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For all MFP returnees, why did we gain the weight back?

I see a lot of people are "back again" to "finally nail it this time" or words to that effect. Myself included.

Since quite a long stint on MFP in between 2010 and 2012, where I successfully managed to lose nearly 30lbs, albeit slowly, I have been on an off MFP two or three times last year but never stuck with it. I never actually reached my goal weight. So now, having gained nearly all my weight back I have restarted AGAIN. In total I now have 42 - 50 lbs to lose.

So I am curious, what brought you back this time? What happened to bring all the weight back? What will you do differently this time?

OK, I'll go first. I am back because last time MFP kept me on track most of the time and I enjoyed having the support from my MFP friends. My weight came back on because I stopped going to the gym and re-embraced my comfort eating and wine drinking habits and went into a denial about the scale creeping back up. This time I don't think I will rush into a gym membership, only to be enthusiastic about it for a few months then lose interest. I am going to think more carefully about the type of exercise I enjoy and can sustain long term.

I hope you will be able to share your views on here and hopefully we can learn from each other and really "finally nail it this time" :laugh:


  • Marriage and night shift totally derailed my weight loss. I was down 120 pounds...however I've gained 50 back.
  • charliemouse70
    charliemouse70 Posts: 26 Member
    I'm a life-long yo-yo dieter, hovering somewhere between a size 14-16 until my divorce nearly 10 years ago.
    In the immediate aftermath of the divorce I lost a load of weight without trying, but when I met my current partner (a chef) the weight crept on. We've been together over 8 years and in that time I put on 3 stones. I'm 5'2" - it showed!

    Last year I lost almost all of that 3 stones - but last year was a killer for me. Work restructure meant I faced the threat of redundancy and I did get bumped down a grade, losing £500 a month. I also had health problems. I had a miscarriage and had to accept that at 43 I am unlikely to get pregnant again - and then I developed pre-menopausal symptoms..... oh, and I almost broke up with my partner.

    Not surprisingly I lost my diet mojo and the weight started to creep on. I re-gained about one and a half stones (21lbs). Before Christmas things had improved and I was in the mood to get back in control of my eating, but decided to enjoy Christmas first.

    So, here I am. Trying MFP for the first time, but not dieting for the first time! My motivation is mainly health: I don't want to get diabetes or osteoporosis and at my age & weight I'm in the at risk zone. It's more of a motivation that just wanting to look better.
  • Schtroumpfkin
    Schtroumpfkin Posts: 123 Member
    Maintaining doesn't give the sense of achievement that losing does. I realise that once I reach my goal weight this time (and I will), I have to find other goals to keep me motivated. I also have to develop the confidence to mix healthy meals with a moderation of unhealthy ones. For me, it tends to be all or nothing. Stupid? Yes. Common problem? I suspect so....
  • nikibean123
    nikibean123 Posts: 81 Member
    I successfully stayed at about 140-150lbs a couple of years ago which for me is quite slim as I am curvy anyway and 5'7".

    My partner and I have been together for about 2.5 years and we love steak! Eating out is our treat so we've both put on a bit of weight.

    A week or two ago, I accepted that I am bigger than I have ever been (178lbs) and didn't want to carry on feeling bloated and unhealthy.

    I've lost about 4lbs so far, am measuring waist etc as well as weighing to keep a proper track and am speaking to other MFP users which I didn't before.
  • Gained 20 pounds back over christmas (1 month!!!), but was extremely unhealthy, so can only blame it on my self. No real reason tbh behind my food choices either, other than wanting the food. Back to healthy eating and gaining my control back :)
  • BernadetteChurch
    BernadetteChurch Posts: 2,210 Member
    I think a lot of us gain the weight back because we take our eyes off the ball. We lose a bit of weight and think it's OK to then lapse back into our old ways, which is how we became overweight in the first place.

    Since joining MFP I've learned that I have to be in this for life now, not just until I lose the excess weight.
  • Yiriandur
    Yiriandur Posts: 4 Member
    Well, I just returned today.. The past 3 months have been an emotional roller-coaster, in which i didn't see the purpose to keeping up diet checking and sporting anymore. Lost the motivation i guess, and I was confronted with the fact that i'm getting closer to my starting weight again of 5-6 months ago, this week.

    I had lost some 5-6 kg in those 3.5 first months of the programs i had set myself up to follow (keeping track of what i eat, eating a deficiency, sporting daily or every other day at least to some extent), but I've gained 4 kg of that back in the last 2 months which of course also include the holidays and availability of comfort foods..

    Well, it shows and i can feel it. Clothes i could fit in again, no longer fit. My body looks more pudgy again. I feel worn out a lot faster if i do exert myself than a few months ago.

    I don't know if i can keep this motivation, because i do have to do it myself in the end, but today i started with a 25min exercise routine before work, and that felt great. I have quite a while to go again, but with any luck i'll look just -slightly- less pudgy in two weeks when i have to fit in a ballroom dress at a work event..!
  • angiewf
    angiewf Posts: 175 Member
    i was doing well losing weight until my husband died. Although it wasn't totally unexpected as he was 25 years older than me and had health probs, we had been married 38 years, and I regained most of my weight loss thru' comfort eating. Then I had a few years of upheaval with moving house and other things, so didn't settle to it. Now I'm back on track as I want to be healthy and not deprive my kids too soon of their only parent! Besides, late husband was so proud of my weight loss, so I feel I'd be letting him down if I don't get it off.
  • janesmith1
    janesmith1 Posts: 1,511 Member
    I lost 40 when I first started. Since then my life took some very unexpected turns. And it was really stressful. I mean I have an ulcer, that much stress.

    I made a group for people interested in losing 10# a month if any of the returnees are interested

  • ichorica
    ichorica Posts: 475 Member
    I got injuired lost my motivation and ability to work out, got frustrated with my stall! boooo super lame to think about that now. ai gained almost 50 back.
  • i was doing well losing weight until my husband died. Although it wasn't totally unexpected as he was 25 years older than me and had health probs, we had been married 38 years, and I regained most of my weight loss thru' comfort eating. Then I had a few years of upheaval with moving house and other things, so didn't settle to it. Now I'm back on track as I want to be healthy and not deprive my kids too soon of their only parent! Besides, late husband was so proud of my weight loss, so I feel I'd be letting him down if I don't get it off.

    Thank you for sharing. Sounds like you have had many life challenges in the past few years. You sound very motivated too and I hope you will manage to lose it and keep it off.
  • Zomoniac
    Zomoniac Posts: 1,169 Member
    I have to be in this for life now, not just until I lose the excess weight.

    Everyone should have this tattooed on their face. An MFP initiation.
  • Uh-oh, work beckons. I will be back later to see what you have all been saying :drinker:
  • runnermom419
    runnermom419 Posts: 366 Member
    From May 2011 to December 2012, I lost 171 pounds. I forget when I stopped MFP, but I decided to take a break because I started having panic attacks over food and not being able to measure things. Lost weight just fine without it. But, gained some of it back when I got pregnant with my son. Back to get rid of the last bit of baby weight.
  • I could come up with loads of excuses....BUT HONESTLY.......I took my eye off the ball. After losing 46lbs in about 18 months, I've had a gain since September 2013 of 20lbs. Because I was feeling good, slim and healthy I "forgot" that to keep feeling good, slim and healthy I have to continue eating the right foods and exercising.....lol!

    My portion sizes increased, I had more treats than I really should and I stopped exercising regulary. Then I noticed my clothes were getting tight and (this is a very honest confession now!) So, I just thought sod it, I'm getting fat again and ate some more.....Hmmmm, recognise the cycle, I know I do??

    Then, just to add to it, I had two chest infections over December and injured my lower back and ate more mince pies than I ever thought humanly possible over the Christmas Break....

    I've really been working hard to re-educate myself after being a serial yo-yo dieter since I was 16 years old and honestly thought I'd cracked it....This 20lb gain has been good learning for me, time to get it back off!!

    Good Luck all x
  • rfsatar
    rfsatar Posts: 599 Member
    I think a lot of us gain the weight back because we take our eyes off the ball. We lose a bit of weight and think it's OK to then lapse back into our old ways, which is how we became overweight in the first place.

    Since joining MFP I've learned that I have to be in this for life now, not just until I lose the excess weight.

    Yep - new job, different way of working and complacency for me ... so back at it
  • ichorica
    ichorica Posts: 475 Member
    Ok wow people are awake! happy to read more replies!
  • Snow__White
    Snow__White Posts: 1,650 Member
    I got pregnant
  • linuss88
    linuss88 Posts: 1 Member
    Initially lost 70 pounds over 1year using mfp. gained back 21 pounds over 6 months. This was due to 7 from holiday weight and a further 14 from a desk job and not making time for exercise/ healthy eating.

    Like people have already said it is too easy to slip back into old habits and forget why we used mfp in the first place
  • silmarilliane
    silmarilliane Posts: 133 Member
    because i like food :D and because i have the knowledge that i will start the dreaded diet again soon so i need to eat all the foods NOW before that happens haha.
    this year i'm trying to focus more on weights based exercise and slowly getting back to a better size than focusing on a weight goal.
    good luck :)