Fit For Future Families - October 2011



  • melissaforster07
    melissaforster07 Posts: 145 Member
    Checking in quick on my break at work...

    The doctor called and said that she would recommend I start taking Metformin to hopefully stop the spotting and help regulate future cycles. She said it is completely up to me though. She is also ok with me just waiting it out. any of you have stories about metformin? Do you take it? Do you like it? Do you have a lot of stomach problems??
  • fitterpam
    fitterpam Posts: 3,086 Member
    Checking in quick on my break at work...

    The doctor called and said that she would recommend I start taking Metformin to hopefully stop the spotting and help regulate future cycles. She said it is completely up to me though. She is also ok with me just waiting it out. any of you have stories about metformin? Do you take it? Do you like it? Do you have a lot of stomach problems??

    Melissa - it really helped me. I take 3 pills a day - about 5-20 minutes after I start a meal. I had some weird side effects from it...nothing terrible, but nothing particularly pleasant either. They lasted about 3 months or so and intermittently come back. My side effect was that the Metformin affected my taste buds. Everything I ate tasted like it had been dipped in burnt bark. I struggled through it (but imagine how much less I wanted to eat too!!!) I haven't noticed any specific stomach troubles and I can tell you that it helped me drop my first round of weight and within 2 months my cycle was regular (I've been less accurate with taking them recently and my weight has gone up and my cycle is wacky - I don't think it's a coincidence). Coincidentally a PCOS blog I follow had todays topic on an alternative to Met - you may want to share with your doctor and see what she thinks (:

    If you have a hard time tolerating metformin (like I did) a recent study has shown that 600mg of NAC (n-acetyl-cysteine) 3x daily a nutritional supplement that is a derivative of the amino acid cysteine was as effective as Metformin. Both groups of women showed improvement in testosterone reduction, body mass reduction, insulin normalization, improvement of hirsutism, and menstrual regularity. Clinical, endocrine and met... [Eur J Obstet Gynecol Reprod Biol. 2011] - PubMed - NCBI (Can you tell my doctors love me....LOL I bring my own manuals with me to appointments)
  • fitterpam
    fitterpam Posts: 3,086 Member
    Hey all, just dropping in for a minute.

    School is crazy busy (still) but that will slow down in early November. We had Thanksgiving this weekend so I took a break and went to a wedding in PEI - I daced and drank and enjoyed my break.

    I haven't weighed in in awhile, but I did go to a WW weigh in on Saturday morning and was up 7 lbs from where I had been before the August miscarriage. All in all, I'm okay with that.

    We're TTC the ol' fashioned way right now. I'm hoping it'll work AND stick. I'm also hoping that this month is the month because it's my first cycle after the mc and apparently that improves the odds. Fingers crossed!

    Pam - that's a heck of a loss in one week! Wowsers! Congrats!

    Hope everyone is doing well. For those who don't know, Ronya had her baby on Saturday!



    My fingers are crossed for you!!!!! I highly doubt my weight loss is real - I sure don`t feel 20lbs lighter!!! LOL I`ll have to PM her, I didn`t hear, YAY!!!!
  • PanteraGirl
    PanteraGirl Posts: 566 Member
    Well Ladies......this weekend was definitely something else....I'm was good and bad....from a family member in a the hospital to having to having to go and pick up a friend who was in a bad situation....and I'm supposed to get get my period around now...and I don't feel like its coming...I feel like I'm ovulating late....frustrated cuz this would be the second month in a row my period is late...unless I'm pregnant which I really don't think I am......

    Anyway....sorry to be a complete downer.......I hope everyone is well....I decided to try and help some friends get donations for a good cause.....the competition they entered their dog in is to win for the dog to be on a commercial.....however we know the chance is totally slim.....However....we though maybe we'd try and get as many votes as possible anyway as they donate $1 to Guide/Service Guides for each click they get.. My friends thought it would be nice to get donations in the dogs name seeing as though he was rescued and they are thankful for him so they want to give back

    If you are interested in helping out please click on the link don't have to sign up or give information or anything like that...its simply a click....and a confirm..and thats it...You can vote once a day from difference computers and phones!

    He's a cute little bugger...and for a rescue so well behaved and gentle! They are considering volunteering him to spend time with the elderly!

    Sorry for the bad spelling and grammar...I'm in need of some serious sleep....I feel drunk although I haven't had a single drop!

    I will try and catch up with everyone tomorow!! xoxo and sticky dust to everyone!
  • pixieofdoom
    pixieofdoom Posts: 356 Member
    clicked..............cute dog!
  • melissaforster07
    melissaforster07 Posts: 145 Member
    Checking in quick on my break at work...

    The doctor called and said that she would recommend I start taking Metformin to hopefully stop the spotting and help regulate future cycles. She said it is completely up to me though. She is also ok with me just waiting it out. any of you have stories about metformin? Do you take it? Do you like it? Do you have a lot of stomach problems??

    Melissa - it really helped me. I take 3 pills a day - about 5-20 minutes after I start a meal. I had some weird side effects from it...nothing terrible, but nothing particularly pleasant either. They lasted about 3 months or so and intermittently come back. My side effect was that the Metformin affected my taste buds. Everything I ate tasted like it had been dipped in burnt bark. I struggled through it (but imagine how much less I wanted to eat too!!!) I haven't noticed any specific stomach troubles and I can tell you that it helped me drop my first round of weight and within 2 months my cycle was regular (I've been less accurate with taking them recently and my weight has gone up and my cycle is wacky - I don't think it's a coincidence). Coincidentally a PCOS blog I follow had todays topic on an alternative to Met - you may want to share with your doctor and see what she thinks (:

    If you have a hard time tolerating metformin (like I did) a recent study has shown that 600mg of NAC (n-acetyl-cysteine) 3x daily a nutritional supplement that is a derivative of the amino acid cysteine was as effective as Metformin. Both groups of women showed improvement in testosterone reduction, body mass reduction, insulin normalization, improvement of hirsutism, and menstrual regularity. Clinical, endocrine and met... [Eur J Obstet Gynecol Reprod Biol. 2011] - PubMed - NCBI (Can you tell my doctors love me....LOL I bring my own manuals with me to appointments)

    Thanks. This all really helps. I appreciate that you know so much!!! I hope to be as armed with knowledge as you are some day!! I think I will probably start taking the metformin this weekend. Somehow it just makes me feel like I failed though. I have spent since February trying to get as healthy as possible so I could handle all of this without drugs. I know that having to take something doesn't make me a failure...I just feel like I have let everyone down.....
  • VeganInTraining
    VeganInTraining Posts: 1,321 Member
    For those of you who already have kids (or even if you don't) getting a puppy/dog (rescue from the shelter) while TTC. Good idea or bad idea?
  • fitterpam
    fitterpam Posts: 3,086 Member
    Melissa - it may take a drastic change in weight loss to get to the point that you don't need the Metformin - it's definitely not a failure on your part. Use it as a helping hand to get you to the point that you don't need it anymore. Crawl before you run ;)

    Emily - I don't think it really makes a difference where you get your dog from. The question needs to be more around whether you think dogs are appropriate for small children. I know people that are dead set against them. I have 2 pups, both rescues. My little girl is terrified of small children, my big guy loves them but the basics are that all dogs are animals and instinctual. No dog should be allowed to be alone with a small child. You're putting a small, unpredictable child in a room with an instinctual, unpredictable animal....LOL That being said, I think it's so important for kids to learn about animals and how to treat them from an early age that I don't see any issues with it. If you do get a dog, make sure it's fully trained before baby comes. We're in the process of taking my big guy to a behaviourist so we can learn how to get him to listen when he goes a little cuckoo (which tends to be at the vet, or on a walk or with the neighbour's dogs)

    AFM: Weight is up....LOL I put on 23lbs in one dya....I recalibrated it and then tried again this morning. This is what I was expecting....
  • sdavisneill
    sdavisneill Posts: 115 Member

    I've been diagnosed with PCOS for about 6+ years now. I actually found out before we were TTC. My husband spent a summer in Japan, so I went off all drugs, etc. (including birth control since I didn't need it) in my attempt to generally feel better (I had mood swings and extreme dizziness/nausea on bc) and lose weight in a healthy way. Well, a couple of months into in the summer and my cycle was all out of whack and I couldn't lose a pound. After months of going to different obgyns, I finally met a nurse practitioner who really listened to me and confirmed a diagnosis of insulin-resistance induced PCOS.

    I understand feeling like your body is letting you down, but I truly believe it is possible to overcome that feeling of helplessness and take charge of the condition. After awhile, I found the diagnosis to be freeing. I was never an over eater and I had never understood why I had gained so much weight so quickly and the insulin resistance helped explained that, the sugar highs and lows started to explain my mood swings, and once I was on the metformin my cycle became like clockwork. The metformin does take some getting used to, and I tried various dosing before I found the one that was right for me. I take 4 tablets of the max dose in an extended release version each night. I have some stomach/intestinal difficulty in the morning, but it helps that I only have issues at home and over time I've just gotten used to it.

    When I started TTC, I knew I had an uphill battle. Doesn't mean I don't still have moments that I want to scream (I do all the time), especially since it is taking so long, but with the help of MFP I've started to have success in losing weight, the exercise makes me feel a million times better and and I'm hopeful. If we have to go to IUI or IVF as our next step, I'll be ready. I'm definitely not an PCOS expert, but at least I know and we can plan around that.

    Indulge your frustration for a little while, emotions are just that, and it's ok. But know there are resources, ways to take charge, and above all else hope. We're here for ya girl!

  • leylaaa87
    Hi All,

    I'd like to join in with you and have read a bit but nowhere near the whole thread yet. I'm working on it :-)

    For now I'll start you all off with this:
    Age: 24
    Where you live: NYC
    Job: Student with a work-study job
    Length of time on the board: About 3 weeks
    Marital Status: Living together (not married yet)
    Length of time you've been with SO: 2 years, 8 months
    Do you have kids: No
    Length of time TTC: Not yet
    Diagnosis: None
    Do you chart your BBT: Just started again (FAM or the sympto-thermal method)
    Do you use OPKs: No
    Are you on any meds for TTC: No
    Height: 5'9"
    Weight: 127
    Goal Weight: depends more on inches for me
    Strange fact about yourself: My legs are usually as long as the legs of people who are 6-8" taller than me.

    So I'm not TTC yet. I am back in school. finally finishing up my bachelor's degree and I should be done in the summer of 2012. DBF and I are not even engaged yet- we are waiting until I graduate. I want to have the fittest possible body I can before I get pregnant so that getting back to pre-pregnancy shape will not be hard. My goal is to attain and then maintain a six pack until I get pregnant and also to get really good with yoga so that I can continue to practice while pregnant.

    I had a miscarriage when I was twenty-one and I hope it was due to stress, mourning and the fact that I was not very healthy at the time. Luckily, my cycles have always been regular and getting even better now. I cycle with the moon as women used to before we had electric lights: bleeding with the dark moon, (hopefully) ovulating with the full moon. Have any of you ever heard of Lunaception? I used the method to sync my cycles with the moon. Now they are about 29.5 days, shortest in the past year was 28, longest 31. Before it was 26-33. It can also be used when TTC:–-are-you-in-tune-with-the-moon/

    (Note: I do not know that website but just did a search to find a good explanation and it does give a good one. I originally read about it in a book.)

    Are there other goals you all have before you get pregnant that are not exactly related to weight? Share them!

    I want to become better at cooking (DBF has always done all the cooking) and making food in general. Right now I make my own raw protein bars and fruit & nuts bars. I want to explore dehydrating (kids love fruit leather!), sprouting, crock pot cooking and bulk cooking because I know once I have a baby it will be great to just heat food up. I also want to get back into pickling and fermenting.
  • e_amanda
    Hey! I haven't been around for a while. I see there are a ton of new names, and that's without even reading back through the September thread!

    I ended up with a suprise natural BFP while on a break from TTC waiting for diagnostic laparoscopy. Unfortunately it was ectopic, in the tube that we thought was completely blocked. Turned out it was only partially blocked. It's been almost two weeks since I had the methotrexate shot. Thankfully we had been tracking my beta HCG & knew the numbers were fluctuating so as soon as I had pain on my right side (the blocked tube side) I went straight to the ER and was able to avoid surgery. I am now on a manditory 3 month break from TTC because the methotrexate depletes your body of folate, plus of course who knows how long it'll take my cycle to normalize again. I really want to get back into the weight loss, but I can't exercise likely for a few more weeks yet. In the month I was on here before getting pg I lost about 3lbs. I am scared now to step on a scale, that number is going to be awful. When I found out I was pregnant, I was actually still eating really well and exercising but as soon as I got those funky betas I stopped working out and started eating for comfort :(

    My goal for now is to stick to 1200 cal a day, absolute maximum 1400. Since I can't exercise yet I really feel like I need to minimize my calorie intake as much as is healthy. Once I can exercise again I'll go back to the net 1400 which was working for me before.

    Hope everyone is doing well and I'll try to get back into the habit of checking in here daily, since things move along so quickly!

  • cutmd
    cutmd Posts: 1,168 Member
    Ok, I think I'm ready to join now. I miscarried at 10 weeks the 1st of September and tried to join this group the next week but just trying to fill out the info I started crying hysterically. I am finally calm about it, but really want to be pregnant again

    Age: 33
    Where you live: northern Cali
    Job: ER doctor
    Length of time on the board: 2+ years
    Marital Status: married 5 years
    Length of time you've been with SO: 12 years!
    Do you have kids: no :frown:
    Length of time TTC: 4 months (got pregnant month 2 and took it for granted)
    Diagnosis: none
    Do you chart your BBT: no, have to review that abbreviation
    Do you use OPKs: no
    Are you on any meds for TTC: no
    Height: 5' 3"
    Weight: 132
    Goal Weight: 118
    Strange fact about yourself: my mom kept having a false neg pregnancy test with me, but she knew she was pregnant, doctors thought she was crazy for months! :laugh:

    I gained about 8 pounds while pregnant and have been having the hardest time getting rid of them! Just had my first AF last week so hopefully a hormone shift is in store... These pounds are driving me crazy but if I got pregnant again before I lost them all I would not complain. I was having a fit about my spreading thighs just before I miscarried, put things in perspective! :embarassed:
  • dexters_dexterity
    dexters_dexterity Posts: 342 Member
    did 4 miles today with hip hop modifications
  • meggamix
    meggamix Posts: 496 Member
    Welome Melissa and Leyla, and welcome back Amanda! Melissa I'm sorry for your loss. We're definitely here for support! Amanda, I hope you can get things back to normal soon so you can TTC again.

    AFM- I finished my last 50mg dosage of clomid yesterday. I'm new to this so I only took one a day for 5 days, I know that's low, but luckily didn't have side effects except for the last few days I've been a bit emotional. Nothing bad, just quicker to tears--happy and sad ones :)

    Baby dust to everyone!
  • leylaaa87
    meggamix: thanks for the welcome and baby dust to you!

    cutmd: I'm sorry for your loss too- but it does get better. I was a mess after mine too and even seeing a baby would bring me close to tears and there are a lot of babies here in NYC! I was a bit of a hermit until I knew I wouldn't cry in public. Slowly I got over it and took it as a blessing because it forced me to look at my health and take better care of myself. I hope your m/c has a silver lining too, though I know right now that seems absurd.

    e_amanda: I'm sorry for your loss too :-( Although, does this mean that tube is unblocked now? I'm sorry but I don't much about blocked tubes and if they can be reversed
  • e_amanda
    Well, I stepped on the scale, and it's not as horrible as I thought. I gained 5lbs, I expected it to be closer to 10 from the way my clothes are fitting, or rather, are NOT fitting!

    Leyla - from what I understand there's no way to know what the condition of the tube is without going in & looking. Hopefully as soon as I've recovered from the ectopic my RE will reschedule the diagnostic lap. It's possible the tube is scarred worse now.

    Meggamix - I've been on as much as 150mg clomid and the being extra emotional and some mild heat flashes were the most side effects I had. I think one month I did get a headache, but that could have been unrelated. Best of luck to you this cycle.
  • questionablemethods
    questionablemethods Posts: 2,174 Member
    Hi Melissa! I'm glad to hear that you are feeling a bit better after your loss in September. I don't know if you scrolled back to the previous page, but I'm on board with TTC too. There are suddenly babies EVERYWHERE here in SF and I'm worried that if we have trouble I will become unhinged about it.

    More generally, I ordered a new thermometer on Amazon today to track my BBT. It turns out that the digital one I ordered last month isn't actually a basal thermometer and, even though it seems to register to the 1/10th degree, I figured I might as well get the real deal if I want to be as accurate as possible about my cycle. I also ordered some ovulation predictor strips. I guess I'm just already assuming that I have to get high tech about it. :happy: I spent my entire twenties concerned that I *would* get pregnant and now suddenly I'm freaked out that I won't be able to. Sigh.
  • Pokee1
    Pokee1 Posts: 408 Member
    For those of you who already have kids (or even if you don't) getting a puppy/dog (rescue from the shelter) while TTC. Good idea or bad idea?

    Good ... I hope. We're getting one soon. Should be born today or tomorrow and home with us in 8 weeks.
  • melissaforster07
    melissaforster07 Posts: 145 Member

    I've been diagnosed with PCOS for about 6+ years now. I actually found out before we were TTC. My husband spent a summer in Japan, so I went off all drugs, etc. (including birth control since I didn't need it) in my attempt to generally feel better (I had mood swings and extreme dizziness/nausea on bc) and lose weight in a healthy way. Well, a couple of months into in the summer and my cycle was all out of whack and I couldn't lose a pound. After months of going to different obgyns, I finally met a nurse practitioner who really listened to me and confirmed a diagnosis of insulin-resistance induced PCOS.

    I understand feeling like your body is letting you down, but I truly believe it is possible to overcome that feeling of helplessness and take charge of the condition. After awhile, I found the diagnosis to be freeing. I was never an over eater and I had never understood why I had gained so much weight so quickly and the insulin resistance helped explained that, the sugar highs and lows started to explain my mood swings, and once I was on the metformin my cycle became like clockwork. The metformin does take some getting used to, and I tried various dosing before I found the one that was right for me. I take 4 tablets of the max dose in an extended release version each night. I have some stomach/intestinal difficulty in the morning, but it helps that I only have issues at home and over time I've just gotten used to it.

    When I started TTC, I knew I had an uphill battle. Doesn't mean I don't still have moments that I want to scream (I do all the time), especially since it is taking so long, but with the help of MFP I've started to have success in losing weight, the exercise makes me feel a million times better and and I'm hopeful. If we have to go to IUI or IVF as our next step, I'll be ready. I'm definitely not an PCOS expert, but at least I know and we can plan around that.

    Indulge your frustration for a little while, emotions are just that, and it's ok. But know there are resources, ways to take charge, and above all else hope. We're here for ya girl!


    Thank you!! I needed to read this today! Ever since being diagnosed in February, I have spent my time getting healthy. I have lost 30 pounds and honestly feel really great...but the fact the the doctor wants me to go on Metformin makes me feel like everything I did just wasn't enough. I feel like I should be able to conquer this. But I am starting to realize that I can't do it myself and that's ok. I truly believe that PCOS has opened my eyes to a healthy lifestyle, but I think I had it in my head that once I started living healthier it was just going to go away. Now I am starting to face that it's not...and it's ok. Ultimately, I want to have a baby, and be a healthy mommy...if metformin is the road I have to take to get there...I will do it.

    Thanks again for your story!
  • melissaforster07
    melissaforster07 Posts: 145 Member

    Strange fact about yourself: my mom kept having a false neg pregnancy test with me, but she knew she was pregnant, doctors thought she was crazy for months! :laugh:

    My mom was the exact same way! The doctors actually thought I was a tumor. She was growing and super sick...and was "failing" every pregnancy test. It actually took an ultrasound before they knew it wasn't a tumor but a baby girl :-)