Don't get this!



  • fuzzybear123
    fuzzybear123 Posts: 32 Member
    I was depressed first couple of weeks with no movement and then things started to change and I am feeling great and losing weight.. Hang in there!
  • tbskipp
    tbskipp Posts: 180 Member
    HI.. I am new to this also. Only about 2 weeks into it. All of your suggestions are so helpful. I do need to measure though.
    I hope by week 4 i will start seeing some major progress. I love the Mobile App on my IPhone. SO very helpful!!
  • tbudge
    tbudge Posts: 114
    Chalene Johnson explained the plateau best...when you start eating less calories, and exercise on top of that, your body burns the stored fat. As that starts to deplete, your body doesn't know what to do because there isn't anything to pull from, so you plateau. You actually have to increase your calories to replenish that "stored fat" and the body will start burning again.
  • DiannaMoorer
    DiannaMoorer Posts: 783 Member
    MEASURE!!!! I do it every week and it really keeps me going. Last week I lost 1 lb, the week before I gained 1. But I've dropped 4 " off my waist, 3 off my hips, and 1 inch off my neck. Also I gained 1/2 on my biceps. So measure for sure. Muscle weighs more then fat. I know I'd be ready to quit if I hadn't measured, but since I have I know it's going the right way, and as you build more muscle your body burns more calories, so you have to give it time.

    remember "It takes 4 weeks for you to notice your body changing,
    8 weeks for your friends to notice,
    and 12 weeks for the rest of the world to notice.
    Give it 12 weeks. Don't quit!!!!


    Ha,ha. And how long does it take for a husband to notice???? Mine hasn't said ANYTHING::sad:
  • DiannaMoorer
    DiannaMoorer Posts: 783 Member
    But yes, you must measure. Other wise you will get very frustrated.
  • Sophie983
    Sophie983 Posts: 119 Member
    If my exercise drops my calorie intake under my daily target (1400 cal) am I going into starvation mode? .

    No. Especially not after 2 weeks!
    I agree that you should eat your calories back and measure yourself! Do that and be patient for a few weeks.

    It would be nice to see your food diary.
  • Try doing your BMR that will tell you how many calories your body would use if you did nothing.

    You should not go below this number. You also need to eat back your exercise calories otherwise your body will store the food you have eaten as fat as it thinks you are starving.

    I have made this mistake myself. I am exercising four times a week at the gym and I walk between 3 and 5 miles mon - sat and I was trying to survive on 1,200 cals = Fail

    I am hoping upping my intake with healthy foods will help.
  • ALH1981
    ALH1981 Posts: 538 Member
    story of my life... the interesting thing is the excerisise DAILY - strength and cardio. If i stop exercising (eating the same) I actually lose weight - if i stop for a week its s significant amount of weight - up to 4 pounds!!!!

    I have a small frame so i lose and gain muscle easily but it doesn't give me much incentive to bother i must say!!!
  • [/quote]
    Then try following MFP's guideline and eat all of your calories. If you have trouble eating that much here are a few tips:
    Eat nuts, seeds and dehydrated fruit as snacks
    Avoid diet and lite foods and eat the full fat, sugar (if not diabetic), calorie version
    add olive oil to soups, sauces, and salads
    Add avocado to sandwiches and salads
    eat higher % Milk fat products, drink 2% milk instead of skim, and eat full fat cheeses & yogurts
    pair fruit with cheese or nut butters

    Love the advice! I have a hard time eating my calories during the week and usually don't eat half of my exercise calories. Thanks for the reminder. :)
  • In my previous post I was commenting/quoting someone else's just didn't work out that way.
  • knielsen85
    knielsen85 Posts: 4 Member
    Keep at it ! Your doing great ! Remember muscle weighs more than fat! And it's the way you feel and your clothes look, not what the scale says.. And some times th best thing to do is increase your calories a couple of day ( not with junk food). To reboot your metabolism !!
  • knielsen85
    knielsen85 Posts: 4 Member
    Keep at it ! Your doing great ! Remember muscle weighs more than fat! And it's the way you feel and your clothes look, not what the scale says.. And some times th best thing to do is increase your calories a couple of day ( not with junk food). To reboot your metabolism !!
  • Ahluvly
    Ahluvly Posts: 389 Member
    I'm in the same boat... My calorie goal is 1200 per day and often I dont quite reach that (before exercise). AND I dont eat back my exercise calories.... I'm also feeling very frustrated. After 23 days I font feel like I am going anywhere. I did loose some weight in my first week (water weight) but now NOTHING! So frustrated!!!

    Hi there, you must eat back your exercise calories if you're daily calories are already set to include a deficit!!!
  • BPayton27
    BPayton27 Posts: 626 Member
    It is so hard to not get discourage by the damn scale. I am on a 2 week long plateau and if I don't start picking up on the losing soon I may have a mini melt down. It is very discouraging to be working your butt off every day, eating responsibly, and drinking like you should to see no loss (or, worse yet, a gain). I don't really have advice for you other than to say I understand your frustration and to hang in there. It will happen in due time. I've started measuring myself.

    I have 23 lbs to go until my 1st goal and I am not moving. O.o
  • Ahluvly
    Ahluvly Posts: 389 Member
    TWO WEEKS! JUST Under my calorie target every day or a few times BARELY over--Drinking tons of water---Exercising every day---Burning calories to lower my calorie intake even more, not fun----NO WEIGHT LOSS. In fact, I've GAINED a little--almost 2 POUNDS! What a JOKE!!! I'd do just as well if not bettter if I did nothing. I don't mind WORKING for something, but working with worse results is stupid. How long will this "plateau" last!!!!!!!!!!! I don't want to hear about plateaus anymore---something isn't working. I even bought a new scale---that wasn't it.Embarrassing! Hint- very frustrated.

    If my exercise drops my calorie intake under my daily target (1400 cal) am I going into starvation mode? OR is this a period when fat is being slowly replaced by heavier muscle? I wonder how long this will take before I actually lose weight again.

    Hi there, my advice to you is to take a step back and take a deep breath, Right, you need to be netting 1400 cals regardless of whether you do exercise or not. The type of foods you eat, and the type of exercise you do will affect your body - so say you've been eating a lot of simple carbs, junk's going to affect you. The same applies to if you're doing weight training - your body will retain water to repair your muscles, as it holds it for a day or two.

    Go back to basics and look at your diet and ask yourself whether you really could improve there. Make sure you're getting in at least 8 glasses of water, an addition one per 15mins of exercise to help keep you hydrated back those exercise cals!

    I hope that helps!
  • BPayton27
    BPayton27 Posts: 626 Member
    I'm in the same boat... My calorie goal is 1200 per day and often I dont quite reach that (before exercise). AND I dont eat back my exercise calories.... I'm also feeling very frustrated. After 23 days I font feel like I am going anywhere. I did loose some weight in my first week (water weight) but now NOTHING! So frustrated!!!

    Please excuse my ignorance, and I do apologize for hijacking this thread. I am confused on this theory and need some clarification.

    Say my cal limit is 1200. I net 1100 before exercise. I exercise for 90 minutes and burn 900 calories, thus lowering my net to 200 cals. I need to eat my NET back, correct, thus actually eating around 2k cals for the day....? Am I following? I am also stuck and sick of it. When I started weight melted off and it was so much easier. Nothing worth doing is ever easy for long, though.
  • spiralated
    spiralated Posts: 150 Member
    I'm in the same boat... My calorie goal is 1200 per day and often I dont quite reach that (before exercise). AND I dont eat back my exercise calories.... I'm also feeling very frustrated. After 23 days I font feel like I am going anywhere. I did loose some weight in my first week (water weight) but now NOTHING! So frustrated!!!

    Then try following MFP's guideline and eat all of your calories. If you have trouble eating that much here are a few tips:
    Eat nuts, seeds and dehydrated fruit as snacks
    Avoid diet and lite foods and eat the full fat, sugar (if not diabetic), calorie version
    add olive oil to soups, sauces, and salads
    Add avocado to sandwiches and salads
    eat higher % Milk fat products, drink 2% milk instead of skim, and eat full fat cheeses & yogurts
    pair fruit with cheese or nut butters

    These are awesome tips. When I'm falling a little under I add a dash of cheese or avocado and it super tasty !
  • mrshoffy1
    mrshoffy1 Posts: 7 Member
    I don't know if this will help anyone but....I have found that I make a goal out of exercise and eating all my calories. Again like said before it took along time to gain it, we can't expect to lose it overnight. Just got to pick your battles so to speak.
  • ironanimal
    ironanimal Posts: 5,922 Member
    I'm in the same boat... My calorie goal is 1200 per day and often I dont quite reach that (before exercise). AND I dont eat back my exercise calories.... I'm also feeling very frustrated. After 23 days I font feel like I am going anywhere. I did loose some weight in my first week (water weight) but now NOTHING! So frustrated!!!

    You are not eating enought!!!!!

    One day, people will listen.
  • ironanimal
    ironanimal Posts: 5,922 Member
    I'm in the same boat... My calorie goal is 1200 per day and often I dont quite reach that (before exercise). AND I dont eat back my exercise calories.... I'm also feeling very frustrated. After 23 days I font feel like I am going anywhere. I did loose some weight in my first week (water weight) but now NOTHING! So frustrated!!!

    Please excuse my ignorance, and I do apologize for hijacking this thread. I am confused on this theory and need some clarification.

    Say my cal limit is 1200. I net 1100 before exercise. I exercise for 90 minutes and burn 900 calories, thus lowering my net to 200 cals. I need to eat my NET back, correct, thus actually eating around 2k cals for the day....? Am I following? I am also stuck and sick of it. When I started weight melted off and it was so much easier. Nothing worth doing is ever easy for long, though.

    Yup, you need to keep your Net intake up AFTER exercise as well. 200 left over in a day isn't enough for your body to actually metabolise the fat and water you want rid of.