
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 17,132 Member
    :grumble: :grumble: :grumble: It too late too early so this is just a quick hello to let you know how much you mean to me.:bigsmile: :heart:

    :bigsmile: :bigsmile: one of the greatest things I learned on this thread is "the best exercise is the one you'll do" :bigsmile: there are so many things to do to keep active....it just might take awhile to find the right ones.:bigsmile: for two years I put strength training as one of my goals and all I did was a few biceps curls or wall push-ups from time to time :bigsmile: then a few months ago someone recommended "Younger Next Year" and I read it.....the book strongly recommends joining a gym and I almost quit reading the book because I knew that joining a gym wouldn't work for me, then I decided to finish the book anyway,. Then someone else recommended "Strong Women Stay Young" and I found the strength training program that would work for me.......now I'm like Nancy, I can hardly wait for my strength training day :bigsmile: so if you're struggling to find the right exercise program, just keep reading and keep an open mind and sooner or later you'll find what you seek. :bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile: and until then "if you're moving, you're losing" :bigsmile:

    :heart: Barbie from NW Washington where it looks like spring if you ignore the temperatures in the 30's :laugh: :laugh:
  • 2youngatheart
    2youngatheart Posts: 338 Member
    I want to have time to read this thread..so I am bumping it :flowerforyou:
  • deb_rn
    deb_rn Posts: 144 Member
    Happy Birthday Virginia, hope it was a great day for you!

    Thanks for the encouragement ladies! I am still taking Advil for my muscle strain and I walked today at lunch. It was beautiful in PA today.

    Have a wonderful Thursday. The weekend is almost here!

  • determinedinAZ
    determinedinAZ Posts: 97 Member
    Hi everybody :flowerforyou:
    Scale has stayed the same now for about 4 weeks. It's good I haven't gained.
    I know the issue.....EXERCISE. Just can't seem to fit it in. Work from 8:30 am to 5:30 pm. When I get home no motivation to get onto the treadmill. :sad:

    I do try to fit in some kind of walking on the weekend -

    Question: do you all only lose when exercise is involved? I remember "the good ole days" when I could cut back on the food and the lbs would come off......now....not so much :cry:

    I'm aiming for 5 lbs in March. Birthday is near the end of the month so hope I can truly celebrate:flowerforyou:
    Thanks all for your input and suggestions.


    I think you may just want to take the word exercise out and replace it with "move". If you stand instead of sit, or walk a little further when you park, take a flight of stairs instead the elevator, you are moving and burning more. That little bit just may help.

    Thanks for the input. I do park my car the farthest I can from the store entry. I do move. Just don't work up a sweat or elevate heart rate enough. I'm starting to think earlier to bed....so I can get up 30 min early to get onto the treadmill. I'll need a day or two to warm up to that idea. :blushing:
    Thanks again.
  • westernjoy
    westernjoy Posts: 175 Member
    I just hate girl scout cookies. Before I realized it I had eaten 10 cookies.
    Shame on me.
  • tiarapants
    tiarapants Posts: 1,015 Member
    Hello ladies

    I've not posted for a couple of days, largely because I've been unwell. To be honest, I think it is mainly stress related. My DD#2 is about to up sticks and move to Germany for work. This also involves splitting up from her husband of 12 years. She is such a mess at the moment - my heart really goes out for her.

    Other than that I am plodding along and keeping busy. Not had time to read all the posts as yet, but will try to catch up this afternoon if I get a moment.

    Love to you all.

    Amanda x
  • scompton54
    scompton54 Posts: 90 Member
    :bigsmile: :bigsmile: one of the greatest things I learned on this thread is "the best exercise is the one you'll do" :bigsmile: there are so many things to do to keep active....it just might take awhile to find the right ones.:bigsmile: for two years I put strength training as one of my goals and all I did was a few biceps curls or wall push-ups from time to time :bigsmile: then a few months ago someone recommended "Younger Next Year" and I read it.....the book strongly recommends joining a gym and I almost quit reading the book because I knew that joining a gym wouldn't work for me, then I decided to finish the book anyway,. Then someone else recommended "Strong Women Stay Young" and I found the strength training program that would work for me.......now I'm like Nancy, I can hardly wait for my strength training day :bigsmile: so if you're struggling to find the right exercise program, just keep reading and keep an open mind and sooner or later you'll find what you seek. :bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile: and until then "if you're moving, you're losing" :bigsmile:

    :heart: Barbie from NW Washington where it looks like spring if you ignore the temperatures in the 30's :laugh: :laugh:

    This is SO true!! I love my strength training and have also taken up biking and cross country skiing in the last year and a half. Most exercise is NOT fun when you start out if you are in really horrible shape. Exercise is hard work and it makes you puff and sweat if you do it right. It also gets addictive, all those great endorphins kicking in but that takes a while. Nevertheless, t's amazing how quickly you start to feel the difference in your muscle tone....our bodies really are amazing.

    I heard a really good interview yesterday, on the radio, with the author of The Cure for Everything! Untangling the Twisted Messages about Health, Fitness, and Happiness. I've reserved it at the library but I'm 17th of 97 on the hold list so it will be a while. He is a big advocate of strength training but had a lot of really sensible advice on nutrition as well so I'm looking forward to reading it.

    Happy belated birthday Virginia.

    Two more sleeps and it's March break!!!!

    Have a great day.

  • yclayton
    yclayton Posts: 44 Member
    well today it is off to pick up the children! i cant wait! will spend the night at their house and bring them home with me tomorrow...so i may not be around the weekend....hope i dont overeat too much....so hard when the kids are here! yay horse show saturday! tomorrow is 'shine up the pony' day!
  • fisher110
    fisher110 Posts: 29 Member
    Count me in as one of the 50+ ladies! I love the comradorie and the support! Although my goals are not enormous, I still just can't get there. I am one of those people who let my long term goals get messed up because of short term pleasures. (A cookie here, a drink there, etc.) This board may be just what I need for incentive!
  • marlouise
    marlouise Posts: 286
    Hello gals, just popping in. We had a good melt down yesterday and today again with rain in the clouds. Sure perks up the spirit with mild air and warm sunshine. Day 11 feeling slow to move, body wants to eat the cupboards bare. Good thing I don't have anything in them:tongue: My son was visiting for a few days, he showed me a new way to squeeze muscles to keep the outer lining soft. It was a foam covered roll, picture a giant papertowel tube covered with a thin layer of foam. Using your body weight you roll on your leg muscles or back if you have enough muscle to cover your spine. This takes away the soreness and gives the body a good feeling. I tried it on one leg and my back for a few minutes. A few hours later I was a bit sore but the next day I was feeling much better. Maybe something to it, he said it was in the experimental stages with his clients at the gym he works at. Look out too for a new wave of exercising programs to hit the media. Fitness experts are now trying to find a medium where they can bring the ordinary working person into a fitness state that brings strength and athletic capabilities together. Yes I'm sure too new diets and foods will be introduced to this program.

    Anyhoo, time to get ready for work, everyone have a great day!:smile:

  • mazaron
    mazaron Posts: 329 Member
    Hello Dearies, :love:

    How are you all doing?

    Strike action continues for BC teachers. :angry: We’ve been mandated an “essential service.” Legally we can strike for 3 days in one week, then for 1 day a week. This week was our 3 days.

    The Government is busy passing a law to make any work stoppage illegal. The Union is busy holding a vote to get a mandate for an illegal strike.:grumble: I’ve already lost three days wages, I don’t really want to loose more. If the strike is illegal the gov’t can also fine us up to $475 a day. Yikes and how will we pay the dental bills, to say nothing of property tax and house insurance, all due in the next 90 days?

    Now I have to work “bell to bell” which means I can’t go in early to prepare or stay late to organize lessons. :noway: Stupid, stupid, stupid. No one is really hurt by that action except teachers and after-school athletes.

    To complicate matters, Spring Break starts on Monday so I’ll be off work for two weeks. Thank goodness that’s paid time off. If we’re really lucky it will all be settled while we are on vacation but I doubt it. Government and Union will go to for maximum impact, which will mean more children missing more hours of lessons. What nonsense.

    Whew, that felt like a rant. :huh:

    On the sunny side, yesterday I took Buster the Poodle for a 3 mile walk, paid my library over-due fines, took clothes that are too big for me to the thrift-store, made some non-toxic cleaner and polished four big antique brass trays, and read lots more of Alain de Botton’s book “The Happiness of Architecture”.

    Jb I hope you had a good walk and a good cry and said a good-bye to your neighbor. :cry: We need to do these things.

    Rjadams, Keep plodding along…that’s movement in the right direction. Spring’s on the way. :flowerforyou:

    Michelle – yes I have the Kindles in my classroom. Now I’m working on linking them to my Audible books account so students can listen & real along with all the books we bought for J’boy while we were travelling.

    Sally – Did you count the fact you needed to tighten your HRM strap as a small victory? I hope so! :happy: Well done.

    Meg, I’m curious to hear more about the “hot pants”. Keep us posted!

    Sarah, I’m going to look for the “Cure for Everything” interview on the CBC archives, I’m assuming it’s CBC? Have a great March break.

    Hasta pronto,


    Goals for March:
    Exercise at least 35 hours
    Run two miles in 20 minutes (this is a s-t-r-e-a-c-h goal!)
    Finish Phase One of New Rules, perfect my form doing lunges
    Make the bed, put away my clothes, leave the kitchen tidy.
  • mazaron
    mazaron Posts: 329 Member
    Addendum: Today' is a weight lifting day and I am going to burn off all my frustration :explode: in the gym. Watch out, big guys, little old lady coming through.
  • auntiebk
    auntiebk Posts: 2,582 Member
    Happy Birthday to pmjsmom and debrn. Belated best birthday wishes to Virginia and debkrn.:flowerforyou:

    yvonne. LOL haven't messed up yet...only 8:30am... trolls...:laugh:
    Barbie 17000 steps a day. Who'd'uve thunkit? Wise words about artificial additives & the need for activity.:love:
    SuzyQ :wink: joys of rural life and gracious MIL, :cry: that DH can't be there for DS'smarriage blessing.
    Mary, Barbie, JipsyJudy thanks for the great fluid responses to Marcelynh. :smile:
    Jeannie size 8 by summer, YAY!:flowerforyou:
    Suzanne great goals!:flowerforyou:
    kcsuze the machines at the gym don't intimidate me... its the people!:laugh:
    Nancy congrats for breaking thru the "boss" barrier,love the shirt, :heart: :heart: :heart: the NSV! I cried when I went from a 42DD to a 36D and 7 hooks to 3.:wink:
    Laura and Barb what activities are fun for you? If none are, try playing games on a wii or kinect. I've always LOATHED exercise, but liked to walk and dance, just didn't do it. Started playing silly Wii games that made me laugh, and taking weekly dance classes. Now I DO exercise on the mat every day because it makes it possible for my knees to do what I love: Dance 3-4 times weekly.

    Speaking of which, it's mat time, Will catch up later.

    Hugs to ALL,
    Barbara, the AHMOD who WILL be size 10 one day
    March: get down on that mat EVERY day. Average 10K steps/day. Let it be. Really.
    2012: dance more, bark less and CHECK IN!!!
  • jb_2011
    jb_2011 Posts: 1,029 Member
    Doing better today, thanks everyone for your concern and support. You're sure a wonderful group!! :smile: :smile:

    Nancy, I still haven't had a good cry but I worked up a sweat yesterday by jogging (!) the entire 45 minutes on the trails through the woods where I usually just hike. Felt great and it really helped get me back on an even emotional keel. Stopped by this great little store and bought a beautiful bouquet of orange and red lilies :flowerforyou: for my husband and myself in memory of our neighbor. They're beautiful. Oh, and some dark chocolate almond bark, mmm. :happy:

    My silly scale is being stubborn again. :grumble: But, and this is one happy 'but' :laugh: ... yesterday when getting ready for work I tried on everything in my closet and found nothing to wear that isn't hanging on me like an old flour sack. :ohwell: I realize my body is changing big time even though the scale has been stuck. Time to take measurements. And time to go shopping.

    I'm walking faster and farther, jogging more, doing squats and aerobics, and using 3 lb weights for my arms. Eating very well, still including a little wine every night, knowing if I'd cut that out the scale would surely plummet. Will I do it? When? :tongue:

    I read this quote earlier this morning, thought I'd share.

    "....it’s possible to lower your biological age even more with exercise, adequate sleep, stress management, and healthy eating habits- or make yourself older faster by making poor lifestyle choices. At least 75% of how you experience age is under your control,” - Michael Roizen MD Chief wellness officer at the Cleveland Clinic

    Good day everyone, and thanks again. :flowerforyou:
  • tracyjaynie
    tracyjaynie Posts: 28 Member
    Hello Ladies,
    I am TracyJayne, a 51 year young wife to an amazing man, my best friend! I am about 15 - 20 pund over wieght, and want to feel healthier and happier. I am hoping to find friends to help with motivation and support.
    I am so glad I found this message board. Do you guys have a group started? Or are you just meeting here at the board?
    I look forward to talking with you all and getting to know you. Thank you "BarbieCat" for your friendship.
    Have a great day all....
  • Laura80111
    Laura80111 Posts: 958 Member
    :flowerforyou: Thursday...that's one day closer to Friday:bigsmile:

    Vickim- glad to hear that Beths surgery went well, hoping the healing goes quickly and that the antibiotics work.

    Jb- what a good feeling that must be, the clothes being too big:noway: , sometimes it's not about the number on the scales but how our clothes fit:wink:

    Welcome to all you newbies:flowerforyou: this is a great place to be.

    Well this week I have been making a serious effort to get to the basement when I get home from work and get in some exercise. If I were to call it an experiment to see if doing exercise with watching what I'm eating I'd have to say it's a success:heart: because the scales moves when I'm being this good:bigsmile:

    Hubby's interview yesterday went ... just okay...he said they have a very long hiring process so I guess we will have to wait and see if he makes it to round two:ohwell:

    I have lots to get done today so will pop off of here.

    Everyone have a good day drinking your water:drinker:, moving around and logging that food.

  • westernjoy
    westernjoy Posts: 175 Member
    just a quick post. Have logged 12000+ steps for the last week. Push myself to get that. But feel good. Speaking of no scale movement. my clothes also are a lot looser. Did upper body yesterday and just a little sore.
    Welcome all newcomers you well get support here.
  • mixdouble
    mixdouble Posts: 41 Member
    Hi all,
    Not much time to post. Went to Dallas for the Komen Summit from Wed last week thru Sat and then a visit with my cousin on Sun and Mon. My hotel was about a mile from the conference site so I got in a good brisk walk each morning. The food served was pretty healthy, a little heavy on the salt, and very generous portions. They started lunch and dinner with nice big salads so I filled up on that and just ate part of the rest of the meal. Long working days there, 8am to 10pm. Came back with a cough, but left behind another half pound:tongue: Learned a lot about Komen Affiliates across the country and about the research being done with supporter donations. Got to meet other national partners like GE, LPGA and Bank of America. Also had Tea with Nancy Brinker. What a great organization.
    Didn't try to log my meals (when?) but really watched the intake. Still trying to recover and get back into walking the dog each morning and maybe some more exercise. Shoulder injury is improving with Chiro, PT and TLC.
    Will be back to logging food today, to be sure I stay on the wagon.:laugh:
  • loribenz
    loribenz Posts: 2
    I have the same problem. I am 53 years old and can watch my calories, exercise and nothing happens. Its very frustrating and once in awhile I get the "oh well.....I might as well eat whatever I want and just accept the fact that I am what I am and just enjoy life". I need to lose arouond 30 lbs. I have a back and hip problem which makes it very difficult for exercise. I had a cortizone shot in my hip 2 1/2 months ago and the pain was gone. So on the treadmill I climbed. Unfortunately, the pain comes back when I walk and now I can't do it at all again. The Golden Years will be quite a challenge I can see. Any secrets out there that might help this poor woman?
  • JulieGo
    JulieGo Posts: 45 Member
    Hello everyone. This is my first post in this forum but it looks like the one I need. I'm 57 years old (will be 58 in April) and have been on MFP since 2010. My progress has been slow. My husband passed away last October and I'm adjusting to my new life. It's very difficult and I keep hitting roadblocks. But my health is very important to me. I learned last month that I'm in the early stages of Kidney Disease and have to watch my protein intake. That, coupled with a sprained knee in January have made dieting and exercising very hard.
    That said ... I'm ready to dive in and need some motivation. I'm finally able to walk my dog again, although the two miles per day is hard on my knee, so I'm sticking to about a mile for awhile. Gotta take care of the knees.
    I need to lose about 65-70 pounds and now is the time for me to do it.
    I'll log on regularly for support from y'all and see how it goes.