (January 2013)



  • Legals81
    Legals81 Posts: 81 Member
    For my new friends(thanks or the adds) I have some before and after pictures on my profile from the last time I did it if you need inspiration. I've just looked at them myself and I cant believe how toned my belly was! Definitely need to get back there. I recommend taking measurements and photos before you start.

    Good luck everyone
  • ruddhi
    ruddhi Posts: 5
    Hello Ladies,
    I would like to join too. I have the DVD and I can start from today. I will take my measurements
    Do you do it 30 days straight ?
    Good luck everyone...::
  • AVASMOM314
    AVASMOM314 Posts: 5 Member
    I completed it about a year and a hlaf ago. I made it about 40 days. I got in great shape. The best I have ever been. Life got in the way and I gained back 15 lbs. I am starting agin and would love to be a part of a group trying the same. I am a single mom, but it is time I stop making excuses!
  • Annadel
    Annadel Posts: 146 Member
    I will research on how to make a group. Day 1 today. Let's be accountable to ourselves and each other and do this!!!
  • I'm away with work for a few days from tomorrow but will get started on this as soon as I'm back. Only ever heard great things about this workout program. :)
  • Hi everyone!

    Would love to join the 30 day shred gang! (If you'll have me?)

    I started last week but the weekend got in the way lol - am on day 4 today

    I did Jilliam's Ripped in 30 last year and thought it was good so thought I would try this one this time, then do Ripped in 30 after if anyone else is intrerested? - just to keep up the exercise.

    I did take before pictures so want to do this well and see results. Not necessarily to lose weight but to be more toned and just generally more fit than I am.

    So what's the plan - do we all post up when we have done our daily workout?
  • Colls5
    Colls5 Posts: 3
    I'm starting today! Great thread!
  • sbicica
    sbicica Posts: 52 Member
    This thread is perfect!!! I was planning on restarting today! I finished 10 days in December but then got busy with finals and vacation and excuses... But now I'm ready to finish it then do ripped in 30!
  • I would seriously urge anyone to do the full 30 days and stick to it! I did it and I lost 9 and a half pounds in 30 days but in the end it really wasn't about that, it was a huge achievement for me, I've never stuck to anything before, I've always given in or made an excuse but Ifinally sticking with something which, I personally, found hard is massive for me! I feel like I can do anything now (corny I know) and it has been integral to my weight loss!

    It's a great way to kick start your weight loss if you're just starting out or you've hit a plateau!

    Good Luck :)
  • baypeach
    baypeach Posts: 8 Member
    I am on day 2! Good luck y'all!
  • Americanbabydoll
    Americanbabydoll Posts: 1,255 Member
    I started 30 day shred yesterday. Also started MFP yesterday so I need friends. It would be cool to find people doing the same workout as me. Anyone feel free to add me. I need support and love to support others.
  • vegetarian218
    vegetarian218 Posts: 40 Member
    I just happened to start it today, ha! I'm in! :)
  • thissamelissa
    thissamelissa Posts: 5 Member
    I just started yesterday as well. I've done Level 1, Day 1 a couple times but never kept going. I'm challenging myself this time and pushing myself to do the whole 30 days. :smile:
  • I just bought the 30DS and plan to start L1D1 tonight. I also, just started myfitnesspal again also so I'm in. Let's go for it!!
  • I'm totally in.. I'm on my second day into it!! I need motivation and supporters.. Please add me :)
  • dianita01
    dianita01 Posts: 19 Member
    I will research on how to make a group. Day 1 today. Let's be accountable to ourselves and each other and do this!!!

    I didn't think to make a group, but this all sounds great! Thank you :) I'm so glad I won't be doing it alone this time.
  • Tunruh67
    Tunruh67 Posts: 4 Member
    HI. I started the 30 Day Shred last night actually. I would like to be inculded in "the group" Thanks!!
  • lizajayne32
    lizajayne32 Posts: 10 Member
    I just started today, that hurt! Going to persevere with it though, have a couple of friends here who are doing it too, will probably need them to stay motivated.
  • Jennifer076
    Jennifer076 Posts: 275 Member
    Good luck to you all. I completed 30ds the day after Christmas, and had great results( 8lbs & 16.5" gone). I am actually on day 3 first week of ripped in 30. Just stick with it, believe me it will pay off. Make sure you take before pics and measurements.
    YOU ALL CAN DO IT!!!!!!
  • DouMc
    DouMc Posts: 1,689 Member
    day 2 done! 28 to go!