I am a binge eater.

I am new to myfitnesspal.com

I have been making the first real attempt of my life to become healthy for about the last year now. First I was really focusing on eating right and I was really able to control my eating through the use of a food diary.

Then I added in some hiking and I exercise to the workouts on exercise tv on ONDEMAND. and now i am adding in some running, but i am feeling very unmotivated and lazy about it.

I used to binge eat a lot as a kid. I dont really know if it is tied to my emotions. I just get bored and one thing leads to another. When I was first using the food diary i was not binge eating at all, for months. Then i met a great guy, who also happened to be a binge eater and it triggered it in me. He is very "mind over matter" and has managed to stop doing it alot more than me.he also is VERY ACTIVE and CAN eat that way if he wants, because he is seriously physically active all day, for work and fun!!!! I just started a new job and moved and I know that this may be somehow connected, but I am binge eating every night, after eating healthy all day and exercising. even when im doing it i know i dont want to be but i cant stop.

im also trying to quit smoking, and i cant stop smoking during and afterthese episodes either (after not smoking all day) . i feel really out of control of myself. and i know i need to get in control. i want to continue toning up, losing weight, getting healthier and quitting the smoking. every night i dream i am lost.

i dont know how to get out of this rut i am in. now its like a part of me looks forward to this cycle because i get to indulge at the end of the night.

ive gained back about 8 pounds i had lost and just cant seem to get it together.

i do see a therapist, but i cant seem to figure this out. any support or suggestions would be so greatly appreciated.


  • fauxdetresse
    try not eating too healthy during the day. spread your junking and smoking out throughout the day. it helps and then you don't binge at night. then easily ween yourself off of it.
  • riannenrings
    riannenrings Posts: 142 Member
    thats a good idea.
  • FabiolaEnvy♥
    i agree with her also.
    just take step at the time also.
    to fast and to much at once will demotivate you aswell.
    so if you need to take it a day at the time then do so.

    it will help and im sure it will boost your way out of the bad habits.
  • fisher110
    fisher110 Posts: 29 Member
    Sometimes I get in that "binge" eating mood too when I am bored in the evening. What I do is one of two things:

    (1) Get a diet Coke Zero and start digging into a big project like putting a photo album together or repainting a bathroom;


    (2) I buy a bundle of celery and clean it real well and then cut it into 3 inch pieces. I fill a large bowl with the celery and just slowly eat it all! It comes out to be less than 100 calories!
  • RocheleLynn
    RocheleLynn Posts: 265 Member
    The best thing I ever did to controll my binge eating was start taking Hoodia.
    It completally stops any craivings, controlls your binge and emotion eating, and overall allows you to make healthier choices.

    There are no side effects and it will not raise your heart beat.
    It is completally natural. but make sure when you buy it- it's not mixed with anything.
    It has to be completely hoodia and nothing else


    I hope you try it - it really really really helps!!
  • Mortiz05
    Mortiz05 Posts: 9
    Im so right there with you! I live the life let me tell you, my husband does the cooking. I come home change into my bummy clothes , and while dinner is being cooked Im "Misses Impatient", I walk into the food pantry grab a handful of cereal, crackers, cheese, chips..before you know it dinner is ready and I'm still down for eating a heaping plate of dinner too. IM TERRIBLE!! I have reallyyyy been working on that and it has been super hard, I don't know when it's going to get easier but Im trying my best. My husband is the bowl of cereal before bed type or peanut butter and jelly before bed. He introduced me to that and thats when I truly lost my mind. So now- I keep myself busy preparing my breakfast and lunch for the next day. I know it doesn't sound fun, but I put on my ipod and it keeps me going before you know it the kitchen is clean , my BF & Lunch is ready for the next day and off to bed. if I must eat something I will grab sunflower seeds or almonds..just a few. For me it's better than eating that bowl of ice cream or PB & J. Good luck and stay strong!!