

  • When I lost weight before, I combined diet and core exercises, and it made a massive difference. Never got to the point where I had a completely fat belly, but it was close enough to be happy with it. :-) Hoping second time around I'll have the same luck!
  • Spot reducing = Improving one specific area NSV = Non scale victory (ie - fitting in a favourite pair of jeans, reducing medicine etc) I think! :-) As for your tummy - overall loss of weight, improving general fitness and working on your core muscles seems to be favourite opinions. Good luck!
  • That is not an option to me at all. There are a lot more efficient ways to deal with discipline in my opinion. My children are well behaved, a lot better than most! Not angels, sometimes they need talking to more than once, but they have enough respect for me to listen when needed. I got spanked as a child and I would hate…
  • That is brilliant, well done! Can't blame you for the happy dance! :bigsmile:
  • Your son will pick up very quickly what is going on, and this will become 'normal' for him. Please don't do him this disservice. Show him what healthy living is all about, and what pleasure there is in being this way. Wishing you best of luck, and hoping you can work through these issues.
  • I have taken some and must admit that it only works for a few days. I think if you can't control your hunger it is much more in your head than physical, and off course no pill will change that. You need to get your state of mind right, else you will just go straight back to how you were before.
  • Driagnor - I have been eating a fair bit yesterday - but what I thought is good food. (Probably not!) There seems to be a lot of opinions on eating exercise calories or not! Think I'll take everyone's advice and just push through it. :-) Thank you.
  • Good idea for someone who has the willpower to stop doing it after a day or two! That won't be me. :-( I would up calories slightly, not in a big way. But then I am no expert!
  • Hi! It happens, you just need to start with a clean slate now. I am struggling to get rid of my 'diet' mentality - and think about a healthy way of living instead. If all the diets did not provide long term results, surely we must realise that our mindsets have been very wrong on this! Wishing you the best of luck, a month…
  • Good luck to you, I hope you have great success this time. I have been on here for a couple of weeks, and getting used to keeping a food diary. So far not changed much, but the realisation of how many calories go in when you nibble on this and that is really shocking. This website is a really useful tool, and if you get…
  • I agree with you about the logging, though it would not bother me if I see someone else doing it! Every day 'living' has not helped me lose weight, it will be the extras that will count towards it. If you have not done real effort towards weight loss, putting daily tasks in might make a good excuse but deep down you know…
  • Hi and welcome! I plan to have Saturdays as my 'cheat' days. Unfortunately they do tend to run over... :-( If you can stick to the one day you should still see some good results! Good luck, hope you do well.
    in hi Comment by FattySins August 2011
  • You know, it is sooo annoying when a naturally stick thin person tells you which way is best to lose weight. They've never been there, done that. Never struggled with slow metabolism and emotional eating and trying so so hard and not getting anywhere, being fat as a part of genes and fighting constantly against it, doing…
  • Thank you for the advice. Going to get a tape measure today!