

  • very cool!! :)
  • and yes... don't judge us on our football team! :P
  • Thanks for the input. I was considering maybe just resting or just going for a walk so as to not push it... We will see :)
  • Thanks :) I took some DayQuil about 15 minutes ago, so I'll let it kick in and then give it a go. It's a cold one in MInnesota here this morning, definitely will be bundling up!
  • You guys are doing awesome!! :) Monday: Nothing Tuesday: 3 mile run Wednesday: 1.75 mile walk Thursday: 2.25 mile run and 1.75 mile walk 8.5 miles so far this week... hopin to make it to my 15 mile goal :)
  • It does and I have the app so I'm not sure why I didn't use it this weekend! I had been "on the wagon" for almost two STRAIGHT months, so I feel like it was kind of my subconscious "rebelling" For the most part I have done ok this weekend, but eating like this regularly is what brought me here in the first place!
  • need this badly!!! i'm in!
  • YUM! I love avocado :) I should also note that the Taste of Home Granola To Go Bars are awesome :) I make a pan at the beginning of the week and have them ready for snack and breakfasts :) Just google it for the recipe :) They are so filling and the calorie count is awesome. I noticed today that I drank NO water but had 2…
  • Thanks for the honest feedback. I did get some baby carrots and sliced apples and so far today my eating has been great. I agree, the junk food is my weakness. My goal for being on here isnt' necessarily weight loss, but more or less management and exercise/fitness/health. I was at 134 pounds in the spring and currently am…
  • Thanks guys! I have lots of health magazines I haven't been able to read, so glad you guys reminded me I could do that instead of snack :) I also like the HALT and apple idea... :) I am going to have to keep both of those in mind... I'm sure my dog would love getting her evening walk again (along with her morning walk) so…
  • Thanks for all the words. Something that really struck me is that maybe I'm not eating the "right" calories throughout the day... I need to make sure I'm filling up on nutritional and healthy "fuel" items. Another thing I realized is that I didn't get a good workout in today. I took my puppy for her usual walk, but didn't…
  • Glad I'm not the only one :) I am only at about 1300 calories a day for my goals as I'm basically at my goal weight and have a small frame. I'll go back and look at my foods... I know yesterday wasn't the best fiber and protein day... but today should have been fairly decent. I usually try and focus on primarily protein…
  • I did it last year and LOVED IT! I got up to running about 5 miles at a stretch then totally fell off the wagon :( BOO! BUT I picked it back up and now I'm on W3D2 (just like someone else here that posted) I absolutely love it and I love it because it's helping my dog improve her endurance so I can take her on longer runs!…
  • Hey everyone- thanks again for all your support and kind words. You are all the best! I was able to get back on track today and do my morning run, an evening walk with the dog, and stay within my calories :) Even had some left over! :)
  • Thanks you guys! You are all so supportive and helpful. THANK YOU. It amazes me that there are people like you out there, who don't know me at all, and still care enough to post your words of encouragement. Tomorrow is a new day. I'm planning my food for the next couple days because I find that when I do that I really do a…
  • Crisis Averted...now that I have looked at all the yummy options!! :P DH and I grabbed breakfast at Caribou and decided to head home. We got about 3 hours to go and just want to get home. So away we go. Thanks all who replied!
  • Normally. I would but I did yesterday... I didn't log or count or worry about anything so I want to get bacvk on track as best I can tiday :). Thanks guys!
  • Ugh I hear ya! I did the same thing last night only mine included wine. My stomach was upset and I felt like I wanted to die. Blech! Here is to getting back on track! :)
  • Thanks all!! :) :)
  • holy crap you look good! :)
  • YUM! I'm totally stealin this for Sunday night dinner :) But I will add whole wheat egg noodles.
  • I have found that when I have an egg for breakfast I do SO MUCH better throughout the day. Have you ever seen Jessica Seinfeld's Bird Nest recipe? It's awesome and has an egg in it... keeps me full through breakfast, and tastes like hashbrowns!
  • WOW! Thank you guys! You are all truly amazing! I appreciate your support and words of encouragement- thanks for your explanation adross3 and winker. Those are helpful to me and things I will remember when struggling and adjusting. I have a Camelbak that really does help me drink a lot more water... typically I drink 2-3…
  • Interesting! I'll try that :) Thanks!
  • I've heard that - about varying the calories - so I'll try and remember that if I'm not spot on but within 50 - 100 cals either way I should be ok. I guess I'll have to monitor the scale and fit of my clothes.
  • Thanks all! I'll see if I can figure out how to go back in and adjust the drop rate. :) EDIT: I was able to check and it was still set on the "RECOMMENDED" 1 pound/week... so I changed it, and I'm now at 1350/day. Exercise calories eaten or not, my goal is to hit approximately 1350. And I agree, the 100 calorie packs are…
  • I think it is set to lose either .5 or 1 pound a week... I currently weigh about 125... I really want to tone up more than lose, but when I was at my sweet point about a year ago I weighed around 117/118
  • congrats on quitting- and best wishes with your journey :) i'm new too! looking forward to following your progress!
  • Thanks for the warm welcome - and congrats to everyone on working toward or accomplishing their goals... looking forward to doing this with you all! :)
  • I'm messaged ya! :)