

  • Talk to you doctor about it. My doctor said not to go over 1400 calories a day even with exercise and not to eat less than 1200 a day at that.
  • The deluxe breakfast at McDonalds has like 1016 calories without the syrup
  • I don't weigh myself everyday, as humans are weight fluctuates 2 pounds up or down through out the day/week. Its important to weigh yourself at about the same time every time you weigh to get an accurate measure. I only weigh myself on Mondays in the morning at 7:00 as apart of my morning routine.
  • It seems weird that there are so many nasty doctors. I lost nine pounds and my doctor was thrilled
  • Its not muscles, but its not fat either. You're bloated. Happens to me after a long week of working out.
  • Depends on what you're eating that you consider diet food? If its actual diet food then you could have an allergic reaction to Whey or soy. However, sometimes I get tummy aches from eating healthy foods because it cleaning out my system.
  • I'm sad because I just bought a new swim suit because my last one was too big, and I didn't even get to use it today. I had so many things to do! I didn't even make it to the post office in time bleh! So I have to go to the post office tomorrow and then the gym. I also need to get my house cleaned up because I'm suppose to…
  • I think we've all decided on the veggie one, but it really is up to Monique I believe. I know that this week challenge for me will be to eat three serving of vegetables a day, if anyone wants to join me sure! You can eat them all at once or space them through out the day, just make sure you get at least three servings. So…
  • I posted on old thread, but I'm 250
  • Diet and exercise is important in everyone's life. So its not all about weight loss. Its about obtaining the right BMI for your bone structure. I use to be a lot skinner before I got pregnant and had fallen into a very deep depression. Even then, when I was 142 people told me I looked great. But it wasn't about them…
  • If I don't get around to posting my weight on the new thread before work, well its 250.
  • Woot! I'm joining the Ready To Be Fit program at the Y next week. I'm just waiting on a letter from my lovely doctor to say its okay. Bleh...I just did a three hour work out, plus the hour and twenty mintue bike ride to my dentist office >.< I'm pooped for the day lol. Although I'll probably go back to the gym at 7pm. IDK…
  • You should try diabetic shoes. I thought I'd never get them but omg, they're so much better than regular shoes. My doctor put arch supports in them so my back hasn't hurt in a long while, and the soles really support my feet. I haven't had blisters on tenderness on the bottom of my feet in a while. My feet also doesn't…
  • Yup! After awhile you're muscle get built up and you use less of it. When I started working again, I put it on before work, on break, when I got him and before bed. Now I only put it on before bed on some nights. As far as the Mary Kay lotion, I love using it before a workout because it allows me to work out at the same…
  • Two things, I have this re-energize lotion from Mary Kay for feet and legs that I use, and my favorite...icy hot after I worked out and before bed
  • Lol I was using it as an example. I don't like carrots all to often, so I don't eat them.
  • Go to ChangingDiabetes-us.com and register. Request Changing life with diabetes carb counting and meal planning book. Take out ALL proccessed foods from your diet, or as much as possible. Stay away from Whole Milk (hey skim milk has vitamin D in it now as well) white bread (yes, its just as healthy as wheat bread, I heard…
  • No, not really. Proccessed food though are already broken down for you, so you're simply storing whatever calories the food came with into fat. Hint the reason doctors tell you to stay away from them. Non-processed foods have to be digested by your body when you eat them, thus burning calories. So a 50 calories carrot…
  • Have you gotten the Diabetic carb counting book and nurition information from a doctor yet? I have a lot of neat little booklets that explain a lot about controlling blood sugar levels.
  • Hey, for next week challenge, can we have it to try and have three servings of vegatables a day? I need to eat more veggies on a regular basis >.<
  • I'm glad I checked my sugar level before going back to the gym. It was 79 >.<
  • Excerising does change your periods, but after your body gets use to it, it'll go back to normal. Although a different type of normal. Since excerising every day my periods are in the 32 day apart range, which is still normal for me because my average is 28 to 32 days apart. Also you'll notice less cramps when excerising…
  • What exactly is couch to 5k? I've heard a lot of people mention this, and I'm not fimiliar with it at all.
  • On Average your body changes about 2 pounds through out the day, going up or down. Its recommended that you way yourself about the same time each day. I also find it discouraging to way myself more than 2x a week. Once to get my starting weight, twice to make sure I'm still on track. I use to go to the gym on post, but I'm…
  • I also don't do all that at once. I go to the gym twice a day on my off days and break it up. That way I don't crash and burn ^__^
  • I do homework, play the DS, and/or listen to music when on the machines. As far as toning muscles go, the more you use the muscle the more tone it will become. Cardio is the best to go with for losing calories though, only because you don't want to strength train the same muscle every single day. I usually only strength…
  • Depends on what you want to tone. During work days I bike 8 miles to work and then after work I bike 8 miles home and consider that my work out. During off days I do 2 hours on stair climber and 2 hours on bike. Except for Saturdays, on Saturdays, I do 1 on stair climber, 1 lifting weights and 2 hours in pool. Mostly you…
  • I got a membership to the YMCA! I'm so excited!
  • Not to for sure on this one. Usually my body just tells me its enough. Like my body temperatue will cool down, and I won't be thirsty after drinking water. During a heavy work out, I can drink up to 4 cups afterwards, but during my normal work out I drink up to 2.
  • You're actually staying the same because you're adding muscle to your body. Which is smaller than fat, but its also heavier than fat. If you feel like weighing you're isn't getting an acurate reading on your weight loss, then try the measuring tape.