This really TICKS ME OFF.



  • TavistockToad
    TavistockToad Posts: 35,719 Member
    A US size 10 is a UK size 14.
    We would consider this to be rather large in England..

    I thought plus sizes in the UK were 18 and over, not a 14?
  • Ghlt4
    Ghlt4 Posts: 241 Member
    When I lived in the UK a 16 and above was plus size. That's a US 18.
    A US size 10 is a UK size 14.
    We would consider this to be rather large in England..

    I thought plus sizes in the UK were 18 and over, not a 14?
  • SuperScrabbleGirl
    SuperScrabbleGirl Posts: 310 Member
    A US size 10 is a UK size 14.
    We would consider this to be rather large in England..

    You would consider size 14 to be large? Could you make that generalisation a little more sweeping?

    Most high street places stock up to a UK 16-18, so I consider anything you have to go to a specialist shop or section for, a plus size.
  • Justkeepswimmin
    Justkeepswimmin Posts: 777 Member
    A US size 10 is a UK size 14.
    We would consider this to be rather large in England..

    I have known more than one person who is quite thin and wears a size 10.

    Exactly. My daugther is 5'9'' and a D cup and ..... she wears a size 11/13 (Junionrs) and the girl looks quite thin! She works out constnatly with the color guard (5-8 times a week for 2-4 hours each time!!) With all of the crazy growth hormones I have noticed (maybe its just US) our kids are significantly taller and wear larger clothes sizes AND shoe size (YES SHOE Sizes)

    No one in their right mind could consider her quite 'large'. She wears a skin tight uniform in public just fine.
  • basschick
    basschick Posts: 3,502 Member
    It's a thrift store, so consider the source and move on. Those 10s you saw might have even been put there by mistake by other shoppers or a careless employee. I shop at Goodwill all the time and see size 12s and 14s mixed in with the "small" sizes. I don't think anyone at Goodwill thinks a 14 is a "small."

    I think it's silly for anyone to get hung up on sizes anyway when they have been skewed so much (what used to be a 8 or 10 when I was in high school is now a 6), vary so widely from brand to brand, and everyone's body types are so different. I'm so small boned that I *was* actually 10-15 pounds overweight in a size 10 but I know people who wear a size 16 that look buff!
  • kendrafallon
    kendrafallon Posts: 1,030 Member
    Just to add to the debate about what is plus size or not:

    How much faith you put into the reporting is up to you, but I thought the article was relevant to this thread.
  • I just saw a commercial for (I think) Special K cereal...anyway a woman was trying on jeans in sizes...SASSY, SEXY, CONFIDENT, etc...
    I used to be a size 10, and I was too skinny for my body structure, in fact at a size 10, I was losing my hair and my gums were bleeding and my coloring was washed out. Everyone told me I needed to put ON a few pounds. I was killing myself to be in those size 10 jeans, and I would have freaked if someone said that is PLUS SIZE!!

    Recently I saw a pic of Kirstie Alley claiming to be a size 4...and I thought...Wow, she lost a ton of weight and looks great, but girlfriend ain't no size 4!!
    So we see these pictures in the media of "stars" claiming to be teenager sized when clearly they are not. Then we have the media telling us that a Plus Size model is 140 pounds (which I consider a very healthy weight)...NO WONDER OUR SELF ESTEEM IS IN THE DUMPS AND NO ONE KNOWS WHAT TRULY CONSTITUTES PLUS SIZE OR EVEN SLIGHTLY THICK VS OBESE!!!

    I cannot answer what size plus starts in, but I would think 16 or 18.

    I am sorry that this angered you, and I truly understand why, but don't let it keep you angry. Remember that everyone has a different body structure, and that is what is wonderful...just aim for the weight that is HEALTHY for YOU, and to Hell with whatever the media or anyone else thinks. It is my hope that one day we will be able to end the starvation and instead promote HEALTH. I applaud people in the media like Kate Winslet and Kim Kardashian who show off their curves and are considered sexy. Little fact...Marilyn Monroe and Jane Russell, who are still considered some of the most beautiful women EVER, were sizes 12 and 14!
  • Dragongrl
    Dragongrl Posts: 186 Member
    I shop at Torrid and their sizes start at 12. I don't know if you can consider 12 plus size but they sell it soooooo......
  • nixickle
    nixickle Posts: 229 Member
    A US size 10 is a UK size 14.
    We would consider this to be rather large in England..

    Gosh, I thought it was one size up not 2! I now want to order all of my clothes from USA! I'd drop 2 sizes over night! :happy:
  • lk227
    lk227 Posts: 28
    I know, I think it is stupid, too. However, that is the norm over here in Europe. Plus sizes start from size 8 (atleast in Germany and Sweden).
  • A US size 10 is a UK size 14.
    We would consider this to be rather large in England..

    Really.. I've been to England a few times and you all seem to have a fair amount of "rather large" pants wearers there then..

    To the OP, that is pretty strange as I've always seen size 10s in the "regular" size areas. At a healthy weight I'm a size 10 (I like my pants looser than most women). If I were about 10 pounds fitter I'd probably be able to be relatively comfy in a size 8 but could not go lower since I'm just not built twig-like. 8)
  • nixickle
    nixickle Posts: 229 Member
    BTW I think uk 14-16 is now considered average, so 18 is considered plus. I could be wrong. And now reading lots of other posts I am totally confused about US/UK conversions!! Although either way it definitley sounds as if US 10 should not be considered plus! I know I can be a dress size larger in some shops than others! I do wish ladies sizes were the same everywhere! (like men's) that would make it slightly easier!
  • Juleeroch
    Juleeroch Posts: 98 Member
    err pardon .... a size 14 in England is more or less average, anything above a 16 is considered a plus size and then only just.:grumble:
  • krissybug72
    krissybug72 Posts: 35 Member
    Okay, I have been many sizes. In college at 200 pounds I wouldn't go into a "plus size" store so I wore huge sweaters and black leggings. Needless to say, this made me look pregnant and much bigger than i actaully was... I am currently a size 8 and I am in the healthy BMI range. However, I still feel "fat" and want to lose another 15 lbs. It's ironic when I started my journey my 12's were tight and all I wanted was to be a size 8 again. Now I am size eight and I am not happy. I really think magazines and media do a number on women's pyche. At what size will I not think I am "fat". It doesn't help that I have an older sister who is a size 4 and I am constantly comparing myself to her. Some women are confident at any size and do not have to run from the pool for a towel or cover-up. I guess I am just not "wired" that way.