Daily Calorie Help Needed Please

I'm looking for some advice on daily calorie allowance please? I've been allowing 1300 per day (with 1500 at weekends or treat days) for the past year and have lost a total of 47lbs now. When I started mfp suggested 1200 to lose two lbs a week but I found I was starving! Whilst 1300 is working my weight loss is slow/steady (half a pound a week if I'm Lucky) I'm wondering if this is the best amount for me to be eating? Do you think I need to drop up or down to kick start my weight loss again? I came across this topic and based on this I should be eating 1700 calls per day which seems so high?? Has anyone tried this? http://www.myfitnesspal.com/topics/show/654536-in-place-of-a-road-map-2-0-revised-7-2-12

Could it be as simple as maybe improving the calories I'm eating? I.e. cutting out processed/diet foods?

Here's some more info if you need it:
Weight - 207
Height - 5 foot 6
Activity - desk job so sat down all day
Exercise - sporadic (have done 30 day shred and still use it a couple of times a week) although I'm about to start a 5k training program which will require me to walk/jog three times a week


  • TavistockToad
    TavistockToad Posts: 35,719 Member
    I'm looking for some advice on daily calorie allowance please? I've been allowing 1300 per day (with 1500 at weekends or treat days) for the past year and have lost a total of 47lbs now. When I started mfp suggested 1200 to lose two lbs a week but I found I was starving! Whilst 1300 is working my weight loss is slow/steady (half a pound a week if I'm Lucky) I'm wondering if this is the best amount for me to be eating? Do you think I need to drop up or down to kick start my weight loss again? I came across this topic and based on this I should be eating 1700 calls per day which seems so high?? Has anyone tried this? http://www.myfitnesspal.com/topics/show/654536-in-place-of-a-road-map-2-0-revised-7-2-12

    Could it be as simple as maybe improving the calories I'm eating? I.e. cutting out processed/diet foods?

    Here's some more info if you need it:
    Weight - 207
    Height - 5 foot 6
    Activity - desk job so sat down all day
    Exercise - sporadic (have done 30 day shred and still use it a couple of times a week) although I'm about to start a 5k training program which will require me to walk/jog three times a week

    if you have been losing weight doing what you have been doing, why change?

    that being said 1700 isnt LOADS of calories, it is still less than your maintenance. i net 2000 cals at maintenance, so eat 2200 on exercise days, its great!
  • I just feel like I've really plateaued recent;yand it's not through being close to goal, I still have over 40lbs to lose before I'm in the healthy weight catergory. For example in 5 weeks I've managed to lose 2.5/3lbs, which has slowed right down. I don't want to see big numbers everyweek but a steady 1lb a week would be nice. I'm just worried I'm under eating from what people are saying on forums about BMR/TDEE, etc. and I really want to do this the healthiest, most effective and most sustainable way possible
  • TavistockToad
    TavistockToad Posts: 35,719 Member
    so eat 1700 for a month and then re-assess.