Insanity - Starting 1 Oct (Tomorrow)



  • Rielyn
    Rielyn Posts: 150 Member
    I'm on week 2 and so far I love it, I've been getting up at 5:30 am to do it which is totally unheard of for me. It's really hard but I can already feel a difference in my endurance and I've already lost a couple pounds and some inches!! Good luck :)
  • asmithson19
    Hi Everyone,

    I started on Monday (Sep 30) too... Add me if anyone wants go through the journey together!

    I need to focus more on the food side of things - But loving (and hating) the daily workouts!

    You guys made me laugh saying to pull the curtains closed - I am in Australia (2nd month of Spring) and the weather is PERFECT for outdoor training this time of year!! I take my laptop to the children's playground area near my house to work out at 6am each morning - All the early morning 'dog walkers' def think I am crazy but I don't mind - I feel heaps better working out outside!!

    Good luck all!!

  • rebeccadavis88
    Morning all!

    Well last nights fit test was a little challenging!!! Let's hope my numbers significantly improve by day 60!!! But here are my results:
    Switch kicks 58
    Power Jacks 24
    Power knees 55
    Power Jumps 26
    Globe Jumps 8
    Suicide Jumps 10
    Low Plank Oblique 14

    I also took my measurements (and some awful piccies that I won't be sharing just yet lol!)
    Neck 12
    Arms 10.5
    Bust 35
    Under Bust 30
    Waist 31
    Tummy 39
    Thighs 21
    Calfs 13

    Had a really great day clean food wise, and have prepped myself up for another successful day today...
    So, I guess the real work will start tonight ;) keep me posted with your progress!!

    Becky x
  • rebeccadavis88
    Lol, the thought of me doing Insanity outside is not a pretty one!! Ha ha! X x
  • tanj39
    tanj39 Posts: 6
    I am only on week 2 day 3. Would love to follow everyones journey:happy:
  • lmissinsanity
    Checking in to say day 9 of insanity is done.... Pure cardio kicked my butt but in a nice way. I feel like I'm getting more confident with the workout.

    On a side note does anyone take protein after insanity?
  • asmithson19
    Haha - Yep, I'm not saying I look good when doing it outside, LOL - Quite entertaining for my neighbourhood, I'm sure, LOL!

    Is anyone finding the 6days a week too challenging?

    My body is used to training about 3 times a week (outdoor bootcamp) and being Thursday now (in Aus) I feel like I need a day off? Or is that not the point? Haha...

    I am thinking 5 days a week would suffice to reach my goals... Any thoughts?

    In fairness - I am up to 'Cardio Recovery' day - Which I understand to be some hardcore stretching... Anyways - I am not afraid to give it ago 6 days a week - I just wondered what everyone's thoughts were?

    Thanks guys!
  • tanj39
    tanj39 Posts: 6
    Yeah I am drinking a protein shake straight after the insanity workout. It's for fast muscle recovery.
  • rebeccadavis88
    Morning Guys

    I have come down with an awful cold :sick: (its only a cold, why do they make you feel soooooo rubbish!!) No way I could push through Insanity last night with a pounding head, sore throat and achy fed up :sad: It feels like I've failed before I've even really gotten going!! :angry:

    Am on the Lemon and Honey (and whiskey- purely medicinal) today and working from home so hope to be back to normal as quickly as possible :ohwell: !

    Keep the great work guys....I will be back with you as soon as I can!

    Becky x
  • lmissinsanity
    Aw, feel better soon!
    I bowed out of cardio power and resistance... my neck is hurting me big time (non insanity related injury) and i think all the jumping makes it worse. I think my neck is niggly from all the hours I've spent trying to finish this strategy plan. Alas back to insanity tomorrow. I did workout with my personal trainer this morning, so I've gotten quite a bit of exercise.
  • ilessa
    ilessa Posts: 61 Member
    My turn to check in, recovery session number 2 is now done.

    Yes I take a recovery drink (3:1 carbs to protein) and I haven't suffered from DOMS apart from in my calf muscles which has been an absolute godsend, helps me keep digging deep.

    Hope everyone had a good day :) x
  • mrsg2013
    mrsg2013 Posts: 63 Member
    In on week 1 day 4.
    This is my second round of insanity!
    I'm so crazy, I actually came back for more lol
    Loved the results I got from the 1st round. I'm really just looking to toned up a tiny bit more. The 6 pack is there, but needs to come out a bit more :)
  • lmissinsanity
    Hurt my knee last week, its feeling much better so hoping to do pure cardio today! Have a great week everyone!
  • hairdressergem
    Hi everyone. Just joined today and looking for abit of advice.

    I'm starting my insanity workout this evening and was interested to see if anyone has any tips they'd like to share.

    I've heard its very challenging but I'm determined to get through it!
  • djcozzo

    Just finished my first month of insanity. Initially I didn't lose too much weight, by week 3 I had only lost 3 lbs. It was a bit discouraging, but my clothes were fitting better. I had to evaluate my diet. I went more strict on my diet watching my portions, eating more vegatables, and drinking lots of water. Last week (week 4) I lost 6lbs in my recovery week. Still dieting faithfully.

    I have decided to repeat month 1 of insanity - starting today. The workouts are hard - especially the jumping. I have decided to repeat to get better and more in shape before starting month 2 workouts.

    Good luck and just keep pushing through it. You always feel better after your workout is done.
  • ilessa
    ilessa Posts: 61 Member
    Know how you feel, just entering week 3 and I've actually gone up by 2lb and can't see a reduction in inches anywhere. I'm actually eating less than the program recommends because I physically can't eat as much food as it wants me to.

    Hoping it'll make a difference soon, some people said week 3 is when they actually started to lose.

    On the plus side though my fit test results last night have jumped way up from the first week so I guess it's definitely making a difference to the cardio fitness.
  • rightoncommander
    rightoncommander Posts: 114 Member
    Week 3 is exactly when I started to lose weight - apparently your muscles retain water when they are recovering from exercise, and you've probably never exercised this hard in your life. I know I hadn't! Since week 3 I've lost at least 1lb per week, and at the end I could not believe the difference in my before and after pictures.

    If you feel like they're getting you to eat too much, try using MFP instead. I put my lifestyle down as "sedentary", because I don't get much physical activity other than exercising. That means I have to log EVERY workout if I want to eat! So Insanity, squash, football, cycling into town, I log it all and stick to the calorie limit MFP calculates for me. I use Endomondo with an HRM, so the calories burned are pretty accurate. As long as I get within 300-400 calories of the target, I figure I'm not starving myself. On days when I play sports as well my calorie goal approaches 3,000 calories. I just make sure I eat at least 2,000 calories and bank whatever I don't eat - it comes in handy on Sundays when I really am sedentary and usually bust my limit!
  • d3ck5
    d3ck5 Posts: 47

    I kicked off my first round on the 7th and am loving it so far.

    Did hip hop abs for a while (still love it) and decided to make the plunge to something a little (A LOT) more hardcore. :)

    I went all out and bought a heart rate monitor (Polar FT40), some new shoes (still breaking them in :( ), a bunch of USN recovery mix (though i switch between that and chocolate milk) and I downloaded an iPhone app called InsanityLog (recommended, its cheap and you can add pics, notes and measurements, and no i didnt develop it)

    am sweating like absolute crazy after each workout, and im burning between 600-700 cals from the more intense workouts and I've been topping 190's for my max heart rate, which i was a little concerned about (im 36 and they say 184 should be my max). After a bit of research and a quick trip to the docs, it's nothing to be concerned about.

    some tips for the new starters (as per hairdresserge)
    * before you start, collect all of the things you need and place them where they need to be (water, towel, phone, sweater, etc)
    * make sure your area is clear and clean

    I get distracted easily (especially if im in discomfort) and if i see something not in place or messy, ill fix it up then and there. So the above 2 points help me stay focused

    * do what YOU can, not what the people on the TV are doing. use them as reference for style, posture, motivation, technique (and even some do a bad job at that). if they do 100 and you can only do 20 trying your hardest, thats a win to you.

    * drink water during rests, but not too much. youll know when you have. :)
    * give chocolate milk a try for a recovery drink. works for some, not for others, and some choose not to have a recovery solution at all. but its cheap, and could work for you.

    most importantly
    * select the music option!

    to whoever is starting it or doing it, i wish you all the cardio strength in the world, and hope you achieve whatever it is you want to achieve by doing this program.

  • rebeccadavis88
    Yay! I finally felt well enough to do my first Insanity workout last night and wow, the clue is in the title, it is INSANE!!!!! I thought I had a fairly good level of fitness, well, I can say with certainty now, I really don't!

    I burnt nearly 400 cal in the 42 minutes and I honestly thought I was going to hurl when I finished (sorry, TMI) :sick: !!

    And I couldn't do all of the exercises for the duration of the circuit (I seriously did not have enough strength in my legs or my core) but I gave it my best shot and I'm looking forward to seeing my progression over the coming weeks.

    It is tough, BUT....... I loved it :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: (once I had finished, of course :tongue:)

    Excited to get on with workout 2 tonight....I can already feel the muscle soreness coming on, so know I have done some good work already!

    Thanks for all of the fab tips shared on the thread and on my profile - they have been really helpful. Hows everyone getting on?? x x