Insanity - Starting 1 Oct (Tomorrow)

Hey Lovely MFP'ers

I'm starting my first ever round of Insanity tomorrow (1 October) and wondered if anyone else was too??

It would be great to have a support and accountability too :smile:

Becky :flowerforyou:


  • Phillipduncan86
    Wow another crazy person doing the insanity training (welcome)

    I started Insanity 2 weeks ago and have stuck with it through the pain (first 3-5days hurts so much)

    Just get through the pain and you will enjoy it so much everyday is diffrent which i think makes it work so well

    Good luck and hope you get through the full 60 Days

    ps pull the curtains across you look crazy if anyone see you from outside lol
  • rebeccadavis88
    Thanks for the great tips (especially the curtian closing - good shout!) and well done for the making it through the first two weeks!! :smile:

    I am slightly scared, but also very excited to start a new challenge!

    B x
  • green2gold
    green2gold Posts: 1 Member
    Hiya, I'm Starting Insanity tomorrow too! :happy: I've took my before pictures :embarassed: In hopes that 60 days later I notice some change lol. It's nice to know I'm not the only one starting, good luck!! XD
  • rebeccadavis88
    Good Luck to you to Green2gold! I'll be taking my piccies later :ohwell: and hope they will look significantly different in 60 days too...

    Let me know how you get on :happy:
  • nhowell1
    nhowell1 Posts: 6 Member
    I started today 1st ever round. Just waiting a couple of hrs before I do fitness test. Seem to have too much food to eat! 5 x 500 calaries. But I am sticking to the food plan to the letter. Good luck NH
  • MsP90X
    MsP90X Posts: 1,053 Member
    I started a new round today too ... add me and we can support one another. I did it once two years ago... my advice, stay off the scale until the end of the month. You will shrink but the scale can be a nasty witch that makes you believe that you are not making progress... but you WILL>

    Good luck everyone... I am right here with you ;)
  • ilessa
    ilessa Posts: 61 Member
    Hello there!

    I started my first ever round a week ago today, struggling a little bit to eat the food that it's asking (2100 cal) when before I was on 1300 a day, bit of a shock. Currently managing around 1700-1800 so hoping that's enough, seem to have enough energy to go through the workouts just going to give it to the end of this week and adjust if necessary.

    Feel free to add me, trying to stick to this as best as I can and all the support that's available is welcomed :) xx
  • nic632
    nic632 Posts: 295 Member
    Hiya. I started Insanity 2 weeks ago and echo what Phillipduncan said - definately make sure you close your curtains. When I'm doing it in the evening, as the nights are getting darker earlier now, I have to close the blinds too, cos otherwise people will still be able to see me moving around from outside.

    You'll really enjoy it. There are plenty of water breaks, approx 30 secs long, so make sure you've got plenty to drink cos you'll definately need it.

    Have fun and good luck!
  • JosiePease
    JosiePease Posts: 1 Member
    Hey, I was planning on starting Insanity tomorrow too. (: I'm glad other people are just starting up as well!
  • Apple1234
    Apple1234 Posts: 20 Member
    I just did my fit test this evening!! I cant wait to improve :)
    Im so excited and scared all at once! Good luck to everyone doing it!
  • Kasmira0004
    Kasmira0004 Posts: 79 Member
    I started tonight, first timer here!
  • bookworm_847
    bookworm_847 Posts: 1,903 Member
    Today was day one of week four for me. I agree with pushing through the pain, it's totally worth it. I love doing Insanity... well before and after the workout I love it, during it's more of a love/hate situation. :wink:

    Just be sure to eat enough, drink lots of water, get enough rest, and don't push yourself so hard that you want to give up. Each day you'll be a little better than the day before.

    Good luck to you all!
  • emjvance
    emjvance Posts: 3 Member
    today is day 30 of insanity for me, its really hard sometimes to get myself up to do the workout, but I've done it everyday without fail... just remember that if you don't do it then you wont see results, that's what Ive been telling myself each day to keep myself going.
  • femmebb23
    I'm starting Insanity again next week, I did the first month and the first week of the second month on my first attempt, but I'm ready to finish it. I lost 20 pounds in the first month. The only thing that I hated was that my legs would be so sore the next day, my legs would almost give out going up the stairs. I'm just hoping that doesn't happen this time.
  • rebeccadavis88
    Wow - so many of us INSANE people! Thanks for all the responses and fab tips. I've sent some friend requests, it would be great to have support along the way! :smile:

    I'm very excited (and a little scared) to do my fitness test tonight and get going on this journey. Really focused on eating well today - and am also setting myself a no refined sugar plus no alcohol challenge as well for the duration! I figure if I'm going to push myself with the exercise, I need to really focus on my diet to to get the best possible results!

    I will post my fitness test results, measurements etc tomorrow :happy:

    Becky x
  • DasaWhite924
    DasaWhite924 Posts: 4 Member
    Good luck! Keep us posted.

    I do have a question, how do you record it on here? I try searching for "insanity" under cardiovascular but couldn't find it.
  • lmissinsanity
    Hi from South Africa. Checking in for day 7 of insanity... Just finished it!

  • ilessa
    ilessa Posts: 61 Member
    I've had to cheat somewhat - I put it under Aerobics(high impact) but by using a heart rate monitor just adjusting the minutes until it matches the calories burned (I've had to calculate this very roughly as I just have a simple HRM, didn't occur to me when I bought it some months ago that there were ones that did this for you!).
  • mollyb1018
    To record on MFP, I've always just created my own exercise. I title it the name of the Insanity workout, time and how many calories I burned. It is saved in "My Exercises" and then I can use it again. I wear a heart monitor when I exercise, so that's how I know how many calories I burned. Hope this helps!
  • akvreeland
    Started yesterday...first time ever. Not sure what I got myself into :)