shaunl669 Member


  • Z, no there is not anyone else like you here ;) But I did just start lifting again, and hope to be going heavy once I can walk upright again!! Have a great day!! Shaun
  • I would love to connect with other MPFers, let me know what the details are on the ride. Weekday evenings work best for me. Shaun
  • Holy *kitten*!!!! WOW, WOW, WOW!!!!! You Sir, are an inspiration, awesome job. You must feel really great about yourself. Thanks for posting.
  • That great, you are really going for it! Keep up the good work.
  • WOW! Great work, I can really see your hard work is paying off.
  • Sandy, you have inspired me to give it a try, I will commit to at least 30 mins of Yoga on the next scheduled day and see what happens. I'll report back.
  • My scale is starting to move again, I've lost 42 lbs since august, then plateaued for a while. Now in week five I am getting stronger, more definition, I can do more plyo, and almost 2 pull ups. I did about 10 minutes of yoga this morning but decided to go to a Krav Maga workout instead (self defense training) I haven't…
  • W5D3, arms & back today, and I brought it!!! I have new drive and energy this week, it feels soooo good. I hope all of you are getting stronger too.
  • I was really off during the rest period, I did some different cardio workouts. I am glad to be into week 5 day 2. Lifting weights gives me a better goal. I cranked on the Plyo today. Best Plyo yet, but still not as good as Tony and the crew, maybe in a few more weeks?
    in Week 5 Comment by shaunl669 January 2012
  • I have been training Krav Maga for self defense for about two years now. I can only squeeze 2 days a week right now. I love it, it's an awesome workout, (I can burn 1000 cals in an hour easy) Sparring is intense, and I learn a lot every time I go. I hope to test for level 3 in March, Here is where I train.…
  • Plyo is tough, especially the Rock Star jumps!!
    in Week 3 Comment by shaunl669 January 2012
  • W3D2 Plyo today, it took some effort to get started yesterday, but I did it!! I am getting stronger already and that is a big motivator. I just have to make better food choices on these long weekends.( I will continue to press play! Shaun
    in Week 3 Comment by shaunl669 January 2012
  • w2d6, On my way to do legs/back, will try some ab ripper as well!!! have a great week end all. Kempo on Sat.!
    in Week 2 Comment by shaunl669 January 2012
  • W2D1 chest and back done! Plyometrics in the morning I can't wait lol! I did much better in the pushup dept. today, I even cranked out a few of the heart to hearts!
    in Week 2 Comment by shaunl669 January 2012
  • w1D3 arms/shoulders today. My tri's were still sore from Monday lol! Keep plugging away everyone.
    in Week 1 Comment by shaunl669 January 2012
  • I decided to cut back on the refined carbs, and push more protein. I would like to stay away from anything that comes pre-packaged as much as possible so that will force me to make better food choices.
  • Chest and back today, I could only do one pull up. What a bummer, i used a chair to do more but I look forward to the day when I can pull up my own body weight! Anyone else have tips on pull ups? Thanks, Shaun
    in Week 1 Comment by shaunl669 January 2012
  • Hi, my name is Shaun, i'm from Michigan. I started MFP in mid August and I am down 38 lbs. from a high of 253. My goal is to get to 190 but I'm not too concerned with the scale. I want to be as ripped as possible for a man of 47 years old. I am not doing the nutrition plan, but I am going to concentrate on eating less…
  • Excellent work! What a good way to start out the weekend!
  • A good interval workout is the Tabata, I downloaded a Tabata timer for my Iphone.
  • I love the pepperoni idea!
  • Well, you have taken a good first step by getting on here. Please read some of the very motivating success stories, they will inspire you. Many people here have similar backgrounds as yours and have changed their lives. Good luck, stay with it, be honest with yourself and your logging.
  • You guy's have had some good burn's also! I used to do a bit of trail running, but have caught the Adventure Race bug. My next step is a 12 hour race then I hope to be ready for a 24 hour in September 2012. There were some teams so fast it was amazing, I need to keep working at all the different skills needed, and lose my…
  • Iv'e been buying pre made patties, but I am going to try some of these recipes. Thanks.