College freshmen advice?

owa1s Posts: 273 Member
Starting my uni after about a month. Any advice what to do and not to do and hopefully maintain good shape while studying cuz I hear a lot of people leave working out because they say "too much studies no time for gym". So if u have experience or any advice as to how do u manage going to the gym while uni or a lot of study etc.


  • jdlobb
    jdlobb Posts: 1,232 Member
    Wake up early, or at a reasonable hour. In college it's super easy to get in the habit of sleeping as late as possible when you don't have to be at school every day at 7am. This absolutely kills the free time you'd normal use for studying, working out, etc. Set an alarm and stick to it, even if your first class isn't until the afternoon.

    This is the 1 thing I wish I'd done different in college the first time.
  • DananaNanas
    DananaNanas Posts: 665 Member
    I was too busy drinking to work out soooooo if you can avoid that you'll probably be good!

    Oh, and keep the pizza and take out chinese to a minimum ;)
  • JLAJ81
    JLAJ81 Posts: 2,477 Member
    I was too busy drinking to work out soooooo if you can avoid that you'll probably be good!

    Oh, and keep the pizza and take out chinese to a minimum ;)
    Looks like you are still drinking!
  • DananaNanas
    DananaNanas Posts: 665 Member
    edited August 2017
    JLAJ81 wrote: »
    I was too busy drinking to work out soooooo if you can avoid that you'll probably be good!

    Oh, and keep the pizza and take out chinese to a minimum ;)
    Looks like you are still drinking!


    Correct lol. Just in much smaller quantities and much higher quality ;)
    (that was like 10 years ago for me)
  • km8907
    km8907 Posts: 3,861 Member
    Don't drink a ton because alcohol has a *kitten* ton of calories. Don't eat fast food every meal. Wake up early, exercise before class, shower and you have the rest of the day for studies.
    SEAHORSES4EVER Posts: 1,553 Member
    The uni I went to had an on site gym so that was helpful. My only advice is to make a schedule and stick to it, that way the work load doesn't get on top of you and you'll still have free time.
  • cee134
    cee134 Posts: 33,711 Member
    Go to the gym just like you would if you weren't in school. It's not rocket science.
  • owa1s
    owa1s Posts: 273 Member
    km8907 wrote: »
    Don't drink a ton because alcohol has a *kitten* ton of calories. Don't eat fast food every meal. Wake up early, exercise before class, shower and you have the rest of the day for studies.
    I actually thought about that (going to gym before uni) but then would u be tired in class or if u go to uni u would be tired at the gym. Idk if I'm thinking too much or it happens
  • jdlobb
    jdlobb Posts: 1,232 Member
    owa1s wrote: »
    km8907 wrote: »
    Don't drink a ton because alcohol has a *kitten* ton of calories. Don't eat fast food every meal. Wake up early, exercise before class, shower and you have the rest of the day for studies.
    I actually thought about that (going to gym before uni) but then would u be tired in class or if u go to uni u would be tired at the gym. Idk if I'm thinking too much or it happens

    You got it backwards. Going to the gym in the morning will give you energy for class. You'll be way less tired if you wake up, work out, then go to class than if you just wake up late and go straight to class. Heed this advice from someone with 3 college degrees.
    SEAHORSES4EVER Posts: 1,553 Member
    jdlobb wrote: »
    owa1s wrote: »
    km8907 wrote: »
    Don't drink a ton because alcohol has a *kitten* ton of calories. Don't eat fast food every meal. Wake up early, exercise before class, shower and you have the rest of the day for studies.
    I actually thought about that (going to gym before uni) but then would u be tired in class or if u go to uni u would be tired at the gym. Idk if I'm thinking too much or it happens

    You got it backwards. Going to the gym in the morning will give you energy for class. You'll be way less tired if you wake up, work out, then go to class than if you just wake up late and go straight to class. Heed this advice from someone with 3 college degrees.

    I think it depends on the person. Working out in the morning does make me sleepy for the day. I'm a night owl and get a sudden burst in energy at those times. What do you do now @owa1s ?
  • km8907
    km8907 Posts: 3,861 Member
    owa1s wrote: »
    km8907 wrote: »
    Don't drink a ton because alcohol has a *kitten* ton of calories. Don't eat fast food every meal. Wake up early, exercise before class, shower and you have the rest of the day for studies.
    I actually thought about that (going to gym before uni) but then would u be tired in class or if u go to uni u would be tired at the gym. Idk if I'm thinking too much or it happens

    Whatever works better for you. When do you exercise normally? When are you going to exercise after graduation and when you're working? It's all about balance.
  • Sunna_W
    Sunna_W Posts: 744 Member
    Try to get enough sleep at night and study when you get home from class so that you stay on top of your assigned reading and your papers. Get in the habit of walking briskly to the library and to class rather than just strolling.
  • Corprina
    Corprina Posts: 215 Member
    Just like everything in life ... If it's important enough to you, you will make the time ... If not you'll just make excuses
  • natruallycurious
    natruallycurious Posts: 359 Member
    Not having time is just an excuse for people who don't want to make it a priority, and I feel comfortable saying that because I was one of those people. I studied electrical and computer engineering, and while I am not one who believes that my degree was way harder than others, it was time consuming because of the combination of two degrees smashed into one (my uni was weird). I didn't make exercise or my health a priority until my very last semester. Which was one of my hardest in regards to course load, my first semester not living on campus with easy access to the on-site fitness center, and I was involved in multiple campus organizations. What worked for me was going to the gym before class two days a week, and between classes the other three days (I had a big gap between classes). One of the things I wish I had done differently in college is avoided all of the junk food and just eating whatever/whenever I wanted. There's lots of free pizza in college, and it is okay to say no to it sometimes haha. Good luck! If it is important to you, I am sure you will be successful!
  • ritzvin
    ritzvin Posts: 2,860 Member
    owa1s wrote: »
    Starting my uni after about a month. Any advice what to do and not to do and hopefully maintain good shape while studying cuz I hear a lot of people leave working out because they say "too much studies no time for gym". So if u have experience or any advice as to how do u manage going to the gym while uni or a lot of study etc.

    Unless you are also working, I found my time to be much more flexible back when I was in college. With various blocks of free time between classes during the day (rather than only either early in the morning or late after work) and conveniently with a free or reduced price gym right there on campus. You'll also be getting much more walking in by default than most people get before or after college. Just don't pig out on pizza and beer like a lot of students. (And if you are poor and living off of ramen at school, do eat at least SOME of the free pizza - don't be THAT kid in the dorms that gets scurvy. yeah- that happens).
  • cwolfman13
    cwolfman13 Posts: 41,865 Member
    When I was in college, I was off an on in the gym, but I was otherwise pretty active. I didn't own a car for most of that time so I walked and biked everywhere.

    I also worked and held active jobs...I worked in a package liquor store during the school year moving around cases of beer, wine, and booze and did landscape construction in the summer.

    Even with school, study, and work, I had way more free time then than I do now with a full time job and family, and I manage to workout regularly...
  • RoxieDawn
    RoxieDawn Posts: 15,488 Member
    My daughter goes to a gym very close by. Amazingly she will workout anytime and fits it around her class schedule so she is pretty flexible. Lucky her she is not a 'partier', she enjoys having a drink or two with friends, but she keeps most things in balance very well.

    Don't overthink it, having some flexibility and trying to find away to balance. For her each quarter class schedule changes, like everything else, if you want to fit it in, you will.
  • Lounmoun
    Lounmoun Posts: 8,423 Member
    Learn time management. Do what you have time for and don't make excuses. Just like non-students with jobs, kids, friends, etc have to do.
    Prioritize. Decide what is important to you and do it.
    Walk or bike places.
  • deannalfisher
    deannalfisher Posts: 5,600 Member
    does your uni offer any classes that are fitness related? I took a weight lifting one in college, and there were others - so I basically got credit for getting a workout in

    make a schedule and stick to it - I find I worked out better in the pm - so I'd do more morning classes - if you have the flexibility
  • fjmartini
    fjmartini Posts: 1,149 Member
    Don't go if you live in US. Save the quarter million and go to a trade school. Earn 100k a year without the debt. If you have to go study an applicable subject that doesn't end in "studies."