

  • Well, I stepped on the scale, and it's not as horrible as I thought. I gained 5lbs, I expected it to be closer to 10 from the way my clothes are fitting, or rather, are NOT fitting! Leyla - from what I understand there's no way to know what the condition of the tube is without going in & looking. Hopefully as soon as I've…
  • Hey! I haven't been around for a while. I see there are a ton of new names, and that's without even reading back through the September thread! I ended up with a suprise natural BFP while on a break from TTC waiting for diagnostic laparoscopy. Unfortunately it was ectopic, in the tube that we thought was completely blocked.…
  • DH & had this argument last time we made rice with dinner. The packaging didn't specify if it was 1/4 cup cooked or uncooked. I really hope it's uncooked because that's a measly little portion of cooked rice for 100 cal!
  • I had an HSG done last fall. I can't comment on the cost / insurance as we're in Canada - all diagnostics for IF are covered by the healthcare system. It was a pretty stressful experience for me as I have an anaphylactic seafood allergy which can cross-react with the dye used in the HSG. I had to take prednisone tablets…
  • Smores - welcome! We also had no problem with our first. It's shocking to all of a sudden have to deal with secondary infertility. I hope you get some answers with your upcoming appointment! Kim - congratulations! What great news :) To reply to the questions asked: #1 - we had lived together for about 5 years before TTC.…
  • I think to keep from getting overwhelmed we need to take it one change at a time. I work full time, have a 3yo DS and a SO that works 12 hour days + 2 hour commutes, and some Saturdays. I can't work out in the morning, I have arthritis (since I was 19) and can barely walk the first 30 minutes I'm out of bed. So I work out…
  • Milestones has a 1600 calorie pasta dish. I can't remember what it's called but it's got penne with a pesto cream sauce. The other night 3 people at my table of 8 ordered it! I kept my mouth shut but was cringing each time the server brought out another bowl of the stuff.
  • My wrongs are the exact same as yours! Just sub the coke for pepsi :) I'm not quite ready to make the leap to no pepsi and I'm managing to stay within my calories most days even with 1/day. My big right, and why I love MFP is that I have been altering my meals/snacks throughout the day based on where I am for calories.…
  • Jalara - First of all, (((HUGS)) Take a deep breath! It is so much to process and it sounds like it's just hit you like a mack truck! I think a lot of the questions/issues you mentioned will happen one a time, like you won't have to decide how many embies to transfer until after you've decided exactly when you're going to…
  • I never thought of it that way! My son is 32 lbs, I'd be thrilled if I could "lose" him :) Congrats! What an awesome accomplishement.
  • Great idea! My SO always ends up eating off my plate whatever I leave behind. Not only do I miss out on yummy leftovers the next day, but he's already consumed a full meal plus drinks and really doesn't need the extra calories!
  • Cage Free eggs are not the same as Free Range eggs. Free range are typically raised outside, sometimes organically, sometimes not. Cage free the chickens are still in a barn, but not kept in laying cages. The only thing that would affect the taste is what they're being fed. There is a lot of variety in chicken feed for…
  • I had a natural delivery (no drugs), but in hospital. I'm glad I was there because I had retained placenta and was at risk for hemmorage after the birth if not sent to the OR immediately. A friend had a home birth with her second and had the same thing happen. Luckily her midwife knew to call an ambulance and she was…
  • Karen, I've done the "sympathy" eating for 2, and I've felt the same about my DS. So lucky to have him but at the same time that I'm failing him. He is so loving and has asked why we don't have a baby at our house several times. Just last month I was ready to sell the infant seat & stroller. If we don't get pregnant in the…
  • Fraser Valley, outside of Vancouver!
  • ucaminax - I think it's normal for a D&C to mess up your cycle for a while. If the light bleeding continues and you're not getting pg I'd ask for a hysteroscopy to check the lining of your uterus for scarring. I had a D&C for retained placenta just a few hours after my son was born. No one told me anything about the risks…
  • klmh614 - I also don't know why I don't ovulate. My blood work came back normal, I don't have PCOS or glucose resistance. The bonus is I respond well to clomid and typically produce 2-3 follies on my good side. I think lots of women with PCOS have to go on injectables to get results which are so much more expensive plus…
  • Karen, sorry to hear about your BFN. I love the progesterone smashing, lol! Good luck with your family reunion, hopefully the preggo cousin is not too obnoxious but if she is just keep on hugging your little one :) I had a horrible food day yesterday! After SO and DS went to bed I had a really high calorie snack and blew…
  • Hello Everyone! I am brand new, this is my first post on the MFP boards :) Here is a little bit about me: Name: Amanda Age: 30 (almost 31 :o) Where you live: BC, Canada Job: Sales & Technical Support (desk job) Length of time on the board: brand new Marital Status: none Length of time you've been with SO: 10 years Do you…