jevoyager Member


  • If you are interested in an elliptical, check into getting one used off sites like craigslist or ebay.. A lot of good equipment can be had for a good price because people bought it and barely used it, and want to get rid of it :) If you see one posted look up the brand/model information to find out if it has good reviews…
  • If you end up with any openings I'd love to join too :flowerforyou:
  • just giving this a bump for the morning crowd :)
  • Swing! Its a lot of fun and great workout! I don't do it so much anymore because the group here that does it tends to go for more high impact stuff which kills my joints (also why I tried Zumba only once, lol) Actually any style can be good and fun. I also do a couple old/traditional English dances - the country dancing is…
    in dancing Comment by jevoyager April 2014
  • Probably the iron, its known for upsetting stomachs. I take flintstone's with iron added (these are what my doc told me to take, since most people can tolerate them when other iron supplements do tend to bother people's stomachs). I get the store generic kind and haven't had any problems, and take one in the morning and…
  • Thanks Kiyalynn :flowerforyou: That's great, sounds like just the kind of place I need to look (can't actually check it out at work as they're blocking it - crazy the things they'll let us look at and other stuff they won't, lol). And thanks for pointing out the whole letter measurement thing, I hadn't really paid too much…
  • Well in store they are - 36 is just about impossible to find, and 38 only moderately better when your DDD+. At least in the stores around here, and several sales people from more than one store have pretty much told me I'd probably be stuck ordering online for the type I want (something that is full coverage that will hold…
  • I hadn't seen this, that's wonderful news! Now as long as it doesn't get overturned or a new law making it useless :p I know I know, pessimistic much, lol
  • I don't want a thigh gap, but would love them to shrink enough so my pants fit better *sigh* I have a gaping waist band thanks to accommodating my thighs. I don't like belts, so I always have to make sure my shirt is long enough to cover my waist if I reach up or move around, so I'm not accidentally flashing my underwear…
  • It does for me for treats/desert portioning. If I have a big bowl and am getting ice cream for instance, I have a tendency to overfill, where if I use a small mug or bowl I'll fill that up and be fine with it. Though I'm the type that I'm not big on "2nds", where others may be. Everyone's' different so I say whatever works…
  • I drink a lot of hot beverages (tea, coffee) and tend to eat warm meals (soup does wonders!). I also keep fingerless gloves and a sweatshirt handy. Wouldn't hurt to mention it to you doctor next time you see them. Could be other things going on that its a side effect of.
    in So Cold!!! Comment by jevoyager May 2013
  • Awesome, I was just thinking about how to work this out the same way (setting MFP so I do add back/eat exercise cals cause they can vary quite a bit for me). I think this is what I tried to do before, because I've been on a plateau for months. I tried just setting it at one level and not adding exercise back, but then I…
  • Cheese, protein bar, yogurt are my usual go to's for snacks with more protien. If you're somewhere you can make up a shake or eating something you can add protein powder to (oatmeal for example), that's another option.
  • Best thing to do is ask your doctor to make sure everything is ok. Better safe than sorry. And hey if they can help you figure out what it is, then maybe they can suggest ways to prevent it in the first place! If I had to guess, maybe sinuses or blood pressure. But I'm not a medical expert nor do I claim to be one.
  • I always feel weird when someone says 'oh you're so skinny now' or 'you don't need to worry about losing weight you're fine' especially when 1. i'm obviously still overweight, so it feels more like patronizing 2. they turn around and either make comments about theirselves or others who obviously weigh less than me ('good…
  • well hell, i didn't know i was supposed to be rubbing the Sensa on me. no wonder its not working... hmpf. *goes back to munching on chocolate chip cookie while reading*
  • gotta love the crock pot, i'm all for easy ways to fix food! lol and now I wanna try those low cal chocolate cupcakes - that's such an easy recipe! :happy:
  • Thanks for replying, at least now I know to give it a bit of time before just assuming its me feeling off balance. I figure I'll try an elliptical this week and see how it feels, it'd be great if it works out!
  • Same here. Exposing your arms for about 10-15 mins in the Sun should result in like 10000 IU of VitD. And its not like I live in a cave or only come out at night, lol. My doc said over half the people she sees are deficient, its that common. Becoming problematic in infants and children too. It can affect a number of things…
  • Being asked how far along I am. Then afer informing them I'm not pregnant, get told all the reasons *why* they thought I was pregnant, and well I couldn't really blame them for thinking I was pregnant could I?
  • Cool, I'll have to check it out - thanks!
  • Its what the online insurance site gave me for the estimated cost for an in-network place (which I thought was ridiculous too, but *shrugs* they're weird about what they will/won't pay, things I wouldn't have thought would be covered they paid in full, while simple things they cover little to nothing on, go fig). But yeah,…
  • This is pretty cool, I will have to check it out :)
  • That's what the straw is for :happy:
  • Nothing like being mistaken for being pregnant. Even better after you let them know you aren't, and they proceed to explain all the reasons why they had thought I was pregnant. :grumble: Not the meanist thing even said (thank-you-f*uped-family!), but perhaps the most facepalm worthy, lol
  • Oh yeah I eat some junky food each day, I know myself well enough to not even try to eliminate it from my diet, cause deprivation type eating/thinking won't work for me. But I do consume it more in moderation than I used to. To me that's a big problem for a lot of folks, you can easily not realize just how much you're…
  • Well if 25 is too old, then at 36 I might as well throw in the towel, lol I've been the same place you are, seems like everyone around you has moved on to that part of life, and it makes you feel weird or awkward. But, you're ready when you're ready, and trying to force it because others around you are doing it, sure as…
  • Me, I was one for many many many years. MFP is a great start to doing a lifestyle change, not dieting. Eating sensibly at a calorie deficit and exercising is the way to go - no crazy crash diets, starvation, deprevation, etc etc all the things diets tell you to do. You can start off with the recommend settings MFP will…
  • Ditto, my thighs are huge and it drives me nuts. Can't get pants that fit comfortably cause my stupid thighs are so big. I guess you could technically spot reduce with lipo, lol