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Insanity - Starting 1 Oct (Tomorrow)



  • ilessa
    ilessa Posts: 61 Member
    Know how you feel, just entering week 3 and I've actually gone up by 2lb and can't see a reduction in inches anywhere. I'm actually eating less than the program recommends because I physically can't eat as much food as it wants me to.

    Hoping it'll make a difference soon, some people said week 3 is when they actually started to lose.

    On the plus side though my fit test results last night have jumped way up from the first week so I guess it's definitely making a difference to the cardio fitness.

    Hey there, I start week 3 (new fit test!) on Saturday and I've had the same issues with no weight loss or inches lost but I can feel my muscles getting stronger so I would be shocked if my fit test results don't improve. I just wanted to say that after doing looooads of reading and getting some advice I've been told I need to up my calories to the number they recommended (1600 rather than the 1400-1500 I have been eating). I'm going to give it a go and hopefully the fat will start disappearing when I fuel my body correctly!

    Well I had my weigh in yesterday and I'm now down a whole pound compared to when I first started so hopefully this is the beginning. I was advised to eat 2100 according to what they were recommending which was a total shock compared to the ~1300 I was aiming for before that. I'm aiming for around 1600 net at the minute which leaves me with enough energy to do the workouts but without making me feel like I'm constantly eating and stuffing down food to hit target. It was just leaving me feeling sick and sluggish and I think by eating 4 meals + recovery shake instead of the 5 meals, my body has adjusted to that.

    Obviously I'll continue to keep an eye on it and if it continues to be a problem then I'll have to adjust my diet accordingly.
  • Good Morning!!

    Completed day Cardio Power and Resistance last night! It was challenging but awesome! :wink:

    Am stuggling a little with muscle soreness, my calves are soooooo tight :grumble: :grumble: :grumble: Have taken some ibuprofen and keep stretching them, did anyone else have this - any tips?? I know its a matter of time and it will go, but it is really very sore grrrrr......

    I am aiming for about 1700 cals every day....I am measuring my burn for each session using a HRM. Am working hard on spacing out my meals and making sure I get enough protein to help my pooor muscles recover :laugh:

    Becky x
  • ilessa
    ilessa Posts: 61 Member
    My calves hurt like hell for the first 2 weeks, after that fingers crossed they haven't hurt since. Try and keep stretching them out, he doesn't always stretch them in the dvds, try doing it in the shower after you finish or go for a walk afterwards
  • How's everyone doing?

    I am approaching the end of week 3 and I can definitely feel some old wobbling bits become much tighter! I do not think I am see a difference but I can feel it.

    As for the scales... I went down 4kg's in the first week (which is massive but half of that was due to massive weekend)... and these past 2 weeks I gained 2kgs... We could all say that is muscle but I don't know about that...

    My eating has been strong and I hope by Monday morning (beginning of week 4) things will have balanced out...

    This workout is INSANE though, but I am LOVING it!!

    I intend on sticking this out and hopefully come Day 60 I will results in the mirror and on the scales...
    I am not a big fan of the scales but I can't help but weigh myself!! I did take my measurements too though, so if the scales DON'T move too much I won't be tooo disappointed!

    Would love to hear how you guys are progressing! :-)

  • ilessa
    ilessa Posts: 61 Member
    I'm on recovery day of week 4 now and that's soon gone.

    I went up 3lb overall during the first 2 weeks and as of yesterday morning I'm 2lb down on my starting weight. Measuring day on Satruday so we'll see what happens then.

    Second fit test results were way up on first one so that's good.

    I'm starting to feel very very tired this week but trying to work out if it's just because I'm fitter and stopping less so I'm pushing myself more. Sleep has been a bit disrupted last couple of days so that's probably not helping.

    I'm a little apprehensive about going into month 2, I've heard that it steps right up so I guess we'll see. xx
  • Hey Guys,

    Completed day 8 yesterday and finally feel like I'm on a roll after all my illness! Finding it really challenging, but awesome at the same time....and I feel fab once its done ha ha! :tongue:

    I am over the calve soreness - thank goodness!!! Adding Creatine to my protien shake before and after my workout has seemed to help.

    I am still having to modify some of the moves slightly (i.e. instead of doing man press ups, I'm having to do some girly ones) as I just don't have enough strength yet - BUT I am defo feeling stronger AND I am defo getting more flexible (Stretches are much easier now) which are all good signs.

    I only seem to burn between 300 - 350 cals per workout according to my HRM, my average HR is about 154 and I max it out at about 175. So, I guess that may be my lot being a petite chick (5ft 2") and weighing 136. I am giving it my all without passing out and I guess that is what counts??

    I've kept up with the no sugar and no alcohol as well and focussing on try to eat as cleanly as possible.

    No weightloss yet and not measuring until Day 30.

    How are you guys doing??

    Becky x :smile:
  • ilessa
    ilessa Posts: 61 Member
    Checking in again, day 2 of recovery week today. Be interesting to see how I feel at the end of the week having done the same track every day!

    How's everyone else getting on? x
  • Cat232013
    Cat232013 Posts: 23 Member
    I'm 3 days away from starting the recovery week, good news because I'm ready for a change in workouts.

    Just out of curiosity, does it feel like a rest week? Or do you still burn a similar amount of calories?
  • ilessa
    ilessa Posts: 61 Member
    I'm burning slightly less, I'm into day 3 of the recovery work.

    Normally burning between 360-395 per workout in month 1.

    So far I've been consistently burning around 307 (306 and 308).

    It burns for part of the workouts and you do hit high heart rates in places but not with the intensity of month 1.
  • d3ck5
    d3ck5 Posts: 47
    started week 3.

    did my second fitness test and absolutely blitzed my first test results.


    pure cardio + cardio abs is killing me!!

    im tempted mate cardio abs to another workout or to slap on a hip hop abs session instead.

    i tried it for the second time this morning, and i can barely do half of the workout (the cardio abs workout)

    any suggestions, tips or ideas?
  • ilessa
    ilessa Posts: 61 Member
    The first time I did that combo it killed me. the second and third time went way better.

    Hang in there buddy! :)

    With the c sit stuff (evil Shaun T) I could only do 2 reps( one each side) and then had to stop the first time, then next time did 4 rest for one set (of each side) and then come straight back. The third time was better still.

    Try and aim for one more set of 2 each time and make sure you take the break if you need it.
  • d3ck5
    d3ck5 Posts: 47

    theres a lot of c sitting in hip hop abs which i found quite easy.

    but c sitting directly after doing pure cardio is madness.

    ill try it for a 3rd time to see if my mind can overcome my body

  • ilessa
    ilessa Posts: 61 Member
    Ok checking in again, yesterday was fit test and first work out of month 2.
    Very tired today, Shaun T wasn't kidding at the start of the workout when he said he was going to kick my *kitten*!

    How is everyone getting on?
  • d3ck5
    d3ck5 Posts: 47
    changed workout locations a number of times (rennovated family room, to garage, to newly refurbed lounge room) and had to shuffle around some of the workout order to accommodate the workmen. still "pushed through" and am knocking down the calories.

    cuz of the changed workout order I'm finding my body more tired this time round with today being my toughest to "will" myself to doing it, obviously, and thankfully, i did. i feel great!

    i realise now the importance of following the workouts in order (at least the first time round) and to really have the "off" days and recovery days.

    "liked" the insanity facebook page as well as the hip hop abs. trying to make it a point to quickly view them before a workout for some good motivational messages.

    also it sometimes helps that I wake up to the "tv shopping" channel that usually has a beachbody infomercial or some other fitness thing playing.


    keep at it everyone.

    PUSH x 3
  • Cat232013
    Cat232013 Posts: 23 Member
    Help please!

    I am starting Month 2 Week 1 on Saturday and to be honest have lost loads of motivation.

    Seeing as I'm 5 weeks in I was definitely expecting some results by now and I just haven't. I've lost maybe 2 lbs and an inch from my waist and hips. My fit test results went up from the first one (3rd one is on Sat) but that's it. Better than nothing, or a weight gain, but I have religiously being doing the workouts to plan, sweating so hard and following the nutrition plan, including no alcohol for 5 weeks!!

    I was so excited at the start and kept telling myself that it was ok that I wasn't seeing results, it was water retention, muscle swelling, it would take time blah blah but surely by 5 weeks something should have happened...?? I will finish, its gone too far to quit now, but I was just hoping for some encouragement really. Or maybe I'm just having a little rant to get it off my chest lol.

    Hope its all going well for you
  • Roz2889
    Roz2889 Posts: 71 Member
    Help please!

    I am starting Month 2 Week 1 on Saturday and to be honest have lost loads of motivation.

    Seeing as I'm 5 weeks in I was definitely expecting some results by now and I just haven't. I've lost maybe 2 lbs and an inch from my waist and hips. My fit test results went up from the first one (3rd one is on Sat) but that's it. Better than nothing, or a weight gain, but I have religiously being doing the workouts to plan, sweating so hard and following the nutrition plan, including no alcohol for 5 weeks!!

    I was so excited at the start and kept telling myself that it was ok that I wasn't seeing results, it was water retention, muscle swelling, it would take time blah blah but surely by 5 weeks something should have happened...?? I will finish, its gone too far to quit now, but I was just hoping for some encouragement really. Or maybe I'm just having a little rant to get it off my chest lol.

    Hope its all going well for you

    Sounds like we are very similar! I started on 1 October and currently in recovery week. I too haven't noticed great results but I've had the odd day here and there where I've either drunk or eaten unhealthy stuff. Still even with those few days would have expected to see more fat loss. I'm hoping it happens in month 2.

    How many calories are you eating? Based on the nutrition guide I should be eating 1900 but that just seems like too much to lose fat. I'm not too bothered if the scale doesnt move but def want to see reduction in inches and body fat. Especially wanting to lose the very stubborn fat on my stomach!!
  • Cat232013
    Cat232013 Posts: 23 Member
    Haha I've had the odd day where I have given in to chocolate or something processed too but I have always logged it and usually compensated earlier in the day or the next. I'm eating 1600 which is what the nutrition plan and Scoobys calculator both advised (I'm 5' 2 and 125 lbs). How about you?

    We sound in the exact same place, my weight isn't the issue but I was hoping for a tightening effect! Fingers crossed for Month 2 I guess. Are you keeping your calories the same in Month 2 or increasing them? I'm thinking keep them the same but if I'm ever really hungry add some extra (healthy) calories.
  • Roz2889
    Roz2889 Posts: 71 Member
    Haha I've had the odd day where I have given in to chocolate or something processed too but I have always logged it and usually compensated earlier in the day or the next. I'm eating 1600 which is what the nutrition plan and Scoobys calculator both advised (I'm 5' 2 and 125 lbs). How about you?

    We sound in the exact same place, my weight isn't the issue but I was hoping for a tightening effect! Fingers crossed for Month 2 I guess. Are you keeping your calories the same in Month 2 or increasing them? I'm thinking keep them the same but if I'm ever really hungry add some extra (healthy) calories.

    Well I'm not sure. Everyone seems to say you need to up your calories for month 2 or you wont see results. Was thinking of going up to 1500-1600. Will mainly just try eat clean and not let myself get hungry like you say.

    The main problem I've having atm is motivation! I was doing really well month 1 esp the first 2 weeks but that's really slowed down in recovery week so need to get myself back on track for next week. Are you finding core, cardio and balance SO boring?! Not sure I can put up with it the rest of the week. Was thinking of swapping it for month 1 workouts like pure cardio.

    (I'm 5'7 and 143lbs)
  • Cat232013
    Cat232013 Posts: 23 Member
    Yeah I got a bit like that with the month 1 workouts towards the end as well, that's why I was so glad to be getting to recovery and month 2 for a change. Then the lack of results has just killed my motivation!

    I've finished recovery today and hopefully the new fit test on Saturday will spark some enthusiasm again. I think I'm just going to focus on a week at a time to try and make it seem less effort
  • d3ck5
    d3ck5 Posts: 47
    everyone goes through the lack of motivation phase, and everyone has their own way of getting through it.

    for me, its the little things.

    like finding out i now have to the use the smallest notch on my belt
    or having a relative (or friend) i havent seen for a couple of months ask me if I've lost weight
    or the feeling of driving on a nice day and seeing people exercising and not having to think "i should be doing what they're doing" - because insanity kicked my *kitten* already that morning.
    or having a little food splurge and knowing it will get worked off in the next couple of days

    ill be honest and say that after my 4th week of insanity (just finished an hour ago) ive weighed myself twice, and if i hop on the scales again, i would not be surprised if ive lost very little to no weight.

    but it doesnt matter

    i feel great, every workout i complete is a win everyday, and from those little things above (amongst others) i find it in me to keep pushing.

    for other people, theyll need to find their own motivation, whether it be busting your *kitten* for an occasion, to fit into size "X" clothes or to improve your health. whatever it is, find it, use it and abuse it.