

  • I have NO intention of being eaten by cannibals or zombies (it's the main reason I started with MFP)... but, assuming I was already dead... I would certainly hope they rubbed me with smoked salt, then stuffed me with crab meat, portabella and ****ake mushrooms, spinach, garlic, onions, shaved asiago and romano cheese and…
  • I agree but for different reasons. And as *you* know while I'm str8 I don't H8...for me, a woman's body means strength...the strength to bear children, the strength to support their loved ones... That being said...be it man or woman...I love the eyes, followed by the smile, followed by the tush...and the shoulders...don't…
  • Some of that food looks damned good...especially when he has steaks and stuff... Recently they played a rerun where he had a 6 patty burger topped with fois gras and bacon and I thought...BRING IT ON!! Of course, I'd get about 3 bites into it and be full. I am such a meat and potatoes girl though, that the BBQ episodes…
  • I dont know if this is the original place or not...but, the original one was actually started by a cardiologist!! His servers dress as sexy nurses, and everything is cooked in lard. If you are "X" pounds you eat for free. It was featured on Food Network last year.
  • Thank you so much!! I celebrated my 5th cancer-free "birthday" in May. I had cervical cancer and was at risk of having everything removed. Luckily my doctors decided on a really aggressive chemo/radiation plan that worked. Thanks to them, I will be 41 tomorrow. To anyone undergoing breast surgery for health reasons, I say…
  • I am a cancer survivor. I would hope that prayers would go to others like me, who are dealing with a serious and life threatening disease, not a boob job. I hope your surgery goes well for you and that you find the self-confidence to not ever feel the need to augment your looks again. I am sorry if this seems cruel, but…
  • That had me laughing almost as hard as the barking cat who got caught did>> http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aP3gzee1cps
  • I just saw a commercial for (I think) Special K cereal...anyway a woman was trying on jeans in sizes...SASSY, SEXY, CONFIDENT, etc... HOW WONDERFUL WOULD THINGS BE IF WE *COULD* HAVE OUR SIZES LIKE THAT??!! I used to be a size 10, and I was too skinny for my body structure, in fact at a size 10, I was losing my hair and my…
  • I'm a 40H (US Sizing). I have tried a number of sports bras...IF the girls even fit in them it is hard as hell to breathe, so I have gone a different route. I wear my standard bra but squeeze into a smaller sized shirt which works kind of like a girdle would by compressing not just the boobs, but my whole torso. It is…
  • I've been here 5 weeks and I am lucky to have NBB and Ali on my friends list (you 2 are so supportive, you SO rock). I was always THICK. Think A short version of Katarina Witt. Quarterback shoulders, muscular legs, bubble booty, big tata's. I was very athletic. Always moving. As a teen I modeled and did figure skating, in…
  • The only condiments I use are mayo and mustard and I do log those and include them in my recipes. My physical activity is set at sedentary with no exercise planned, so that my calories are based on me just sitting on my butt and doing absolutely nothing else. I am under my calories, but usually not by more than 200…
  • Accepted!! I know I have hit a plateau, and like Bruce (and my siggy says) I must not stay here, so let's do this together.
  • I appreciate the input. I will not give up the yogurt though. I have only one kidney (since the age of 5). I am prone to kidney and bladder infections, and yogurt keeps me regulated without the need for drugs to regulate me...and when it doesn't I drink massive amounts of pure cranberry juice (not cocktails, but the sour,…
  • No, I appreciated your thread hijacking (LOL) it lets me know that I am not alone in my frustration!! That's a start.
  • I love the green tea with brown rice (as served in asian food places)...it is not expensive and can be found at most oriental grocery stores. I always drink this one hot. I also love Tulsi and Green tea. The Tulsi helps to keep my moods mellow and the green tea is full of goodness. I get mine at Whole Foods. I like this…
  • I can relate, but instead of filing a frivolous lawsuit that only serves to hurt our nation (if White Castle has to pay, they may raise prices or fire workers to compensate, or other possibilities) I choose to get off my fat *kitten* and do something about it (such as coming to MFP to help me lose weight and better fit in…
  • For getting me to keep with my healthy eating habits and exercise, I look to my 2 siggies (below).
  • I was using it for a short time...it made me feel sick and jittery. I now take a good Multi, Chromium, and Green Tea. Much cheaper, and no jittery side effects. I feel healthier, have more energy, and am noticing my body reshaping itself. I also try to stay within my caloric intake and do light to moderate exercise every…
  • I have always worked hard to stay within what my body considers thin (which is at about 160 or I start to get sick). After my twins, Depo, cervical cancer, and menopause I gained a ton of weight. My bestie (RIP Joanna), was 5'10 and 115 pounds soaking wet. She could eat and eat and eat and not gain an ounce. Yes, I was…
  • I don't know of any quick fix, but I have heard that fighting Cortisol will help reduce belly fat. Cortisol is triggered by stress. I meditate and take Holy Basil tea along with my daily Omega's from Hemp Seeds and Kombucha. I don't know if it works MIRACLES, but by staying within my calories and with low-moderate…
  • http://southern-courier.whereilive.com.au/lifestyle/story/get-lean-with-green-coffee-bean/ Is this it??
  • I have many food allergies, so I have had to stop eating many things over the years (or find a substitute)...my problem was always portion size. If it tasted good, I ate the WHOLE thing, and sometimes went back for seconds. So I have not stopped eating anything for the sake of dieting, but I am learning MODERATION over…
  • I read that you should drink 50% of your weight...meaning...for me at 260 pounds, I should drink a minimum of 130 ounces of water. I don't do that usually but I do drink about a gallon of water daily, give or take a cup here or there. On hot days, or hard workouts, I make sure to drink a bit more. Linked below is a water…
  • It is awesome if you have a killer headache, but if you are taking it for sore muscles, I think Advil works better. Be careful taking Excedrin because it has aspirin in it which is good if you have heart problems, but it can make you bruise easier because it thins out the blood a bit. It also has a small amount of caffeine…
  • Remember that as your muscles build, you will get bigger before you get leaner, and since you are so close to your cycle, it is very possible that your hormones are going crazy and you are retaining. Try not to panic. The body will go through a few changes before it settles into the lean, mean machine it should be. Also,…
  • Be careful, if you try to fade your hair too quickly, it may turn out either bluish or greenish depending on the base tone in the black coloring. Also rather than using dandruff shampoo, use a good moisturizing shampoo, that way if you need to do a color correction down the road you wont have hair falling out. If it is as…
  • I am not a smoker, never have been, so there I cannot relate...HOWEVER...as with any endeavor, one needs the fulls support of their significant other. You may consider using "I" statements. I am finding it hard to quit smoking when cigarettes are easily available. I am quitting smoking for my health, and I would like you…
  • 1- I am sorry the OP has had rude and insensitive comments made. This is a community where we all need to be sensitive to others, where ALL forms of EDs should be considered, and others should be considerate with their words. It is too bad that a select few, and their venomous words, would reflect poorly on the community…
  • I feel the SAME way!! Say it ain't so!! (okay, maybe I wouldn't mind so much if Joss Whedon directed it...) But...NOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!
  • I am new to MFP (one week anniversary, yay me). My goal is not to just be able to outrun any zombie...even track star zombies, but to be fit enough that I can easily carry my weapons, leap fences, and kick zombie butt without breaking a sweat. I have my zombie survival strategy in place, including where to tuck in until…