Struggling to stick to 1200 calories

I am fairly new to this site, and if there is already a thread on this that I missed I apologize!

My current calorie goal is 1200 per day... problem is, it seems like no matter how careful I am, or how much I plan, I always end up going over by a couple hundred calories. It's frustrating and I understand why I have probably been struggling to drop these last 10 pounds, but there has got to be an easier way to stick to 1200 calories. I have a hard time with sweets (they are my weakness!) but since I've started being diligent about my logging I have really cut back to one or fewer treats a day. What is it that I'm missing?


  • veganbaum
    veganbaum Posts: 1,865 Member
    What is your weight loss per week set to? Seems like, from what I understand, with only 10 pounds to lose, and if your weight loss is set to .5 lbs/week, you should probably be netting more calories than 1200. And are you exercising? If so, eating at least 1/2 of those calories will up your cals as well.

    Added in about exercising, but seems some other posters beat me to it!
  • Jenscan
    Jenscan Posts: 694 Member
    What is your weight loss per week set to? Seems like with 10 pounds, and if your weight loss is set to .5 lbs/week, you should probably be netting more calories than 1200.

    This. If you have only 10 lbs to lose, set yourself to .5 lbs/week and make sure you're eating back your exercise calories. It's HARD to get your body to release that last little bit of weight.
  • sevencallmemom
    sevencallmemom Posts: 505 Member
    Why not get a bunch of 100 calorie snack packs and use those for your sweet cravings? If you stick to 1 the damage is minimized.
  • I think it is set to lose either .5 or 1 pound a week... I currently weigh about 125... I really want to tone up more than lose, but when I was at my sweet point about a year ago I weighed around 117/118
  • Amy_B
    Amy_B Posts: 2,317 Member
    If you eat back your exercise calories, which is hotly debated on here but something I do, you will get more than 1200 calories per day and still be able to lose weight. Also, like PP said, don't set your pounds lost goal too high.
  • Thanks all! I'll see if I can figure out how to go back in and adjust the drop rate. :)

    EDIT: I was able to check and it was still set on the "RECOMMENDED" 1 pound/week... so I changed it, and I'm now at 1350/day. Exercise calories eaten or not, my goal is to hit approximately 1350.

    And I agree, the 100 calorie packs are helpful to me, so I should get some at work and keep em there. I also use the Muscle Milk 100 calorie shakes once in awhile... they are amazing! The cake batter are delish!
  • Shelby814
    Shelby814 Posts: 273 Member
    I am also new here (2 weeks) & my calorie goal is 1270. I definitely have to watch portion sizes. I often chose chicken as my meat/protein. I try to add a lot of veggies to every meal; fresh, grilled or sauteed in PAM. I skip cheese on salads & sandwiches. My sweet treat is usually yogurt with fresh berries. I hope that helps.
  • Unless you're very small to big with, I don't know how anyone could eat 1200 calories a day and not be starving. I'm supposed to eat 1800 a day for my plan, and somedays I eat 1800 and I feel like I'm starving. But that could also be because I work out a lot. On those hungry days, I eat more, but always healthy stuff of course. :-)

    Someone told me that it's best to vary your calories. 1200 one day. 1600 the next day. 1200 the next day. 1500 the next day. Up and down. Up and down. Shocks your body, keeps you from plateauing.
  • ItsMeLori
    ItsMeLori Posts: 346
    If your eating healthy choices like veggies or fruit you should be ok. Also if you exercise you have more calories to eat.
  • I've heard that - about varying the calories - so I'll try and remember that if I'm not spot on but within 50 - 100 cals either way I should be ok. I guess I'll have to monitor the scale and fit of my clothes.
  • I have found that if I eat most of my fats, carbs, sugars, etc. in the earlier part of the day and stick to the 'cleaner' foods at night, that I am able to hit the 1200 mark (that's my daily goal as well). In the beginning, I was being careful early and saving my calories, but by switching it up you're also allowing your body to burn what you eat during the day.
    Good luck!!!!
  • andreahanlon
    andreahanlon Posts: 263 Member
    I used to consistently eat 1500 calories a day and didn't understand how I could possibly eat less because I was always hungry. For the past week though, I've been eating 1200 calories and it hasn't been too hard --- I think because I've been using Slimfast. I'm not normally a supporter of what I'd consider fad diet type products, but I've heard Slimfast has an appetite suppressant. hmmmm... don 't know if that's true or not, but I'll tell you it's been working for me to control my hunger so far! It also has higher amounts of protein. I think that helps.
  • I have found that if I eat most of my fats, carbs, sugars, etc. in the earlier part of the day and stick to the 'cleaner' foods at night, that I am able to hit the 1200 mark (that's my daily goal as well). In the beginning, I was being careful early and saving my calories, but by switching it up you're also allowing your body to burn what you eat during the day.
    Good luck!!!!

    Interesting! I'll try that :) Thanks!
  • The more you exercise the more calories you get!
  • fortysixpounds
    fortysixpounds Posts: 419 Member
    I just keep raisons in the press for those sugar cravings, handy cos don't have to make anything and good cos they don't turn after a day.
  • CapriceD
    CapriceD Posts: 23 Member
    When I lost a big chuck of weight (100 pounds) over a years time period, I ate 1400 calories one week and then 1600 the next. That way your body never felt like it was starving yourself.
  • Edithrenee
    Edithrenee Posts: 546 Member
    I used to consistently eat 1500 calories a day and didn't understand how I could possibly eat less because I was always hungry. For the past week though, I've been eating 1200 calories and it hasn't been too hard --- I think because I've been using Slimfast. I'm not normally a supporter of what I'd consider fad diet type products, but I've heard Slimfast has an appetite suppressant. hmmmm... don 't know if that's true or not, but I'll tell you it's been working for me to control my hunger so far! It also has higher amounts of protein. I think that helps.
    Me to, I have a shake for my breakfeast, and sometimes my lunch or i skip around and have it for a late dinner if I had alot to eat. It keeps me full and not to many calories. I depends on the day. I love it. I know alot of people dont like to hear it but it is good to control calorie protions.
  • adross3
    adross3 Posts: 606 Member
    I personally believe that you should never set a weight goal. It's psychologically damaging. Try a body image goal. what do you want to look like. Be reasonable. Watch your body change in 1 month cycles.

    You have a sweet tooth because your body is craving carbs. It is called homeostasis. Your body is always trying to maintain its functions. A good way to stop the craving is eat more green vegitables. Don't be afraid of making half of your plate green beans or broccoli. After a while your body will slow down on those sugar cravings and your energy level will grow.

    If your always hungry, it is because you are not supplying your body with the nutrients it needs. Phases of eating. Starvation mode, burning mode and storing mode.

    Starvation mode:

    If your food is digested then your body goes into starvation mode. If your body becomes lethargic during this time it will slowly shut you down to cannibalize itself and try to store what it has. "Homeostasis". The longer the time between eating, the stronger the homeostasis is.

    Burning mode:

    Your body burns what you put in it. It all breaks down into something called 32ATP, or "Glucose" and other acids and enzymes. Glucose is the brain and muscle energy source. Giving your body the right nutrients and micronutrients maintains your muscles and gives you an abundance of energy.

    Storing mode:

    Too much glucose, (food) and the pancreas gives you insulin and stores the excess food as fat storages. It doesn't matter what you eat its the amount of food/calories/glucose. that you put into your stomach. Eat more than your body burns, you get fat. Simple.

    Eating chemicals or poisons, (food additives) causes the body to store fat when it working too hard trying to maintaining homeostasis. It stores the poisons in fat so that it will get back to it when homeostasis has a chance too. An over indulgence in these types of poisons, makes homeostasis store fat/poison cells in your body. Certain minerals and vitamins will wash those out.
  • winkerbean
    winkerbean Posts: 39 Member
    I've been sticking to about 1200 calories a day, and it can be hard to get used to. When I first got started, and this will sound stupid so bear with me!, I would try to eat slow and feel when I was full. Prior to that I was a must-finish-everything-on-the-plate kind of person. That made a big difference. Exercising has also helped, because after walking/biking in 85 degree weather for 30 minutes to an hour the last thing I was to do for a while is eat food!

    What has helped me get past the "omg this is not enough food" stage was to drink waaaaay more water (was a bit of a diet coke junkie before) and to bring more salads into the mix. I usually do something carby in the morning with a bit of protein in the morning, a salad for lunch and then more protein/veggie/small bit of carb for dinner. I also try to avoid eating out, as that is a sure way to end up with more calories then you had intended. :)

    I'll also have a few peanuts/almonds during the day as snacks. For sweet tooth moments I've been turning to yogurt - yocrunch has a new 100 calorie option out and I found that those help with my need for the occasional bit of chocolate. Snacking is important and has helped me to keep from over eating during meals.
  • WOW! Thank you guys! You are all truly amazing! I appreciate your support and words of encouragement- thanks for your explanation adross3 and winker. Those are helpful to me and things I will remember when struggling and adjusting. I have a Camelbak that really does help me drink a lot more water... typically I drink 2-3 of them a day but I do like dt coke too!!

    Again you are really great supports here and I greatly appreciate it!