vespiquenn Member


  • I once was walking on railroad tracks that went through a woodsy area. Something caught my eye in the woods so I went to investigate. I found a strange camp that someone clearly had been living in. There were clothes, a mattress, food, and a few other essentials. The odd part is they had no coverage from the rain unless…
  • If you’re dropping sizes, what does it matter what the weight is on the scale? Especially when there are other factors that may influence the scale such as water weight, TOM, sodium levels, etc. Having more than one method of tracking progress may be more revealing of changes such as taking measurements with a tape measure…
  • Don’t think of it as losing weight right now. Your mental health should be top priority, because you can’t expect to get anything done until you are at a point that depression doesn’t dictate your daily activities. In case you aren’t already, I would first advocate that you talk to a professional in mental health. Not just…
  • Also worth looking into is if you have a Facebook, sometimes there are groups geared towards that but more regional to your area. Or sites like I’ve seen a ton of fitness groups on there, all varying in what they do (ie. hiking, running, biking, etc).
  • 5’9” here. Sitting at about 160 currently with a goal of 145. Unfortunately gained a few pounds after being put on a new med and finding myself unable to work out. That also meant that my eating did not stop to account for that change. But things are settling down, so I’m ready to get rid of the last 15lbs. As far as…
  • Why not today for both? The “tomorrow” mentality can be a dangerous one..
  • Are you measuring areas with a tape measure? Unfortunately, you cannot spot reduce. The body is going to take from where it wants, which is typically the areas we wish to keep.. Joking aside, I recommended measuring monthly in addition to weighing on the scale. The scale does not always tell the full story.
  • Wait.. there are people that exist that are willing to admit that they’re from Jersey? Huh, you learn something new every day.
  • Love yourself. Because the storm that is about to come with anorexia and bulimia is not worth the years you will throw away.
  • The above covered a lot, and I agree that getting fitted at a speciality running store is one of the best things you can do to prevent injuries down the road. Another thing is not to be afraid to repeat weeks on the program if necessary, especially as you get further in and the run times increase and the walk intervals…
  • Just click on their name, go to their profile, and there’s a person icon with a plus sign on mobile. On the desktop version, I believe it does say “add friend”. (Someone correct me if I’m wrong there because I don’t use the desktop version anymore). The introduce yourself forum is usually a good place to start for new…
  • I’m actually slightly jealous haha. I tried all (okay not all but way too many) the antidepressants and mood stabilizers, some even twice and different combinations as I got older and my brain chemicals changed. Finally gave up on mood stabilizers because I would become certain degrees of zombie, which didn’t fair well for…
  • Me. And the last 6 months it has been really kicking my butt.
  • What are your stats now? 14lbs between now and February seems like it could be difficult to achieve safely depending on starting weight.
  • Although I am all for weight lifting, tread carefully if you begin. Between the month of my final wedding dress fitting and the final fitting, I continued my normal overload lifting program. So there was nothing new added since I even started dress shopping. In that short of time between fittings, my dress went from…
  • You’re going to fin a huge divide on those for or against CrossFit. The biggest negative is that the trainers sometimes don’t have a clue what they are doing, which invites injury. Typically the amount of reps are ridiculous and unnecessary, at least in my experience. Many do like the group aspect of it, but personally the…
  • Another bipolar sufferer here as well. I personally never had issues with meds causing weight gain, but came with a slew of other side-effects so I opted to be on Prozac only. What worked for me was essentially setting a schedule. Because I knew my mood could cycle between determination and depression quickly, I found that…
  • Not to mention.. full of woo.
  • I have a history of disordered eating starting in my preteens, which included fast/binge cycles and bulimia, and found no help in therapy, but I also had no interest in searching for a therapist that was right for me at the time. What truly helped me was finding an activity that required a balance. In my case, it became…
  • When the Packers won the Super Bowl back in 2011, that was one hell of a party that I threw up from over-indulging. (No alcohol involved). So it has happened to me. Now whether it was from over-eating or sensitivity to foods I wasn’t used to could be debatable. But I would question it happening multiple times..
  • Get a new doctor. Run if one cannot give any medical backing to any claim they are making. I just know that I’d be nervous around a doctor that thinks it’s medically responsible to make a claim that they cannot back up with facts.
  • For most folks, body fat is a better measurement to mark progress because it takes into account muscle mass. However, not many people have a DEXA scan or similar methods of more accurate body fat readings at their disposal, doctors included, so BMI becomes a pretty good range to evaluate one’s potential health. With that…
  • How do you know you’re gaining fat? Are clothes fitting differently or are measurements going up? How are you measuring your intake? If you’re not using a food scale to weigh all solids, it’s likely you’re eating more than you think. Just because you run doesn’t mean that you’re at caloric maintenance or deficit.
  • As you said, it boils down to what motivates you. What another person does is meaningless if it doesn’t peak your interest, so comparing results for general fitness between gym and home workouts isn’t quite useful. You don’t know what programme they may be running or what their end goals are. For example, I go to the gym…
    in Help Comment by vespiquenn October 2017
  • If you were trying your hardest, then no, your race pace is not to 11:30 yet. So your runs should be around the ~13:30-14:30min/mi range for most your training. Stamina first, speed later.
  • One way to figure this out is what Jeff Galloway calls the “magic mile.” Run a mile or two with the amount of effort you would utilize in a race and calculate from there. It’s usually not a good idea to calculate race pace based on training runs alone because of not knowing how your body will react to increased effort and…
  • It’s a lot of trial and error. Most folks cannot stomach eating before a run because it can cause digestional distress (not fun when you’re a few miles from home). Some eat a light snack a hour or two before running like a banana. Personally, my go to is breakfast turkey sausages before a morning run, but I cannot run…