My daughter is Madeleine and my son is Gabriel. If we were to have another child, a girl would be Phoebe and a boy Byron.
If you ever want a name change, go for Captain Tight Pants.
My family doc did it.
Thanks for asking, rsdgirl. It's a lot better but I still feel limited. I have to watch what I do or it will start hurting. I did manage to rake leaves for a while this afternoon without any pain, which was good.
Nope. Not even a blip on my radar.
Buy a grinder and a French press. I used to make terrible coffee, now it's pretty much fool-proof.
PM me your address and I'll send you an invite.
Ouch. No I haven't been through that, but it sounds painful. Good luck with your surgery!
Thanks. I had the shot this afternoon. Felt good for a few hours, now it hurts again. Doctor says it will be better by tomorrow and hopefully by Thursday morning I will wake up with something to be thankful for.
Sore breasts.
I'm glad you had a great hike! That sounds awesome. Try not to do too much, though. You don't want to re-injure it. :-)
Wow. That's amazingly shiitty. And I agree with you: "Mom, I want to go on birth control" shouldn't be the first time the topic comes up.
I would let her go on birth control, without question. But I would also talk to her about the emotional side of sex and try to explain that waiting would be better for her in the long run.
Thank you! That looks really good. I hope it doesn't disappoint.
Wait, The Hunger Games trailer is out?!
Hmmm...your Zombie Survival collection seems a little thin there. Are you sure you'll be prepared when the time comes? :-P Awesome organizing!
People who drive in my blind spot.
I loved the first and second books, but by the third I couldn't handle it anymore. Does Martin really have to kill off all the good characters?
I'm reading "Little House in the Big Woods" to my three-year-old and she is absolutely mesmerized. The first few chapters are all about preparing and storing food for the winter--salting fish, smoking meat, hanging hams up in the attic etc. Really boring (plus over her head), but there is something about it that has her…
Yes, clearly he has no self-control. ;-P He is a cutie! How old?
Sounds easy and tasty.
I've only read "Before I Go To Sleep," which was excellent. I have quite a few of the others on my list, though.
I'm on. I'll add you. I like it but find that sometimes I update my book list often and other times I forget all about it.
I tried to use my first name with every variation/number combination I could think of, but they were all taken. I didn't want to use initials because they are hard for people to remember, so I got creative and decided to go with Jack Sprat's wife who is always depicted as chubby in the nursery rhyme books.
Yes! Chair exercises! That's what I need. My husband and I have been joking that I need to develop "Sit-ercise." Guess somebody already has.
Great topic and great idea. I had gotten used to the exercise calories so now I'm having to re-adjust my eating. I've noticed my fat calories are usually on or under, which is good but my sodium is out of control so I'm trying to get that down.
I need better shoes, too. Right now, I'm seeing a physical therapist and my doctor wants to give me a cortisone shot. I had been reluctant to get the shot, but I think I'm going to give in. The PT taped my foot yesterday and it was really uncomfortable, so I think inserts are out. I hope the massage therapist helps.
I'm so glad you all are here! Karen, I've been getting really discouraged, too, which is why I started the group. I really don't want to give up!
Excellent! Just search "injury support" under groups.
Okay, I created the group. Search for Injury Support in the groups section.