Hello My Fitness Pals!

So I've been a member on this site for a while (was invited by my friend) but instead of losing weight, I've gained 5 lbs. I've decided that I've had enough and I'm for real this time. My parents are coming to visit next month and I definitely don't want to look as if I haven't been taking care of myself. Please help me stay motivated as I begin this journey to lose 30 lbs. I'm looking forward to celebrating with you as you obtain your goals and achieve certain milestones.


  • FattySins
    Hi! It happens, you just need to start with a clean slate now.

    I am struggling to get rid of my 'diet' mentality - and think about a healthy way of living instead. If all the diets did not provide long term results, surely we must realise that our mindsets have been very wrong on this!

    Wishing you the best of luck, a month is enough to make you feel a lot better about yourself.
  • MissGAPeach
    MissGAPeach Posts: 2 Member
    At the time I wanted to see quick results and didn't care about long-term. Now I want the weight off and for it to stay off.
  • SetecAstronomy
    SetecAstronomy Posts: 470 Member
    So I've been a member on this site for a while (was invited by my friend) but instead of losing weight, I've gained 5 lbs. I've decided that I've had enough and I'm for real this time. My parents are coming to visit next month and I definitely don't want to look as if I haven't been taking care of myself. Please help me stay motivated as I begin this journey to lose 30 lbs. I'm looking forward to celebrating with you as you obtain your goals and achieve certain milestones.
    You can do it!
  • dancingj2
    dancingj2 Posts: 4,572 Member

    This is a great site for helping to change your lifestyle and there are lots of people here to help. I like the app for tracking on phone as well as tracking on line.

    If you are looking for freinds, you can add me.

    Good Luck!
  • LAYLAH17
    LAYLAH17 Posts: 170 Member
    So I've been a member on this site for a while (was invited by my friend) but instead of losing weight, I've gained 5 lbs. I've decided that I've had enough and I'm for real this time. My parents are coming to visit next month and I definitely don't want to look as if I haven't been taking care of myself. Please help me stay motivated as I begin this journey to lose 30 lbs. I'm looking forward to celebrating with you as you obtain your goals and achieve certain milestones.

    Don't forget to download the app on your phone...lol