Running Advice

Hi All,
As some of you may know from my posts, I have started a running program as my goal right now is to run a 5k race. I just started the Couch to 5k program. I am a 53 year old female in decent shape. So far my training is going well. Just started last week. I don't have great stamina but I know that I have to work up to that.
My question is, do any of you have some good advice for a beginner? Any tips are welcome. I am determined to do this. Thank you.


  • genpopadopolous
    genpopadopolous Posts: 411 Member
    Good shoes!

    And run slower than you think you need to. Slow and steady!

    For me and my mind- I like running longer distances than I race at- my usual loop is 4.2 miles- that way the 5k distance isn't intimidating. Then it's a "surprise" when I am already almost done!
  • genpopadopolous
    genpopadopolous Posts: 411 Member
    Good shoes!

    And run slower than you think you need to. Slow and steady!

    For me and my mind- I like running longer distances than I race at- my usual loop is 4.2 miles- that way the 5k distance isn't intimidating. Then it's a "surprise" when I am already almost done!


    And- I recommend some cross training- couple days resistance training and a really good stretching routine to help keep you healthy. Hips and hammies get SUPER tight on me.
  • vespiquenn
    vespiquenn Posts: 1,455 Member
    The above covered a lot, and I agree that getting fitted at a speciality running store is one of the best things you can do to prevent injuries down the road.

    Another thing is not to be afraid to repeat weeks on the program if necessary, especially as you get further in and the run times increase and the walk intervals decrease.
  • AllanMisner
    AllanMisner Posts: 4,140 Member
    The couch to 5K is a good program for most people, but your results may vary. Don't be afraid to adjust back or forward as your progress. Just don't add too much distance or speed in one go. A slow, steady progress will allow your body to adapt without injury.

    Where and when possible, train outside. Running outside is very different from running on a treadmill. If you're training on a treadmill, put the elevation on 2.5 or higher. This will better estimate the effort of outside running.

    Rest and recovery are very important.

    Do some strength work to enhance your overall fitness and you'll be a better runner.

    Allan Misner
    NASM Certified Personal Trainer
    Host of the 40+ Fitness Podcast
  • DebLaBounty
    DebLaBounty Posts: 1,172 Member
    I’m 57 years old, and used the Couch to 5K program last summer. I liked it. I did have to repeat Week 5 because it took me a little longer to get the stamina but I did finish. As others said, run slowly for a while to avoid pain or injury. And don’t run more often than is built into your schedule. Your body needs the rest days.

    I went to a running store. I tried on five pairs of shoes and the sales guy had me jog a few yards on the sidewalk so he could evaluate my gait. Best decision! I had no hip, knee or shin pains ever with the shoes I bought.

    I ran a 5K race and was very pleased that I not only finished but did so with a faster time than I thought I would!
  • lfdlfd
    lfdlfd Posts: 6 Member
    Enjoy it, don't focus on finishing the 5k, focus on the improvements you make on every run. Remember that every time you lace your trainers up and get out there, you are lapping the sofa surfers. Well done you.
  • GOT_Obsessed
    GOT_Obsessed Posts: 817 Member
    I am doing it too. (tomorrow is week 6, day 3)

    I make a few comments in a notebook after each day's run about how it went. I look back at it to show myself how far I have come. It's great for keping me motivated.
  • dougii
    dougii Posts: 678 Member
    Get fitted for shoes at a running store.
    Go run.
    Go slow.
    Go run.
    Walk. Run. Walk. Run.
    Go run some more.
  • spiriteagle99
    spiriteagle99 Posts: 3,681 Member
    You'll hear it often, but it bears repeating, keep your pace slow and easy. You can go farther that way, with less effort. Don't worry at the end of the program if 30 minutes does not equal 5k. That will come with time and more miles.

    Walk or do other cross training on the days you don't run. I find that walking loosens up my stiff muscles better than stretching does.

    If you need to repeat days or weeks, do so, but don't be too afraid of sudden jumps in distance/time. You are capable of more than you think, and successfully increasing the distance is a huge morale booster.
  • PaytraB
    PaytraB Posts: 2,360 Member
    I started running in my mid-50s as well. You can do this.
    I used the C25K program. After completion, I could run 30 minutes but not 5K. It didn't take long to increase that distance to 5K.

    Find shoes that are fit properly for your feet. A good Running Store is helpful for this. Good shoes make a world of difference when you're spending that much time on your feet, pounding pavement.

    Run slow. When you start to breath heavy and your feel uncomfortable, slow down. You'll feel as if you can't run slower but you can. Speed will come later.

    Keep at it. You can do this and it's an enjoyable exercise regime. I hope you stick with it.

  • Philtex
    Philtex Posts: 914 Member
    I agree totally with the 'run slow' advice. During C25K if you can run any slower, you are running too fast.

    I sort of agree with the shoes advice. You should have comfortable running shoes, but you don't need to spend $150+ at a running store when you are first starting out.

    I totally disagree with 2.5 elevation on the treadmill, or trying to avoid the TM. I use the TM when it is too hot or too cold, in my estimation, and I always run with zero incline. I find it serves the same purpose and results as running outside.

    My best advice is to have fun. Run however makes you enjoy the experience. You are running for you, nobody else.
  • lulalacroix
    lulalacroix Posts: 1,082 Member
    I just finished C25K a couple weeks ago. My advice is to run slowly. Don't be worried about repeating a day or even a week. And stretch after every run.

    Lastly, enjoy your run. It just gets better!
  • mabearof6
    mabearof6 Posts: 684 Member
    Take the time and get properly fitted for running shoes. The proper shoe makes a world of difference! Also track the mileage on your shoes, so you have a good idea of when to replace them. I also recommend not automatically buying the same shoe when you do replace them, Models change all the time and it can affect how they feel on your foot.

    Build slowly, and most importantly enjoy!
  • stanmann571
    stanmann571 Posts: 5,728 Member
    My C25K advice for beginners, is Always do at least 5K... That means walking further in warmup/cooldown.

    It also means more time out on the road.

    The other good advice is good. Run slow, get fitted for good shoes, etc.

    If you really like your shoes, buy a couple pairs, because styles change, and it can be frustrating to get refitted.
  • Tacklewasher
    Tacklewasher Posts: 7,122 Member
    I started C25K Jan 2017 at 51. I've done a lot of 5K's a couple of 10K and plan on a half this year.

    All of the advice above is spot on, especially getting proper shoes for your gait.

    One thing to add, I'm really enjoying Saturday morning Parkruns, so if there is one in your area, join up. It's a free, timed 5K that happens weekly. Not a regimented thing at all and is set up for walkers as well so don't feel like you will be holding people up if you can't run the full 5K and need to walk some of it.
  • ColleenRuns
    ColleenRuns Posts: 11 Member
    I am a coach with the Women Run/Walk Memphis program, which trains beginners to run their first 5K using the Couch to 5K program.

    The most important things we emphasize to our beginner ladies is to get a HIGH QUALITY pair of running shoes, fitted by experts used to fitting runners for shoes. This means seeking out the specific store (or stores) in your community that cater to the serious runners in your community. These stores (and we are NOT talking about places like Academy Sports, Dick's Sporting Goods, etc!) hire TRAINED INDIVIDUALS - usually experienced runners - who will spend quite a bit of time with you, finding out what your needs are, looking at you run/walk, maybe even putting you on a treadmill to see how you run. My local running store doesn't have a treadmill, but the sales people sometimes take you immediately outside the store to run a bit on the sidewalk. They will even examine old shoes of yours, if you bring them in, as the wear on an older pair of shoes tells them alot about what you need in a running shoe.

    These specialized running stores carry many, many different types of shoes -- and as it turns out, no two people have the exact same needs in a running shoe. You and I might both have "neutral" feet, or "overprognating" feet or whatever -- but the best shoe for me is not likely to be the best shoe for you. These folks are trained to find the BEST shoe for YOUR PARTICULAR FEET, and they take all kinds of variables into consideration as they do this: 1, your walking/running gait, 2, your running experience (or lack thereof, as expert trained runners tend to have different needs from beginning runners), 3, the "type" of foot you have (neutral, overprognator, flat footed, etc), 4, the WIDTH of your feet, 5, whether you have any special considerations (for example, bunions, or a chronic capsulitis problem, or plantar fasciatis), 6, what kind of surface you plan on running (city streets, or wooded trails, etc), 7, the wear patterns on older shoes that you might bring in (I highly encourage you to bring in an old pair of shoes when you go get fitted for this reason)... and there are probably other things they take into consideration as well.

    At any rate, they look at ALL these things, and then will bring out two or three model shoes that they - in their expert opinion - believe will be BEST FOR YOU. They do NOT bring out the shoe that is on sale this week, or the prettiest pink shoe in their inventory. They bring out the shoes that they honestly believe will fit YOUR FEET and YOUR NEEDS the best.

    They will allow you ample time to try the shoes on, and even let you go outside to run a bit in them.

    They will bring out more pairs of shoes if it is needed, but (at least in my local community) they are so good at what they do that they seldom need to bring out more than three pair before you find a pair that fit so good that they feel like they were built especially for YOUR feet.

    Even so, true runners stores will offer a return policy -- usually you can return the shoes in 30 days even if you ran in them -- and get your money back, or trade for another pair of new shoes.

    That is a liberal return policy that few other types of shoe stores will offer. These running stores offer such great return policies because they are not trying to make a sale for a single day. They are trying to create a dedicated, returning customer who will come back time and time again, even if their prices are slightly higher than amazon.

    You will find that these are also the stores that sponsor (usually free) training groups for runners, and provide support for the local running club races. They do this at their expense, because at the end of the day, these specialized stores for runners ARE part of the local running community.

    Contact the local running club in your community, and they can tell you who these stores are. And they can give you other good advice, too, possibly including information on free training for beginning runners in your area.

    (BTW, if you are in West Tennessee, you will find two such stores in the Memphis area -- Breakaway Running and Fleet Feet. In Jackson, Performance Running is every bit as good as the stores in Memphis.)

    Here's the thing: Your feet will make or break your running experience.

    If you run in the wrong shoe for your feet, you run higher risk of pain when you run (not only pain in the feet, but things like shin splints, knee pain, hip pain, and even back pain can all be the result of running in an ill-fitting pair of shoes).

    PLUS, if that were not bad enough, you run a much greater risk of PHYSICAL INJURY when you run. Mostly because you will be running in pain - a pain that would be preventable if you were just running in the best shoe for YOUR feet.

    That is why I have spent so much time talking about shoes, and getting sized up for the right pair for YOUR feet.

    Do NOT worry about what color the shoes are, or the style. Go to any race in your local town -- you will see all kinds of different color and style shoes, and the color of the shoes almost never matches the color of the clothing the experienced runners are wearing.

    I do know of some runners who buy their shoes first, and then buy a running outfit to match their shoes. Since they realize how important shoe fit is, but still want their shoes to match their clothes.

    But these are mostly new runners. Folks who have not been running more than a year or so.

    Older, more experienced runners long ago abandoned the idea of matching their running clothes to the color of their running outfit. This is, in great part, because you will replace your running shoes long before you wear out your running clothes.

    And it is in part, too, because - as you will soon grow to appreciate -- there are NO fashion police patroling the local foot races. People wear what they need to be comfortable and safe when they run. Let the fashion police patrol elsewhere. :)
  • Meghand4
    Meghand4 Posts: 1 Member
    You've got a lot of great advice here. I'd echo the proper fitting for shoes. It makes all the difference. And your socks - make sure they are not cotton but are moisture wicking, so you avoid blisters. Also, if you have an ache or a pain, please don't ignore it. Discomfort is ok, pain is not. If you experience pain, get to the bottom of why and fix it because I can assure you that it does not go away. One more thing - everyone advises you to slow down. This is very true, but how slow? You should be able to hold a conversation with someone while running. Another good indicator would be by your heart rate. You can find a wrist based no name brand heart rate and activity monitor in the stores cheap now a days.

    Find your local running club and join it. It will be the best thing you ever did!