MorticiaLovesGomez Member


  • Yah, other than water and eating a tbs or two of salsa, i think you're pretty much spot on! But it's awesome for a splurge!!
  • Ya know..... this kinda makes sense.
  • Yep. Have to. It counts. Tonight though, it's not wine, it's a Molson Ice and maybe some vodka. :) It's Friday night, and that means me and my hubby get some down time finally and so I worked it into the calories.
  • Hey how much is the shrimp? I second this. Have to add..... I've found some interesting organic things there for a great deal that I don't find otherwise. The produce can sometimes be a tad cheaper than other places, so it's worth checking. I'm not big into buying the meat there, if only cuz I don't know what has been…
  • Really don't be worried bout the thyroid thing. Seems like every female in my female has dealt with it at one time or another. If they find something they'll help you balance it out. I do get the home work out thing. That's where I'm at right now, other than going to start walking too. Love the comment about the portions…
  • Throw together with raw shrimp, olive oil, diced garlic, a tiny bit of salt saute til shrimp is cooked. Add to cooked spaghetti squash or maybe some chick peas. Rice can work too, but not a huge fan of rice.
  • Hi Chris!! Good to meet you!!! What are you doing activity wise?
  • Oh ugh I hate katy perry. Don't know why cuz she's really not that bad, just something irks me. Lemonade mouth? ?? Hm. Pink is good. I should check that out. Solbury Hill...... okay, I admit off hand I know the name, but I can't think of the song. ooooh good one on Evanescance (sp) Adele. Wouldn't have thought of her at…
  • Add me!! Homeschooling mom of two, just turned 37, and would love to talk to other hs moms who are looking to make changes! :)
  • Yah this!!! That mid season ender was a bummer :( Can't wait til Feb!
  • Does McDonalds count? :) Okay for real....... I LOVE Mexican Fiesta on Ford Rd in Dearborn. Love, love, love. In fact, I'm trying to think of what would be a healthy meal for that place. After that...De Lucas has always been a favorite of mine. That's in Garden City on Inkster. They have fab greek salads. I usually order…
  • I reallllly like this website. I joined some months back and am back on after a hiatus. And one of the neat things I discovered about this site is that you can use the nutritional counter to track not just calories but where the calories are coming from. This is good for me because I hadn't realized that healthy eating…
  • :) It's hard, but it'll totally be worth it!!! I agree that the dark, cold here in our great state this time of year is a difficult thing. Some days I look outside and think "Blah I don't want to move." Figure like this: The Solstice is right around the corner and after that baby it's all uphill!!!
  • I think this is a great idea. It's a big reason why I'm <back> here. a great friend of mine who is a member here and has lost a significant amt of weight (well at least to me she has) has just never stopped trying to encourage me in her own way. She is never ever pushy about things. Subtle, stays positive about her own…
  • Redford, just outside of Detroit.
  • Here in Redford, we had a dusting of snow. Of course it was enough for my daughters to be super excited about and for me to groan. I still haven't gotten the snow off the windshield. Avoiding the outside for now.
  • Hey! I'm in Redford, just outside of Detroit! :) Feel free to add me :) :)
  • :/ That would be frustrating. Have you tried increasing the intensity of the work out? If that hasn't worked....... my first thought is get your thyroid checked. Sometimes, a lot of times I guess, people plateau for a while. Don't give up though!!!
  • First thought is to add a protein snack between breakfast and lunch. Maybe a tbs of peanut butter with a really great quality slice of bread. Thinking along the lines of flax seed or 9 grain. Maybe a glass of skim milk with a bit celery and pb. Idk, just something to keep your blood sugar levels stable til lunch. And lots…
  • (waving back)
  • Thank you for the welcomes and good lucks! Patience and bjbegley I sent requests. Thank you for putting yourselves out there for me :)