fisher110 Member


  • Does anyone have a recipe for a whipped topping that can be used with South Beach diet (phases 1 or 2)? I have been using a "light" topping and notice it has high fructose corn syrup and sugar in it! No wonder my weight loss has stopped!
  • On second week of Phase 1. I've lost almost 5 pounds (4.5). I got really hungry for something other than what you were allowed last night, but I made it through. (Just ate extra lettuce and laughing cow cheese!) Anyway, I do feel better too. Not so sluggish in the evening. Looking forward to Phase 2 on Saturday!:drinker:
  • I just bought the South Beach Diet book and decided to give it a try. I know that carbs are my problem. Leaving to go to grocery to buy food for Phase I. I am really hoping this gives me a good base to start actively losing some weight!:drinker: Good luck to you!
  • :drinker: I am also 5'2" (have been since I was 13!). The best thing about being short is that when you lose 5 pounds, it is really noticeable! (That's also the bad thing -- when you gain five pounds, its really noticeable!). I have 10 pounds that I just really need to drop. Even if that doesn't sound like much, it sure…
  • Count me in as one of the 50+ ladies! I love the comradorie and the support! Although my goals are not enormous, I still just can't get there. I am one of those people who let my long term goals get messed up because of short term pleasures. (A cookie here, a drink there, etc.) This board may be just what I need for…
  • Just made the best soup - Butternut Squash! Use a really sharp knife and cut the squash into fourths. (I use 3 squash to make a large pot.) Clean out seeds and bake until soft. While baking, sautee a whole garlic (about 10 sections) and a medium sized onion in low fat butter (about two or three tablespoons). Add 1/2 cup…
  • Hang in there! Winter just seems to be the time when we all have many of those bad "I want to eat" days. I have been trying really hard this week to get back into the swing of watching what I eat. It always takes me a good three days to get back into a good eating pattern. Maybe with Spring right around the corner…
  • Sometimes I get in that "binge" eating mood too when I am bored in the evening. What I do is one of two things: (1) Get a diet Coke Zero and start digging into a big project like putting a photo album together or repainting a bathroom; or (2) I buy a bundle of celery and clean it real well and then cut it into 3 inch…
  • I agree with SON JAVON!!! I eat at 9:00, 12:00, 3:00, 6:00, 9:00 - every three hours! For the afternoon munchies, it's good to get something like some almonds or nuts in you. They fill you up better than celery or an apple. (Although you have to watch it so you don't eat too many of them!) Add a cup of hot green tea (I get…
  • I have a jar that is marked "March 31, 2010". (Since I have about 8-10 pounds to go, I thought that was a good date.) Anyway, everyday I put something in the jar -- it might be a dollar, a gift card I got for Christmas, a new tube of lipstick, etc. I cannot use anything in the jar until March 31, 2010 or on the date I have…
  • This may sound boring, but those small bags of baby carrots make a great healthy and crunchy snack. I use to always pig out when we were driving on trips. Since I started on my weight loss program, I make sure I only take things that I can eat without regret. Unsalted roasted almonds are another good snack. Also, I have…
  • If you like V-8 juice, you can mix a small can of V-8 with some white vinegar and them add some chopped up spices. (I like to use chopped up basil, garlic, oregano). Some groceries sell "Italian seasoning" which you can use to mix with it. This dressing is a nice change!
  • :flowerforyou: I like to use Stevia, which is derived from a plant. You can buy it in the health food section of most grocery stores. It is very sweet and in a powder form. My sister and I actually bought the plant Stevia this year to see if we could grow it on our own. I just harvested some of the leaves and am drying…
  • Veggie burgers -- there are all different types (grilled, mushroom, black bean, etc.) I noticed they run around 110 - 130 calories per pattie. If you compare it to a beef burger pattie, it is at least 1/2 the calories. :drinker:
  • :drinker: Slim-fast has two low-carb, high protein shakes: cream vanilla and chocolate. When I get home from work at 5:00, I drink one to get me through until dinner is ready (about 6:30). They are delicious and filled with vitamins, too. The calorie count is 180 for the vanilla and 190 for the chocolate. They are a little…
  • :flowerforyou: Maybe you could add some roasted almonds to your cereal (if you eat cereal) or an extra piece of chicken to your dinner. It doesn't take too much to meet the protect allowance. Just keep adjusting and calculating and you can meet the protein goal. Good luck, LaLuz!
    in Protein Comment by fisher110 April 2009
  • :drinker: I go over on proteins too, but I think the added protein keeps me full longer. As long as you feel healthy and stay within your calorie range, it shouldn't hurt too much going over on proteins as long as everything else is balanced. I have lost 20 pounds in three months and feel great! It has taken me a long time…
    in Protein Comment by fisher110 April 2009
  • :drinker: Deb -- I have it too and LOVE it! It is fun and gives you enough of a workout that it is effective. Especially, if it is one of those old rainy days, just pull out the "Sweatin' to the Oldies" and dance and smile! What a great way to use up a few calories!
  • :drinker: You are awesome! Good for you for getting so far! Hope we can all stick to the program and be able to post "GGGOOOOAAAAALLLLLL" on the message board!
  • :drinker: I go over my protein all the time. The extra protein seems to keep me full longer, I so think it is good to keep a little extra protein in each meal.
    in Protein Comment by fisher110 April 2009
  • :flowerforyou: I'm in Kentucky, near Cincinnati, Ohio. Thanks for posting this "Where in the world are you?" So great that people are using this all over! Keep up the good work everyone!
  • :flowerforyou: You can do that from time to time -- it's okay! I wanted a cupcake one day, so I sort of planned it out. I omitted my slice of bread at lunchtime, cut my serving of rice in half that I was having for dinner and went ahead and had the cupcake! I still came out with the correct amount for my daily calories.…
  • :flowerforyou: I've been trying to get mine to work also. I am hoping that it works this time!
  • :flowerforyou: I LOVE your Motivation! Thanks for sharing it with us! (Started 2/4/09 at weight 152; dropped 12 pounds 3/17/09; 15 to go by 6/1/09)