

  • Chalene Johnson explained the plateau best...when you start eating less calories, and exercise on top of that, your body burns the stored fat. As that starts to deplete, your body doesn't know what to do because there isn't anything to pull from, so you plateau. You actually have to increase your calories to replenish that…
  • I used to get up at 4am to work out...I have to be to work at 6am. This was the best time that worked for me. People would tell me all the time that I was crazy and it just wasn't worth it. I found that people are either jealous of the fact that you can be so motivated or they just plain feel guilty that they aren't taking…
  • I hear ya...i gained 2 pounds and I eat about 1000 cals a day, plus I work out 6 days a week. My problem is the mirena IUD that I have. It makes me maintain weight. Are you on any type of birth control or meds that might make you retain and/or gain? If nothing else, go to the dr and have your thyroid checked and check for…
  • My hubby does a P90x/Insanity Hybrid and he loves it! I can see amazing results on him. He said it makes the cardio easier in Insanity, and from what I see he has a lot more endurance for the strength training in P90
  • congrats not only on the weight loss, but in being pro-active and not giving up!!! You are doing great!!!
  • Don't forget to chew spearmint gum while running in the cold
  • I totally agree with you!!! One more reason I keep my diary private! I don't want to hear from all the self proclaimed "experts"
  • AMEN!!!! Thank you for posting that!!!
  • Ugghh...I'm so sick of everyone worrying about sodium and processed foods, etc etc...unless you have your own garden, your own cow, your own chickens, etc, you have to worry about sodium and processing...life is way too short for all that! Watch your calories!!! A calorie is a calorie is a calorie...period! Yes there are…
  • that is amazing!!! we are very familiar with A1C's...my son is type 1 diabetic, so unfortunately there is no cure for him.... be grateful for your accomplishment!!! give yourself a big hug and keep up the great work!!!!
  • He has it in season 1 too, maybe it's an Australian thing??? He is hot though, he can get away with just about anything.... :love:
  • You are 21 and have 8 pounds to lose...you are a beautiful young lady with what sounds like a loving young man in your life. You still have your whole life ahead of you! You are in some years that are still confusing but they are almost over. Life is way too short to be this depressed! Get out there and live!!!! Trust me,…
  • I totally agree! The willpower to eat right is so hard, and until a person has the strength to actually do it, they want everyone to eat as bad as they do. It's a pride thing. My office is the same way. They think that because I workout 6 days a week that I can eat whatever I want...don't I wish!!!! And so many people…
  • You look fantastic!!! Great job! The dress is very cute on the "new you"!!!
  • Best Thread ever!!!!!!!!!!! :love:
    in LADIES!! Comment by tbudge October 2011
  • I am on the final week of Insanity, and I highly recommend it. I am starting Turbo Fire next week, I haven't done it yet, but I have watched a few of the dvd's and I am very excited to try it!!!
  • Lady Gaga Madonna (confessions on a dance floor is a great cd) P!nk!!!! (huge fan!!!) Ke$ha (only a couple, then her voice gets irritating, haha) The Killers Eminem
  • Hello fellow Utahn!!! Don't beat yourself up, time doesn't stop, it will pass by anyways, so might as well make the best of it from here on out, right?! Not sure what work out DVD's you have, but I recommend the beachbody ones...Insanity, Turbo Fire, etc. As for the shin splints, a fitness guru once told me to get some…
  • I would highly recommend getting a HRM, every body is different, that will give you the most accurate amount. They have a fairly inexpensive one at Walmart.
  • I was going to say this same thing...Turbo Fire!!! She has some great HIITs....with different levels and everything! Anyone can do them!!!
  • You have inspired me!! I'm on my last week of Insanity, and I'm starting Turbo Fire next week!!! Now I'm even more excited for this program!!!
  • I did the same thing, I agree with you, I hate cabbage!!! this soup did nothing but make me barf!!!
  • best thread I've read all week!!! thank you...all of you!!!! (I think I just got my ab work out for the day!!! ) :laugh:
  • I still drink on the weekends. I just calculate my calories in. If you drink beer, I would suggest the Select 55, just 55 calories! I'm a vodka drinker myself, I like the Cherry UV, and I know that 1.5 oz is 90 cals, so I mix that with Diet Coke... I did find a 0 calorie margarita mix also, so a shot of tequila is 100…
  • but all the pics on the box says it will get you ripped in 90 days....or something along those lines....I agree, it's hilarious! I love the spoof that South Park did on that...bad, but funny!
  • I agree with this. Now you need to be careful because it will speed it up, but that doesn't last. If you continue, it will slow down and then you will put weight back on. I agree with the other gal that responded, if you feel bad about it, stop doing it. Whatever the scale says, it doesn't compare to how you feel. Start…
  • I'm on my last week of Insanity after tomorrow! It's a great workout! So far I'm down 12 pounds and 3 inches off my waist. My pants are finally getting too big, I don't have the "muffin top" and I feel so much better!! You will love Insanity! Lots of luck, I want to hear your progress as you go! "I'm not trying to hurt…
  • Good luck, I don't do P90x, but my husband and son do. I am almost done with Insanity, and will start Turbo Fire after that. Feel free to add me if you like. :smile:
  • Wow, that is quite a story. First of all, I hope your hubby is doing well, and I wish him a full recovery! I would think this is 2 things. Now, I'm not an expert, it's just my opinion. I think a big part of it is stress! How can it not be??? There is nothing worse than seeing your loved one suffer and there is absolutely…
  • I would have to say water too, you shocked your body a bit, and it held onto some water...it will be gone by tomorrow