vespiquenn Member


  • I have been on a wide range of BC for about 12 years until finally settling on a generic of Yaz for the last 5 or so years. Never encountered any weight difference that was unexplained. It always could be linked back to CICO, even if it involved some minor tweaks to the equation. But I have never noticed a difference in…
  • How is he being unsupportive? Not wanting to take part in an eating plan that you have decided to enforce isn’t exactly unsupportive. Frustrating? Yes. But you can’t expect someone to openly accept drastic changes when they haven’t made the decision to do so themselves.
  • Don't wear a lanyard around your neck with all your stuff in it. Nothing screams freshman like those damn things.
  • If it's an emergency, they're cutting that sucker off. Been there, done that. I was sad because it was my favorite bra and shirt. But I guess saving me from respiratory failure was more important. :confused:
  • I am also skeptical to offer advise in regards to the family support because we do not know whether the weight loss is in regards to actual health or a feeling of control. I also suggest talking to your treatment team in regards to the best route. However, I wish you in dealing with your depression. I've had several stays…
  • Hah, I'm glad I'm not the only one that does this. I didn't have cable and my gym was not even a block away, so it was where I went to watch Packer games. Best part is the gym was always empty. OP, another thing I did for myself to get over the gym anxiety I had was to set a time to go to the gym and treat it like work or…
  • This is one of the best pieces of advice you can receive during a stall (but a week or even two or three isn't considered a stall). Buy a food scale. Weigh everything you eat and use only measuring cups for liquids. Weigh even prepackaged food. Not drinking alcohol will only help if it brings you into a calorie deficit.
  • I have never been severely overweight, but I noticed something strange happening as I lost vanity weight and gained confidence. When I was horribly shy, I never was approached. In hindsight, this surprised me because I appeared that I could easily be victimized due to a fear of speaking out or creating conflict. As I…
  • Awesome accomplishment. And I bet your back will be thanking you for that little bit of extra support in the car. :smile:
  • Only if it's out of a shoe.
  • Typically they say it's the narrowest part of your waist, but I also do right above my belly button because I know I store more fat there than elsewhere on my stomach, so I'm more interested in that change versus being autonomically correct in measuring. There are guides out there if you google them, but essentially if you…
  • Although clothing is a good indicator, I also suggest taking measurements if you haven't already. The weight gain still could be just water, especially if you have only been doing this for a month. But it also could be things like TOM, ovulation, sodium, etc. As long as you're seeing the changes you want to see, which…
  • Hey now, with the proper liquor, Shamrock shakes are amazing.
  • I tripped on a barbell in my room and broke my foot. Whoever said working out was good for your health was a liar. But hey, that had earned me a weekend off of work for the first time in months.. so it was a win to me.
  • Not to mention, there's no guarantee you will be a certain size at whatever weight you aim for.
  • I'm actually curious now if this happens elsewhere. However, I don't doubt for a second that some of these Ivy schools get paid under the table to educate some of the world's "finest" kin.
  • You say you've beaten depression, but it sure isn't sounding like it. It's one thing to be lonely, it's another to not see the point in anything. With that being said, I think I can empathize with the lack of friends though. I suffer from incredibly low self-esteem, and as a result, I always feel awkward around other…
  • Although I know you said you are starting, I just want to also place my vote on strength training. Aside from what has already been mentioned above, strength training is a great addition just to continue preserving muscle as you age, healthy joints, etc. it's a wonderful habit to get into.
  • Wonderful job! Looks like you're on your way to life-long, healthy habits.
  • Asics Kayano for running, retired Asics with arch inserts for walking.
  • If you do a search of the forums, you'll find a lot of opinions of Planet Fitness. There's a'plenty to read through.
  • I'm not saying that it isn't possible nor unsafe to a seasoned runner. But one has to work up to that point. By the way the original post sounded, this is not the case. But I could be completely wrong about my assumptions. Even then, caution should be acknowledged to any new runner potentially reading this thread and…
  • ..are you a seasoned runner? If not, 5 miles a day is just asking for injury. I'm just questioning because you say you're going to "try" doing this, which gives the impression that you're not. Not to mention, even seasoned runners try to vary their mileage throughout the week. You will hit a wall eventually in improvement…
  • My cat prefers more dairy.. he is a cheese curd kind of guy; he is from Wisconsin, after all. His name is even Cheesecurd. (I caught him with my bare hands when he was a feral kitten while I was on a walk on some wooded trail. All we had to lure him out was cheese curds and crackers. The *kitten* bit me too.. right through…
  • Although I suggest starting you're own thread for more personalized answers so you're not hijacking Op's, but I will say this. Hunger is a terrible indicator on whether you are getting the nutrition you need. Although one day of this won't hurt you, it's not something you want to get in the habit of.
  • There is a blog function of this website if you didn't want responses to your vent, just for future reference. Although you did get a lot of good advice moving forward. Sometimes it's nice to get thoughts out in private. But that won't happen on a forum where others are free to reply. I wish you luck until you can move out.
  • Generally speaking, your activity level is everything but intentional exercise. So if you're generally sitting 8 hours a day, it may not be helpful to go up to lightly active. Just log your exercise and eat a portion of the calories back.
  • Skip the nutritionist and see a registered dietitian. Anyone could basically get a nutrition certification and not have a clue how weight loss works.
  • You say you measure your food, but do you weigh it? Measuring cups/spoons can be horribly inaccurate. If you're not weighing your food, you don't know how much you are eating. Even prepackaged food can be off by 20% legally. But realistically, you're still losing. It might be your expectations that need to be changed.
  • 100% truth. At least easy runs I can think about food. That makes it better. Speed runs.. I'm just hoping not to die while questioning why this is considered a fun activity.. only to do it again willingly.