

  • i think that's a great idea. i love this team
  • you shouldn't. you put quite a few of us (me mostly) to shame with the pushups!
  • all good for my exercises so far this week, well as of wednesday anyway. so far i've done an additional 600 crunches. 500 of them were from tonight. unsypathetic boyfriends can be a great motivator for extra exercise.
  • I JUST TOUCHED MY TOES!!!! i haven't been able to do that in YEARS! WOOOO!!!
  • i didn't get a chance to do my exercises yesterday so i did them with the stuff for today. all i've got left is the extra mile. gonna try to get that in tomorrow. my body hates me right now. i feel so weak :( at least i got in under my calories today :) also did 100 crunches today.
  • i'm good for exercises. though i didn't get the mile in today, it was raining so i'm doing it tomorrow. i'll keep ya posted on how that goes. I'm also working on a low cal brownie recipe. if it works out i'll share. this is my first attempt at creating my own recipe so i really hope it works out! chocolate is my last…
  • drank all my water ate under my calorie goal did my exercise go three points for the team ^_^
  • you're amazing pooh! makes me feel like a big wussy for only being able to do 13 pushups. but i'm going to take the advice of my awesome boyfriend and start doing them regularly and work up to it. i even had to do them on my knees, my abdominal muscles aren't strong enough to hold me up in a pushup position for very long.…
  • LOL brining healthy back, i like that :) Here's the skinny on my fat: I want to look and feel better. now here's the fat on my skinny: I've had a very low self esteem for a really long time. I'm very beautiful and inteligent and have an awesome body. though i feel average looking at best, constantly in a brain fog feeling…
  • I would be Sailor Jupiter! She's tall with brown hair and intimidating and a little scary, but she's super nice and smart and is an awesome cook. plus she had a hard past which makes her appeciate her friends all the more.
  • I bought a digital scale over the weekend. my old scale said i was down to 214ish my new scale says 218.2. Glad to have a more accurate scale for this challenge.
  • show off my boobs for an arm? how is that fair? i want to see some abs of some pecks!
  • This s my first challenge too. Really excited to do this! I hope I'm still excited at the end of the month :P lol
  • when i diet it makes me conscience of what i'm eating so i eat much healthier foods to keep my calories down. i also get to try new foods and learn new recipes. and watching the clothes fit better is always exciting. so i would definately say that i enjoy dieting. :)
  • it sounds like you have simalar issues that i do. always cold, swollen feet/ankles, foggy headed, not really any energy. though i'm not 5'4 i'm 6'1. couple months ago i switched to soy milk and don't eat cheese or ice cream anymore and it seems the puffiness has almost gone away. though most importantly i started taking…
  • OMG! I never thought to use celery instead of chips. I'm so used to eating celery with peanut butter that i never thought of it any other way. YAY! now i can eat my guac and salsa again!
  • HAHAHAHAHA that is AWESOME!!!! i can't wait till people start telling me my butt looks smaller too ^_^ way to go!!! keep up the good work!!!