

  • Marcelynh
    Marcelynh Posts: 974 Member

    This "bump" just made me laugh. :)

    Out of the house by six this morning. Back by 6:15 to get what I forgot. Gym by 6:40. Workout for 35 minutes of intense weights. Shower, BREAKFAST! (can you tell I was excited about it today? lol). Home at 8:30 and now waiting for the grandkids to show up (watch two of them twice a week for four hours so mama can go to college). I thought about sneaking in a visit to the newborn grandson but their curtains are still closed so it might have been a tough night, I know he had a lot of congestion last night.

    So a question. I've lost 50 pounds and you'd think I'd know what I was doing but..... Can someone explain to me why I hear you can't count any water in your 8 cup count if you add anything to it? I understand no counting diet drinks and juices etc. but why does adding a flavor packet to it make it not count?
  • jb_2011
    jb_2011 Posts: 1,029 Member
    Hellooooo Monday, start to another wonderful week. :smile:

    Weekend was good except for that a very sad thing happened yesterday. The neighbor lady passed away, must have been on Thursday night or Friday morning, but we didn't know until yesterday. I noticed her blinds had been closed since Friday, I thought maybe she'd gone on a trip somewhere. Yesterday morning I was very worried - we knocked on her door and heard her dog bark, but she didn't answer the door. We called the sheriff, they came out and cut the lock, only to find our worst fears had come true.

    Her 8 yr old border collie, and the love of her life, Cody, is here with us now, he's doing ok but is a bit weak from having no food or meds for 3 days - we'll take good care of him. I did get his meds from the sheriff. We're happy he's here with us and thank goodness he was still alive. It's strange we never heard him bark once over the 3 days he was locked in the house. Poor thing. He'll need some extra helpings of love. He gets along fine with my other 2 dogs and seemed to enjoy our backyard - he even chased my terrier around a bit and wagged his beautiful tail.

    I'm feeling pretty good this morning, but I did drown my sorrows in a little too much wine last night. I'll try to get Cody interested in a walk this morning. Yesterday he didn't want to go, kept pulling on the leash, sitting down and looking back for his mom. :sad:

    Good day to all.

  • msh0530
    msh0530 Posts: 1,675 Member
    So a question. I've lost 50 pounds and you'd think I'd know what I was doing but..... Can someone explain to me why I hear you can't count any water in your 8 cup count if you add anything to it? I understand no counting diet drinks and juices etc. but why does adding a flavor packet to it make it not count?

    All of the research that I have done on reliable sources suggests that instead of thinking water, you can think fluid. Most do not suggest drinking high sugar drinks, but all say that other fluids besides water count. Research even seems to suggest that caffeine does not negate the effect of the fluid if consumed regularly in small quantities, as your body develops a resistance to it, and therefore, it does not act as a diuretic. If you do not regularly drink caffeine, or drink larger quantities, it can have a diuretic effect. I do not like water, and was struggling with this issue. After research, I do use Crystal Light type products, but sparingly. I usually only use one packet per day, and put it in 32 oz. of water rather than 16, as I find that with the lemon flavor, I can drink more water that way. I also use herbal tea, most often mint, which is nothing but peppermint leaves to flavor my water. In the spring and summer I use fresh mint from my garden for this. Hope this helps. Mary
  • bcsrule
    bcsrule Posts: 51 Member
    Her 8 yr old border collie, and the love of her life, Cody, is here with us now, he's doing ok but is a bit weak from having no food or meds for 3 days - we'll take good care of him. I did get his meds from the sheriff. We're happy he's here with us and thank goodness he was still alive. It's strange we never heard him bark once over the 3 days he was locked in the house. Poor thing. He'll need some extra helpings of love. He gets along fine with my other 2 dogs and seemed to enjoy our backyard - he even chased my terrier around a bit and wagged his beautiful tail.
  • bcsrule
    bcsrule Posts: 51 Member
    What a sad story, is that Cody's picture? I'm so glad he has you, I do BC rescue and most of the time they are sent to a shelter because no one wants them. I remind people all the time make arrangements for your pets just like your kids or belongings. Bless you for taking Cody.

    Awesome group here, I've 21 more pounds to go. My goals are to add more exercise, and better meal planning!
  • jb_2011
    jb_2011 Posts: 1,029 Member
    What a sad story, is that Cody's picture? I'm so glad he has you, I do BC rescue and most of the time they are sent to a shelter because no one wants them. I remind people all the time make arrangements for your pets just like your kids or belongings. Bless you for taking Cody.
    Yes, that's Cody's picture. Thanks for your kind words. :smile:
  • jam0525
    jam0525 Posts: 1,681 Member
    jb-Sorry to hear of your neighbor's passing and so happy to hear you are taking the dog.

    I decided a long time ago that once I get into my 60s I will only get dogs from no kill rescue groups that will take them back if I pass away before they do. My kids have told me not to worry, they will always take mommy's dogs, but you just never know.

    New subject:
    I am adding exercise back in as a goal on MFP. 30 minutes 5 days a week. That will not include my strength goal with is 100 repititions 3-4 times a week. I have to be back in a size 8 by summer or I will have to buy new clothes. I really do not want to buy a larger size again.

  • suezc
    suezc Posts: 15 Member
    Well group. This is my first week with myfitnesspal and love the app on my IPOD.
    My march goals are as follows:
    1. Do not say I have a meeting but make it to the pool for 4 classes and as much open swim as I can
    2. Do my best to motivate my work TOPS group because that will help me
    3. I have been saying this since January but March is the month - organize the kitchen. I was used to a bigger kitchen and now a townhouse and OMG this sucks. I just do not want to cook and that is not good.
    4. Hang that oh so cool clothing hook on the bedroom wall. Put a goal piece of clothing on it and have to see it when I wake up and before I fall asleep.
    5. Keep on smiling. I am not oh so sure about people lately but they seem to be in such a crappy mood. It is not like we have had a bad winter in Ohio but I am going to keep on smiling.
    6. Have my lunch for work packed everyday. My main meal is my lunch because I head to the y after work and by the time I get home, a full meal is not an option. I do have somethig but my mail meal will be lunch.
    7. Again KEEP ON SMILING

  • kcsuze
    kcsuze Posts: 2
    I am with you, since I stopped working and stay at home with mother in law I am having a very hard time trying to lose weight. Last year I probably gained close to 20 lbs alone. Last month I did very good watching what I ate, but when husband had knee surgery and was home I went back to my former eating habits. I made up my mind last night that today I would start back to eating healthy and go to the gym to walk. I get very intimidated by the machines, so that is not happening.
  • bkboots
    bkboots Posts: 1
    How can you do 100 squats a day? Please share how you build up to that level of squats. Thanks!
  • brunsda
    brunsda Posts: 78
    Happy Monday !!

    Wishing you all success this week.

  • tennisluv33
    tennisluv33 Posts: 14 Member
    Lisa: You did the totally correct thing. I am a victim's advocate (for 20 years) for victims of domestic violence. You set clear boundaries, don't retreat. He is an adult and not thinking with his upper brain.. as you said. She is violent and it always escalates!!!! He will need to learn and sometimes it takes longer than we hope. Hang in there. All you can do is love him and listen. What you say probably won't help.
    Barbie: I used to live in Snohomish!

    I am psyched to start a new month. Doing well on low carb.
  • realpure
    realpure Posts: 156
    HAPPY, HAPPY....JOY, JOY:flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou:

    Grand daughter #2 born this afternoon and is healthy and beautiful:love::love: :love: :love: :love: :love: :love: :love: :love: :love:

    I will go next Friday, overlap with DIL's Mom and stay on into the next week. Cannot wait to get my hands on her. Her name is Rita Katherine, after my MIL and me. They will call her Rita Kate. Hard to believe how fast your family can change!

    DH and I are on Cloud NINE!!!!!!!!!! :heart: Kackie

    :flowerforyou: Congratulations!!! So exciting Kackie. Rita Kate is a lovely name. Enjoy every moment.
  • realpure
    realpure Posts: 156
    Hello Ladies! I've missed all of you. Three days and I've already missed 6 pages!! Happy Birthday to all the March Birthdays!!

    :flowerforyou: Cindy, So sorry about the loss of your Mom. I lost my Mom when I was a little girl. I have found with years of trying to cope that adding her in to your every day life helps keep the memories close and helps with the grief process. I make meals that she loved, painted a room in her favorite blue, surrounded my garden with her favorite perinials etc.... hugs and hope that love surround you at this difficult time.

    We had a fabulous weekend with family! It was a lovely 50th wedding anniversary! I'm catching my breath today, unpacking doing LOADs of laundry and enjoying a quite house for a little while. I stayed on track most of the weekend. Sunday was the only day I didn't plan the meals and events so that day wasn't quite as good, but all and all, I stayed clean and hydrated.

    Missed you all! Wishing everyone a great week. Snow is flying around here this Monday in VA. I'm not fooled Spring is on her way.
  • Laura80111
    Laura80111 Posts: 958 Member
    :flowerforyou: Sunny Monday!

    Wow, when you miss 2.5 days it takes some time to get caught up...

    Confession...I wasn't very good this weekend:blushing: Had sushi on Friday night and made Chinese for the family dinner on Saturday and hubby wanted the left overs for dinner last night...so I am glad to be back to the routine of work...even if I don't like my job right now.

    Peanuts eye is healing so he doesn't go back to the vet until his annual physical in April. Saturday night he had extra treats as he sat next to grandson #2 (19 mo) and he kept droping his food to the floor to watch Peanut eat it up:noway:

    Kackie :flowerforyou: happy for you and the new grandbaby:flowerforyou:

    Welcome to the newbies, it will be fun to get to know you.

    Has anyone heard from Chiclet? I've been wonding how she is and haven't seen her here in quite some time.

    Keeping our fingers crossed hubby has a job interview on Wednesday afternoon, and it's a real interview not with a head hunter..this week will mark one year that he's been off work...I would change him doing the laundry and house work for a paycheck any time:bigsmile: not that I haven't enjoyed not having to do any house work for a year...but I really would perfer money to pay bills:wink:

    Everyone have a good day, let's remember to drink our water:drinker: and keep moving.

  • PattyfromToledo
    PattyfromToledo Posts: 74 Member
    I've been searching for a group with women of my age group! I'd love to join if you'll have me.
  • westernjoy
    westernjoy Posts: 175 Member
    Trying to get 10000 steps a day so far so good.
    Lost 1 lb this week. So I'm off to good start for March.
    Trying some new kind of gardening. You plant leaf greens
    in an old gutter. They have shallow roots. Going to try radishes also.
    This week I'm starting strength training 3 times a week.

    Kackie congrats on the new grandbaby
    Nancy stand strong I will be going through contracts next April.
    Laura fingers are crossed for your hubby.
    Cindy sorry to hear about your loss.
    HEalthinesS Make you appreciate modern times.
    Barbiecat glad you had a great time.
    Welcome all the newcomers
    Congrats to all who have lost some weight.
  • cathys01
    cathys01 Posts: 221
    Hi Ladies:

    I have finally read all the posts - so much news!!

    Cindy - I am so sorry for your loss :sad:

    Kackie - Congrats on your new darling granddaughter, enjoy every moment with her :love:

    Barbie - Thanks, as always for getting us started this month :flowerforyou:

    We have a conditional offer on the house, which we are pleased about; it only took 8 daysto get this offer, but it seemed like forever :laugh: We will know by the end of the week if the conditions get lifted. We have already bought our new condo in Toronto and are really looking forward to getting moved now. Closings will be in June so we have lots of time to get packed up (thank heavens as we have tons of stuff to pack :happy: ).

    Congrats to all who have lost. To those, like me, who are just holding steady, hopefully soon, we will start moving again :wink:

    To the Newcomers, Welcome :flowerforyou:

    Take care, My Friends. I am sorry for not being around so much, but with all the showings and so on, I have not felt so great. I feel some relief now though :laugh:

    Talk to you soon.

    Love, Cathy xx
  • megathome111
    megathome111 Posts: 58 Member
    Good Evening ladies...
    I was feeling pretty positive about my day today...food & water under control. Then, I posted my dinner food, which was onion soup with croutons & one slice of cheese. YIKES...the calories were what I expected...but the Sodium is not going to do me any good for my WW weigh-in tomorrow. Guess I better take a gallon of water with me to bed tonight and flush out the system :drinker: :drinker: :drinker:

    JB...so sorry for your loss, and God Bless You for taking in Cody. I'm sure it is a devastating loss for all of you. :flowerforyou:

    Barbiecat ...welcome back we missed you!

    Nancy...love your "glass half full" attitude about the strike. I know they can be difficult to deal with.

    Suz...you're a trooper for sure ... I would have been checking in to a hotel by now!

    Yvonne...at least the ice cream is organic...so it is not all bad !

    Michele...sounds like you faired your gala relatively unscathed...If all you fell victim to was the chocolate...I would consider that a victory!

    Cathy...I'm sure you will be relieved when life gets back to normal. Moving is so stressful!

    Welcome to the new folks!

    Have a great evening all...

  • frogmama
    frogmama Posts: 404 Member
    Michele- The candy on the table would be my downfall too! I am such a "picker"

    Barbie- You are so dedicated to get up extra early to walk around the hotel so you can get your steps in. I love taking spinning classes. It is a great workout.

    MacMadame- Best of luck on your March goals.

    Suz- Love your attitude. Your sunny attitude is so uplifting

    Nancy- Good idea to combine that Union meeting with your workout. I remember walking an informational picket line at one point during my teaching career.

    Jb- How sad about your neighbor. I am sorry for your loss. I am glad that you took Cody in. My daughter rescued a lab when his owner died. The relatives would come over to the house once a day a feed the dog but otherwise left it alone. It took some time, but my daughter now has a very faithful companion.

    Laura- I hope DH lands the job.

    Cathy- Congratulations on the offer on your house.

    I enjoyed my day off from work. Did some laundry and then worked on putting winter away. I gathered up all of the snowmen, winter candles and anything else related to winter and put them away. I am officially ready for spring. It was quite cold today, but it was sunny and not windy, so Kona and I spent an hour running in the park. Did some grocery shopping. Now I am off to bed with my book for a little while before I go to sleep.