Skinny people....



  • Mommawarrior
    Mommawarrior Posts: 897 Member
    Life isn't fair. Complaining about it doesn't help. And hating those who are skinny, whether they are healthy or not, won't make you lose weight. It just makes ya seem like a bitter person.
  • Life isn't fair. Complaining about it doesn't help. And hating those who are skinny, whether they are healthy or not, won't make you lose weight. It just makes ya seem like a bitter person.

    lol i know but sometimes i'm weak and a touch bitter too.
  • rbloedow
    rbloedow Posts: 47 Member
    Onbe you reach your goal, and track you food for long enough, you will become one of those people. Once you turn the changes you're making to your diet into habit, you'll reach a point where you won't really have to think too much about it.
  • Skinny isn't always healthy but obese is never healthy. Hate whoever you want, it will never help you.
  • CourteneyLove
    CourteneyLove Posts: 246 Member
    ugh i completely agree!!! it kills me and it's totes not fair..
    the other day i stumbled across a show called 'skinny vs. supersize' and it was very interesting to see the differences among each and how unhealthy they were.
  • poisongirl1
    poisongirl1 Posts: 93 Member
    My ex-boyfriend was like that, he was 6'4" and about 140-150lbs. Yeah, he weighed that little, and yes, he did look like a skeleton. Every bone in his body stuck out, and all he did was eat. I know he wasn't healthy because he basically lived off junk food and candy. But it was a little frustrating, seeing him eat anything and everything and be so freakishly skinny, even though I knew he had to be unhealthy. He also thought he had Marfan Syndrome (never got an official diagnosis though), so that might have contributed a little, and having a huge dent in his chest must have weighed a little less than a normal chest.
  • ladyluck4210
    ladyluck4210 Posts: 107 Member
    Some people have to fight genetics. Others don't. I know growing up I was always a heavy girl. I have 1 brother who is 35, he eats whatever he wants and still has a six pack. And I feel as if I gain weight just looking at a brownie! I have another brother who was super active in high school and was tall and thin. Now he's kinda fluffed out a bit. And then my other brother and I have always struggled w/ weight. I decided when I turned 28 that I was going to get off my lazy bum and fight through genetics and be healthy.

    Even though I'm still significantly heavier than I should be, I've lost 41 lbs. I know that I am well on my way to a healthy life. I feel awesome pretty much all the time b/c I know i'm doing the right things and my body is thanking me for them!

    I have a lot of skinny friends and have become very jealous of them in the past. If there is anything that I've learned from this journey is to NOT compare myself to other people. It can be very hard some times, but I've grown so much. I have learned to just worry about my own body. I need to be happy with what I have and be excited about where I am going to be.

    I think I can attest for most people on MFP that this is a life long journey. Some of us have to fight through genetics and keep our head in the game for the rest of our lives.
  • kitinboots
    kitinboots Posts: 589 Member
    I met my bff when I was a cashier in a supermarket, and she would come in at lunch everyday and buy nothing but chocolate. She's a tiny girl with big fake boobies, and no matter what she eats, the worst that happens is she gets a little bloated.
    I used to envy her, but then I realised how much i love my own body, I love the food I cook for myself and I love allowing myself the odd treat.
    A treat isn't a treat if you eat it all the time.
  • TazzyDB
    TazzyDB Posts: 224
    My husband is one of "those" people. He has the metabolism of a goat and is a food pusher to boot! Life is SO not fair!
  • CoachMaritova
    CoachMaritova Posts: 409 Member
    it isn't always fair to assume that a person is 'naturally thin.' You may not realize how that person eats on a regular basis. Trust me, I have been hated most of my life for being thin. Most of those haters don't realize the issues I have had with Anorexia. And now that I have lost 30 lbs the comments are starting up again... really not cool.
  • i've been there. my little brother... after a night of trick or treating, he ate his 5 lbs of candy in the pillow case, 2 12pack of mtn dew, then went at got a 10 lb bag of gummie bears, didnt gain an ounce. but, lifes not fair, and some naturaly thin people battle with their weight too. my brother was always picked on for being too skinny and it wasn't cool. i was jealus of the fact that if i looked at something id gain and he'd lose, but that was just a bit childish on my part. we're all the same on here, but for us that got to watch what we eat and work out, and become healthy and thin (er) theres that satisfaction that you earned it. i loved it th first time i lost., and my husbands naturally thin, and im getting back down. he's very supportive, but like my brother, he wants to weigh more. 220. he can eat anything and not gain and it upsets him sometimes.
  • bluegirl10
    bluegirl10 Posts: 695 Member
    My husband is one of those people who can eat whatever he wants and doesn't gain weight! Yes, it's not fair, but it's life, so guess we just got make the best of it and go from there!
  • kmcrey87
    kmcrey87 Posts: 422 Member
    Everyone I know that is "skinny" is so out of shape they can barely work out for more than 30 minutes. I would not trade being skinny for having to work my *kitten* off for it! It keeps me healthy and fit.
  • I have always worked hard to stay within what my body considers thin (which is at about 160 or I start to get sick). After my twins, Depo, cervical cancer, and menopause I gained a ton of weight. My bestie (RIP Joanna), was 5'10 and 115 pounds soaking wet. She could eat and eat and eat and not gain an ounce. Yes, I was jealous...very jealous. If I even looked at food I'd gain 5 pounds. While she was strikingly gorgeous, her weight made it hard for her to have children, and that sent her into a very deep depression (especially after I had my twins).

    I learned that being thin or thick isn't all there is.

    Yes I'd like to lose some of this belly roll and fit into some skinny jeans, but I still feel sexy and I feel healthy.
  • Oishii
    Oishii Posts: 2,675 Member
    A lot of skinny people, even those you have always known skinny, work bloomin' hard at it. The skinny women at my school eat little and, in the main, exercise a lot. Some even boast they can 'eat anything' although they don't seem to notice their portion sizes are minuscule, or that they just exercised for an hour!

    I'm not skinny, but I suspect I'm meant to be! It takes between 2300-2500 calories for me to maintain my weight as it is, so I suspect I really am designed to be a little lighter. If I actually exercised I hate to think how much I'd have to eat :laugh: