there's gotta be some sort of fun exercise!

Hello MFP friends. I have been avoiding the gym lately just because my summer is winding down and with school starting up again i really want to use every second of vacation i have left to it's fullest (aka not going to the gym) anyone have any fun(ish) exercise ideas?



  • SlimSadieG
    SlimSadieG Posts: 323 Member

    Bike rides!

  • taso42_DELETED
    taso42_DELETED Posts: 3,394 Member
    Play frisbee with friends. Go running or cycling.
  • NyxDominique
    NyxDominique Posts: 271 Member
    Second, Zumba!! Sooo much fun!

    Swimming, and biking otherwise
  • 13hirteen
    13hirteen Posts: 94 Member
    Cycling is super-fun and keeps you outdoors.

    Serious weight-training, although it doesn't have the immediate calorie burn of cardio, is something I find really fun, and there's a tremendous sense of satisfaction when you lift more every session.

    Even standard gym-based cardio is fun with the right soundtrack. Find music you love, with a beat to drive you, stick it on your MP3 player and get on the machines.
  • 13hirteen
    13hirteen Posts: 94 Member
  • drolla
    drolla Posts: 12
    zumba fitness classes are brilliant, but alternatively zumba on the wii is also great fun for when you have 20 mins spare.
  • ursy87
    ursy87 Posts: 287
    Another vote for Zumba here - I laugh through lots of it. Also any kind of dancing classes, line dancing, tap, whatever. I just love anything with music:bigsmile:
  • Lyadeia
    Lyadeia Posts: 4,603 Member
    Play a sport that you enjoy...go dancing with some friends...walk/run a dog through the park...backpacking and hiking are fun...

    Exercise doesn't have to be a set workout on a DVD or in a gym class. Just anything that gets you moving and elevates the heart rate for a few minutes.
  • JoelleMonique
    Go dancing the night away, no booze allowed just drink lots of water.
  • dckim
    dckim Posts: 311 Member
    I love my Cardio Kickbox class at LA Fitness. I try different instructors for variety. Music is pumping and it's a total endorphin high!

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  • trud72
    trud72 Posts: 1,912 Member
    i hated it also when i started but made a effort now i love ALL exersice!! i dont gym i do mine at home but do have a wide range of stuff my least fav tho is (sorry people) zumba(on the wii) i do try to avoid that if i can
    good luck on finding it...or like me maybe if you just do it, it will creep up on you!
  • HappyLuna
    HappyLuna Posts: 112
    Sex? :wink: its good exercise and fun!

    I hear a lot about Zumba so will be trying to myself soo. I find the gym boring and rarely go. Only once a week and maybe for a yoga class. I like exercising outdoors, so running and biking. I feel restricted at the gym, and being round others makes me feel a little insecure. Weird, I know but I love the freedom of being outside.
  • jennypatch9
    jennypatch9 Posts: 6 Member
    I love going on a run or walk with my husband. If you have anybody who you love spending time with, have them join you! also hiking is so relaxing. Anything with a buddy makes the time go by fast and doesnt feel like exercise.
  • vampiresrme
    vampiresrme Posts: 3 Member
    i LOVE to belly dance its a great fun workout for your abs. i love yoga. and the wii fit is great because its fun.
  • murphymae2
    murphymae2 Posts: 16 Member
    Leslie Sansone Walk Video's for doing at home, I love it, do the 2 mile alot, Makes me feel Great!
  • Dragongrl
    Dragongrl Posts: 186 Member
    I've tryed doing Zumba On-Demand. It was actually really fun. I'm considering buying the DVD's or going to a local class.

    Learning martial arts is fun! It's also a big self-esteem booster, too!
  • lilyinlove
    lilyinlove Posts: 441 Member
    I love my rebounder... Or jumping on the trampoline with the kids
  • dumb_blondes_rock
    dumb_blondes_rock Posts: 1,568 Member
    get in your pannies and t shirt, play your fav songs and dance around the house like a 13 yr old.....not only are you burning calories, but it makes you feel vigorated and youthful at the sme time
  • maemiller
    maemiller Posts: 439 Member
    any type of group fitness class! Love the Les Mills classes (body pump, body attack, body combat)

    i also like doing my own circuits, i like seeing how much i can push myself
  • ShaeDetermined
    ShaeDetermined Posts: 1,525 Member
    Beach volleyball
    Jogging on the beach
    Jet skiing
    Bootcamp or pilates at the park or beach
    Even hit the playground

    There's so much fun to be had outdoors, no need to confine yourself to the gym.
    I start school Sept 6, I know exactly what you're talking about!!!