Burnin Thru Augus(Closed Group)



  • JoyousRen
    JoyousRen Posts: 3,823 Member
    Our score for last week was 181. Remember, the daily exercise challenges have the greatest impact on our score and we only have an 80% completion last week.

    OK TEAM! We have added a few new members, Fessecakes, Sumo813, Amy_36, and OneFitDiva, which is great. We have also lost quite a few members so we are now at 18 participants. So to complete the 4000 crunches challenge, we each need to do at least 223 crunches this week.
    AlwaysAngel, I am counting any type of crunch. I did a combination of traditional, lower, and oblique crunches. In my opinion, the point is to challenge ourselves not to be legalistic.
    SCC88, I can't because I believe they are the same thing.

    Keep up the good work!
  • VelcroPooh
    VelcroPooh Posts: 152
    223! Ima gonna die!!!!!
  • DietingMommy08
    DietingMommy08 Posts: 1,366 Member
    ADDITIONAL WEEKLY CHALLENGE! For every teammate that will commit to 1000 crunches this week I will award 10 extra points per person to that team! This could be a big point spread folks. Thanks SuzMac1981 for keeping us challenged you are the best!
  • DietingMommy08
    DietingMommy08 Posts: 1,366 Member
    Oh yea... check for everything yesterday too. ;o)
  • Stephanie08
    Stephanie08 Posts: 1,023 Member
    Either way, I don't mind. I just want to lose another pant size or 2 by my birthday. a little less than 4 weeks away. Is that too ambitious??

    I say shoot for 1 (which is probably do-able) and that way if you don't end up with 2 you won't be disappointed. That is the biggest thing I've learned during this time around at losing weight. I kept setting goals like "if I can lose X lbs by this date", "if I can just be down to a size X by the party" and I wouldn't make it, and I'd be sad.

    Now I just stick with consistency, if I lose weight more so than not, I'm going to eventually be fine :happy:
  • SCC88
    SCC88 Posts: 215 Member
    I just completed an additional mile, did the 3x sets of 21's and the military presses.
    I was aiming to do 1400+ crunches this week anyways so WOOHOO! I've done 300 so far, gona get another 100 in before dinner :-)
  • VelcroPooh
    VelcroPooh Posts: 152
    I have the mile, military presses and 21's in. (My arm and shoulder are killing me!) I even managed to do 25 situps and will try to do 25 later.....arg....have I mentioned I detest situps?
  • JoyousRen
    JoyousRen Posts: 3,823 Member
    I have the mile, military presses and 21's in. (My arm and shoulder are killing me!) I even managed to do 25 situps and will try to do 25 later.....arg....have I mentioned I detest situps?
    You don't have to do sit ups. You can do variations on crunches.
    Reverse crunches use your lower abs: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vVVlXA0dqGg&feature=related
    Oblique crunches for love handles: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=W9OSJSbf86k&feature=relmfu
    Oblique Twist (these are killer and I don't even use a weight): http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pDTHSnoGoEc&feature=relmfu
  • JoyousRen
    JoyousRen Posts: 3,823 Member
    I just completed an additional mile, did the 3x sets of 21's and the military presses.
    I was aiming to do 1400+ crunches this week anyways so WOOHOO! I've done 300 so far, gona get another 100 in before dinner :-)
    Get it girl! That is madness!
    300 today or for the week?
  • JoyousRen
    JoyousRen Posts: 3,823 Member
    Either way, I don't mind. I just want to lose another pant size or 2 by my birthday. a little less than 4 weeks away. Is that too ambitious??

    I say shoot for 1 (which is probably do-able) and that way if you don't end up with 2 you won't be disappointed. That is the biggest thing I've learned during this time around at losing weight. I kept setting goals like "if I can lose X lbs by this date", "if I can just be down to a size X by the party" and I wouldn't make it, and I'd be sad.

    Now I just stick with consistency, if I lose weight more so than not, I'm going to eventually be fine :happy:

    I agree, Stephanie. Trying for 2 may lead you to not appreciate the progress you do make.
  • knikkiola
    knikkiola Posts: 47 Member
    checking in today

    ALL is well!! completed everything for the day and on 100 crunches for the week so far i'll see if a can do some a little later tho :happy:
  • alwaysangel
    Thanks ladies for the advice!

    I'll try for a thousand. Got 300 already.

    All 3 checks today!

    I'm so exhausted I'm going to bed early tonight.

  • JoyousRen
    JoyousRen Posts: 3,823 Member
    Check on everything today plus 200 crunches. I'm going for the 1000!
  • Stephanie08
    Stephanie08 Posts: 1,023 Member
    arg....have I mentioned I detest situps?

    You may have mentioned it in passing...

    BTW did you get the results from your tests?
  • Stephanie08
    Stephanie08 Posts: 1,023 Member
    Day 2 -
    Military Press - check
    1 extra mile - check
    3 sets of 21's - check

    50 sit ups today (100 for the week so far) apparently I need to shoot for 1,000 and I can hear my tummy already crying :sad:

    What else? Oh water - good, Food - good
  • Windedhl
    Windedhl Posts: 17
    i didn't get a chance to do my exercises yesterday so i did them with the stuff for today. all i've got left is the extra mile. gonna try to get that in tomorrow. my body hates me right now. i feel so weak :( at least i got in under my calories today :) also did 100 crunches today.
  • Bre_Deveraux
    check for everything !
  • dbgirl23
    dbgirl23 Posts: 32
    Okay so day 1 I was really sick so I did not complete the challenge....

    However, I did complete day 1 and day 2 challenges yesterday so if that counts than I am good so far for the week...

    I forgot about situps so I definitely need to get started on those, but no doubt about it, I will get my 200 in!!!

    And I am all ready for day 3!! :)
  • JoyousRen
    JoyousRen Posts: 3,823 Member
    Windedhl & dbgirl ~ Good job catching up!

    Stephanie08 ~ Have you though about breaking them up so you do 50 in the morning and 50 at night?
  • VelcroPooh
    VelcroPooh Posts: 152
    Sorry guys...was sick all day yesterday and it got really bad last night. I got my exercises in, calories under, 50 situps but missed my water...was so nauseas I just couldn't do it. Sorry.