South Beach Diet

I am a few days away from finishing phase 1 of South Beach and I have gone from 168 lbs to 155 lbs.... I am super excited about the results. I think I am the most excited that I am so close to the 140's than anything (I haven't weighed less than 155 for 6 years!) Any body else on here do South Beach? If so do you have any recipes or interesting tips for me? I pretty much eat boiled eggs, spinach, green beans, turkey and chicken right now. I'm trying to mix it up (i.e. mushroom omelets, etc). Any ideas are helpful! Thanks!


  • quietHiker
    quietHiker Posts: 1,442 Member

    That's great that you're nearing the 140s :) I know you can do it!
  • SlenderSuze
    SlenderSuze Posts: 41 Member
    Check out the South Beach cookbooks.
  • MyrianeO
    MyrianeO Posts: 92 Member
    I did South Beach a few years back and dropped around 95lbs in a year. It's great for teaching you how to eat and seeing how some foods will make you gain more weight than others. I just feel the need to warn you though, you absolutely need to maintain phase 2 for the longest time possible.. I found that once I hit phase 3 (after reaching my goal weight of 145lbs), I fell off the wagon and gained another 55lbs. Now I'm back on track, not doing the South Beach thing but using a lot of the tips and recipes, and counting my calories on MFP.

    Keep on pushing and try not to fall of the wagon.. If you do, at least keep counting your calories :)
    Another good tool for recipes is Clean Eating magazine.. love those recipes :)
  • rebeccask
    rebeccask Posts: 140 Member
    I did South Beach a few years back and dropped around 95lbs in a year. It's great for teaching you how to eat and seeing how some foods will make you gain more weight than others. I just feel the need to warn you though, you absolutely need to maintain phase 2 for the longest time possible.. I found that once I hit phase 3 (after reaching my goal weight of 145lbs), I fell off the wagon and gained another 55lbs. Now I'm back on track, not doing the South Beach thing but using a lot of the tips and recipes, and counting my calories on MFP.

    Keep on pushing and try not to fall of the wagon.. If you do, at least keep counting your calories :)
    Another good tool for recipes is Clean Eating magazine.. love those recipes :)

    This happened to me too. I went from 188-144 in a few months my freshman year of college.

    Here's a link directly to phase 1 recipes, but her blog has all phases on it:

    Also, I came across this cauliflower crust pizza recipe from someone on mfp. I tried it out and it was delicious.
  • fisher110
    fisher110 Posts: 29 Member
    I just bought the South Beach Diet book and decided to give it a try. I know that carbs are my problem. Leaving to go to grocery to buy food for Phase I. I am really hoping this gives me a good base to start actively losing some weight!:drinker: Good luck to you!
  • missmelissavpk
    missmelissavpk Posts: 22 Member
    thanks for all the advice, you all are super helpful. I am almost scared to enter phase 2 for the simple fact that phase 1 has been successful. i feel like im developing a phobia of carbs and sugar now that i see how quickly my weight plummeted without it : /
    I am determined to no longer ever ever EVER go back to sugar in my coffee or sugary drinks. I will do my absolute best not to fall off the "wagon" in phase 3. I keep telling myself the time has come to eat like a grown-up, not a teenager.... so hopefully I will be successful when I hit phase 3 : )
  • determinedhealthy
    determinedhealthy Posts: 199 Member
    I know what you mean about developing a phobea of carbs and sugar. I too did the South Beach diet a while ago, but just like others have posted once I hit phase 3 I fell off the wagon and gained it back. I never loose track of the fact that I did the SB diet b/c it taught me so much about what is healthy fats, bad carbs and in general what to eat and not eat. Since I start MFP I just count
    calories and feel like doing it this way is more of a long term life style change rather than something call a "diet". Keep up the good work and check out these sites for meal ideas: (I personally practically live off the turkey bean chili at only 200 calories a cup) Best to you!
  • I'm on Day 6 of Phase 1 and so far so good. I am finding it challenging, those carb cravings are brutal, but not as bad as quitting smoking, and if I did that, I can do this too. I haven't weighed myself yet, am leaving that until the end of Phase 1, but I have lost weight judging by how my pants fit :smile: I started keeping track on MFP today after a month away, and I'm well below most of my daily goals, with the exception of the sodium...sigh. I did consult with my doctor before going on this diet, and she was really pleased, said it was the perfect eating plan for me, though she did caution me not to fall back into old bad habits once I reach Phase 3. Thankfully, my husband is doing this with me, and the support we give each other definitely helps! If anyone wants to add me and check out what I eat, please do.
  • EmmieSu
    EmmieSu Posts: 136
    I have to admit, I have never done SBD...But I just wanted to say. It's nice to see someone post about a diet they are doing, and no one attacked you. You know the ones:) Good luck in your journey!!
  • LivyB14
    LivyB14 Posts: 23 Member
    I too am working the SBD. I started in October, lost 20lbs by Christmas (made it through the holidays with a loss of 8lbs), however...I started phase 2 VERY slowly and when I was in it full-swing, things went bad :( I know what I did wrong and am now back at square one, but I'm OK with it. Carbs have always been difficult for me and sugar is just a vice for me.

    Good luck to you! We're all routing for each other arpund here, no judging...unless you're starving yourself ;)
  • I'm not on the official diet, but I love the South Beach meal bars. They don't taste chalky like most protein bars and plus I get my chocolate fix without feeling guilty. :)
  • missmelissavpk
    missmelissavpk Posts: 22 Member
    I am in phase 2 now and still loving this diet : ) thanks for all the help guys, i am learning how versatile veggies can really be! and the cauliflower pizza i am trying TONITE!
  • missmelissavpk
    missmelissavpk Posts: 22 Member
    oh and 4 more lbs have dropped since i began phase 2 ; )
  • fisher110
    fisher110 Posts: 29 Member
    On second week of Phase 1. I've lost almost 5 pounds (4.5). I got really hungry for something other than what you were allowed last night, but I made it through. (Just ate extra lettuce and laughing cow cheese!) Anyway, I do feel better too. Not so sluggish in the evening. Looking forward to Phase 2 on Saturday!:drinker:
  • Doomfrog
    Doomfrog Posts: 79
    Here's a link directly to phase 1 recipes, but her blog has all phases on it:

    Also, I came across this cauliflower crust pizza recipe from someone on mfp. I tried it out and it was delicious.

    Amen on Kaylyns Kitchen! I don't do South Beach religiously but I do try to "watch" carbs. I frequent her page when I get in a rut. Search for stuffed mushrooms on her page. She has a ton of different varieties.
  • KaseyGirl00
    KaseyGirl00 Posts: 2 Member
    I am on day one of Phase 1. I also just bought the South Beach Diet: Supercharged for my kindle. I did the interval walking about an hour ago. It was nice an easy to start with. Luckily the weather was nice enough to get out of the house for a walk! I am also doing different exercise routines I have found on pinterest. I have found an awesome extreem kickboxing video on youtube. It's a tough one and I can only do 1 round (20 mins) but it's sooooo fun! =)

    I am wanting to lose 70lbs so here I go. I'm so tired, physically and mentally of being fat.

    Good luck to everyone and I hope this group keeps up. =) Gotta go make some black bean chili for dinner now. Yumm
  • missmelissavpk
    missmelissavpk Posts: 22 Member
    that is awesome! stay strong with it... I really believe this diet has helped me develop a better way of eating! I'm up to 19 lbs total since I went on South Beach! I will be on phase 2 for about another 11 lbs : ) and I get better at it every day!
  • fisher110
    fisher110 Posts: 29 Member
    Does anyone have a recipe for a whipped topping that can be used with South Beach diet (phases 1 or 2)? I have been using a "light" topping and notice it has high fructose corn syrup and sugar in it! No wonder my weight loss has stopped!
  • Wow, congrats!!! This is so encouraging. I started phase 1 yesterday but didn't do it perfectly (had some dark chocolate and some sugar free frozen yogurt). I'd reeeeeaaally like to be down 10 pounds by my birthday on April 13th, and reading your story gives me hope!
  • missmelissavpk
    missmelissavpk Posts: 22 Member
    absolutely banish sugar in phase 1 &2 the best you can. if it has more than 1g of sugar in it during phase 1, chuck it. In phase 2 stick to all natural sugars from fruit, etc but stick to your 1 serving a day until you are where you need to be. Then, gradually introduce more of those items for phase 3. For dessert items like whip topping, if it isn't abolutely sugar free do not use it. I've been getting my sweet tooth kicks from sugar free pudding, and plain nonfat greek yogurt (which is great bc you can add your own sweetner and change the taste of it drastically with spices or cocoa powder). On south beach, sugar is the enemy! : P
    I have also noticed that in phase 2 your weight loss seems to go from a sprint to a crawl. It helps to excericise for at least 20 mins daily. Otherwise, you might not see the results that you want. If you did cheat in phase one, you may want to start over or tack on an extra 2 days to that phase. The purpose of phase 1 is to detoxify your body and help you beat sugar and carb cravings. If you give in, even just a little, it is not going to work.
    I have gone from 170lbs to 149 lbs in about 2 months! I am loving the results, and I hope you see some similar results as well.
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