

  • I'm in the UK and it's rained all day long and we're in the middle of summer!! it sucks...... sunny days all the way for me ;-)
  • zumba fitness classes are brilliant, but alternatively zumba on the wii is also great fun for when you have 20 mins spare.
  • thanks everyone for your support.... my biggest problem now is not the cravings, but more the weight, i don't particularly want a cigarette but i certainly do not want to gain anymore weight!! i have had a mad moment where i have thought a cigarette would be better than putting anymore weight on, so far i've managed to…
  • I'm new too!! I'm going to add all the above, need as much support as poss so please add me!!
  • there was another post about zumba earlier tonight, someone said to go to www.zumbacalories.com - you can log your weight and it will tell you how many :-)
    in Zumba Comment by drolla August 2011
  • No idea! But had to reply as Zumba on the wii is so much fun and I've also been trying to find out how many calories it burns..
  • Hi Like you I gave up smoking 10 weeks ago, strawberries worked for me, I sat a whole punnet on my desk and whenever I had the urge to eat I would have one. another good idea is to drink a glass of water whenever you either feel you need to smoke or are hungry, if you still feel hungry after the water fruit and veg is your…
  • probably wise to have a check up with your gp, rule out thyroid problems perhaps....
  • Wow, you don't need to lose anymore you look great! Well done :-)
  • Hi, I joined today! I gave up smoking a couple of months ago and have put on 9lbs so far, this may not seem a lot but i'm finding it so difficult to shift - and stay off the ciggies!! it seems my metabolic rate has slowed to a snails pace and no matter how hard i exercise it just wont budge... hence joining this site, i'm…
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