College freshmen advice?



  • seltzermint555
    seltzermint555 Posts: 10,741 Member
    Make a point of keeping your diet in check even when you truly don't have time to make it to the gym. Too easy to fall prey to fast food and going out too much, even if you don't drink (or don't drink to excess) it can screw up your health and your budget way too fast when you're always eating junk with friends/classmates. I didn't have the typical college experience myself...I did attend at the usual age of 18-21, but I was a commuter student and worked full-time, so I didn't have dorm life to contend with and didn't really associate with other college students (my friends were older or not in school). But I have watched many friends over the years get sucked into the trap of constantly grabbing fast food or being hooked on convenience store staples like Chex Mix and Red Bull when they are studying (and no homecooked meals or veggies). Just don't go there.
  • GlassAngyl
    GlassAngyl Posts: 478 Member
    I was in better shape going to college than I was out of college. But I didn't always have a vehicle so I would walk with my kids 2 miles to the best stop to catch the early morning bus 3 times a week and then walk 3 miles from the bus stop back home.

    The bus wouldn't stop at the last bus stop in the evenings because of the side of town it was on. This added an extra mile. So 5 miles 3 times a day AND I took the stairs in college. (All my classes were bloody upstairs! They stuck the arts downstairs and the sciences upstairs.) And on top of that, my then 5 year old daughter wanted carried a lot of times so I was toting a book bag, a 5 year old, and keeping my 8 year olds attention on me while walking to and from the bus stop..

    Yep, that's right, I took my kids to school with me. Did the college allow it? Nope. Did my professors say anything? Yup.. they included them in on the class! They would even "borrow" my son to shame the other college students because he knew every answer to their questions. Now he is 18 and headed to college himself to major in material science and engineering.
  • Lounmoun
    Lounmoun Posts: 8,426 Member
    owa1s wrote: »
    I see people giving just fitness related advice. Can u guys give some tips on advice the method of studying or getting friends etc. I would appreciate that :smile:

    Effort is noticed. Go to class. Bring books, paper, writing utensils, etc. Do the work assigned. Don't put it off until the last minute. Hand things in. Put your phone away. Participate in class discussion. Ask questions. If you don't understand something communicate with your professor. Check out services like tutoring. If the teacher gives you feedback on a paper or test use the feedback to improve. Don't wait to worry about your grade until the last week of class.
    There is some evidence that taking notes by hand instead of typing them leads to better retention.

    Friends- be friendly, talk to classmates, join a club or group, use the school cafeteria, gym or library instead of leaving campus instantly when your classes are done
  • Motorsheen
    Motorsheen Posts: 20,506 Member
    Lounmoun wrote: »
    owa1s wrote: »
    I see people giving just fitness related advice. Can u guys give some tips on advice the method of studying or getting friends etc. I would appreciate that :smile:

    Effort is noticed. Go to class. Bring books, paper, writing utensils, etc. Do the work assigned. Don't put it off until the last minute. Hand things in. Put your phone away. Participate in class discussion. Ask questions. If you don't understand something communicate with your professor. Check out services like tutoring. If the teacher gives you feedback on a paper or test use the feedback to improve. Don't wait to worry about your grade until the last week of class.
    There is some evidence that taking notes by hand instead of typing them leads to better retention.

    Friends- be friendly, talk to classmates, join a club or group, use the school cafeteria, gym or library instead of leaving campus instantly when your classes are done

    drink beer

    chase girls



  • vespiquenn
    vespiquenn Posts: 1,455 Member
    Don't wear a lanyard around your neck with all your stuff in it. Nothing screams freshman like those damn things.
  • Motorsheen
    Motorsheen Posts: 20,506 Member
    edited September 2017
    vespiquenn wrote: »
    Don't wear a lanyard around your neck with all your stuff in it. Nothing screams freshman like those damn things.

    fanny pack ??

    nothing says: IDGAK ... like a fanny pack.
  • GlassAngyl
    GlassAngyl Posts: 478 Member
    edited September 2017
    owa1s wrote: »
    I see people giving just fitness related advice. Can u guys give some tips on advice the method of studying or getting friends etc. I would appreciate that :smile:

    1:Read the chapter.
    2: Highlight important looking information.
    3:Write down highlighted important information.
    4:Rewrite and Consolidate important information.
    5:Make flash cards of consolidated information.
    6:Utilize a method of to help you retain that information such as drawing pictures, making a poem or song, or a mnemonic method.
    7:Start the moment you are given your first chapter to read. Use one step a day until studying with just the flash cards and mnemonic tricks.

    If it's math, breeze past the equations you comprehend without effort. Equations that you struggle to retain, do three of the most difficult every single day until you can input a different (but similar) equation into your ti84 calculator without having to pause and remember how.

    I maintained a 4.0 using these methods.

    As for making friends? Pfft.. can't help you there. I have no patience for friendships. I'm antisocial. A loner. I'm happiest when left to my own devices.
  • jdlobb
    jdlobb Posts: 1,232 Member
    Go to class. Always. No exceptions. I *kitten* up so bad in college the first time because I didn't adhere to this simple, common sense rule.