

  • Hey There! I'm a Brit. Ive been on here a while, but restarting after losing my focus for a few months and would love to broaden my friends group again :smile: Feel free to add and I'll send some requests :happy: Becky x
  • I could come up with loads of excuses....BUT HONESTLY.......I took my eye off the ball. After losing 46lbs in about 18 months, I've had a gain since September 2013 of 20lbs. Because I was feeling good, slim and healthy I "forgot" that to keep feeling good, slim and healthy I have to continue eating the right foods and…
  • Hey Guys, Completed day 8 yesterday and finally feel like I'm on a roll after all my illness! Finding it really challenging, but awesome at the same time....and I feel fab once its done ha ha! :tongue: I am over the calve soreness - thank goodness!!! Adding Creatine to my protien shake before and after my workout has…
  • Good Morning!! Completed day Cardio Power and Resistance last night! It was challenging but awesome! :wink: Am stuggling a little with muscle soreness, my calves are soooooo tight :grumble: :grumble: :grumble: Have taken some ibuprofen and keep stretching them, did anyone else have this - any tips?? I know its a matter of…
  • Yay! I finally felt well enough to do my first Insanity workout last night and wow, the clue is in the title, it is INSANE!!!!! I thought I had a fairly good level of fitness, well, I can say with certainty now, I really don't! I burnt nearly 400 cal in the 42 minutes and I honestly thought I was going to hurl when I…
  • Morning Guys I have come down with an awful cold :sick: (its only a cold, why do they make you feel soooooo rubbish!!) No way I could push through Insanity last night with a pounding head, sore throat and achy fed up :sad: It feels like I've failed before I've even really gotten going!! :angry: Am on the…
  • Lol, the thought of me doing Insanity outside is not a pretty one!! Ha ha! X x
  • Morning all! Well last nights fit test was a little challenging!!! Let's hope my numbers significantly improve by day 60!!! But here are my results: Switch kicks 58 Power Jacks 24 Power knees 55 Power Jumps 26 Globe Jumps 8 Suicide Jumps 10 Low Plank Oblique 14 I also took my measurements (and some awful piccies that I…
  • Wow - so many of us INSANE people! Thanks for all the responses and fab tips. I've sent some friend requests, it would be great to have support along the way! :smile: I'm very excited (and a little scared) to do my fitness test tonight and get going on this journey. Really focused on eating well today - and am also setting…
  • Good Luck to you to Green2gold! I'll be taking my piccies later :ohwell: and hope they will look significantly different in 60 days too... Let me know how you get on :happy:
  • Thanks for the great tips (especially the curtian closing - good shout!) and well done for the making it through the first two weeks!! :smile: I am slightly scared, but also very excited to start a new challenge! B x
  • Feel free to add me! I'm 35 in August, mum of three and feeling better than I did in my twenties :happy:
  • Hey There, I am an Instagram addict and use it to blog my fitness progress :smile: Feel free to add me beckyd_fattofit There are some amazing inspirational journeys on there! If you add your IG name I will follow you too :smile: Becky x
  • I would love some more like-minded friends too :) I eat about 1800 cals a day and lift heavy 2/3 times a week and do cardio 2x week. I've slowly upped my calories (I was a 1200'er for a good 14months before enough was enough lol!) and feel like a new woman! Please feel free to add :flowerforyou:
  • Thank you both so much for your replies, they are both so helpful. My workouts are: 50-60 mins of Circuits class 2 or 3 per week which include jogging, sprinting, light weights, press ups, squats, burpees, star jumps etc and my gym sessions include 20-30 mins cardio either jogging at speed 9 or cross trainer and then 45 -…
  • Hey There I never exercised before Jan 2012.....I now I really enjoy it :smile: I agree, you have to find something you like. I tried loads of things before I settled on what I like and works for me - at the moment I do circuits classes and strength training. I do a little running (mainly HIIT on the Treadmill, run really…
  • Could you add me please :smile:
  • Hey There I'm really a before and during... I'm 5ft 2" and down from 174lbs to 136 :smile: I am aiming for 125lbs..... I've been using MFP since January 2012. Not sure how to post pictures yet, but you can check out the pictures in my profile. Becky x
  • Yay! I love inspirational IG's - Mine is @beckyd_fattofit Becky x
  • Wow!! You look amazing!! Fab job x
  • Hey I'm 5ft 2" and currently 138lbs I wear: UK Size 12 Jeans/Trousers UK Size 10 /12 Dress/Tops (depending on the cut) My UGW is 125 and I hope to comfortably fit into a size 10 jeans and and 8-10 dresses! Becky x
  • I am right with you!! Just take yesterday as an example - it was my husbands Birthday, so we ate a fish and chip supper and Krispy Creme doughnuts! But I believe that this should just be a treat rather than a day-to-day way of eating. My kids have treats at the weekend, occasional pizza etc etc, it is all about…
  • Oooh, love the idea of apple and peanut butter and frozen grapes - will have to try these, thank you! I did pick up a recipe for Banana icecream, which is just frozen banana liquidised up with some milk until its the right consistency - am yet to try it, but its supossed to be yummy! Thought this could be another healthy…
  • Hey all, Feel free to add me :flowerforyou: I am 5'ft 2" Age: 34 Mum to three (age 16, 12 and 2) Highest Weight: 172lbs (whoops!) Starting Weight: 172lbs Current Weight : 138lbs Goal Weight: 125lbs or a comfortable UK size 10 (am now focusing more on losing inches and how my clothes fit than what the scales say!) I've been…
  • Hey there Feel free to add me :flowerforyou: at 5ft 2inches and looking to lose my last 17lbs :happy: Becky x
  • Hey From the England too - feel free to add :flowerforyou: Becky x
  • Hey I've been using MFP for over a year now and on here everyday :smile: Your welcome to add me (and anyone else too!), I would welcome the support to get rid of my last 19lbs :tongue: Becky x
  • Hey There I know exactly what you are going through - My calves were a massive problem for me when I first started exercising last year. I don't know if we had the same problem, but mine used to feel soooooo tight and then become very painful after a short time - it actually used to stop me from jogging/exercising the pain…
  • I do Circuit training 3 times a week and try to do a gym session twice a week (30 mins HIT cardio and 30 mins strength training). I am no expert, but am hoping this routine will increase my fitness, muscle tone and burn some wobbly fat! If you are at home I would also really recommend JM's 30 day shred. I had great results…
  • Hey there, I'm a 1200'er and my diary is public so you are welcome to add me too :flowerforyou: Becky x