celerieaz Member


  • Thank you! That’s a good idea! I do weigh myself each morning and try to keep track of where my weight is trending, but using an app will help me see more clearly if it’s trending down or not. I am using a food scale, but like I said above, I just eat 1 cucumber and sweet potato each regardless of how heavy it is. That’s…
  • Thanks for the feedback! I limit carbs for two reasons; I mindlessly overeat them if I don’t watch myself, and I find them less satiating than other foods. If I eat toast I get hungry after a few hours but if I eat a handful of almonds or some cheese I feel fuller longer. I know that it sounds stupid because I’m literally…
  • Hello! My reddit handle is peppermintty. In 2012ish I started counting calories here and trying to lose weight. I lost about 20kg, but got complacent at that weight and stayed there for about two years. Now I'm sick of being still chubby and self conscious, so I'm back to lose the last 10kg. I guess my stats in lbs are :…
  • I'm aiming for about 140. I've always been large in the chest, and I think lower might not be attainable. But! Maybe it will be! Kind of playing it by ear.
  • I use protein powders in my shakes, but a lot of people who don't like the idea of powder for whatever reason put eggs, greek yogurt, flax seed, cottage cheese, and the like into their shakes. Cottage cheese I think is perfect for protein shakes because it is relatively low calorie and low carb, but very high in protein.
  • Juice fasting can be done healthily with regular bowel movements. However, when you juice the fruit you don't get the fiber one would typically get from eating the whole fruit. Regular enemas are recommended with juice fasts in order to have regular bowel movements. It concerns me that your husband wasn't aware that he…
  • I have some super sharp cheddar cheese and the ingredients for bacon cheeseburgers. :( As for the good, pretty much everything else in the fridge is produce, lean meat ,or dairy.
  • I weigh myself daily. The fluctuations don't bother me, but they are a good way to monitor how much water I am retaining and what kinds of food days make me bloat. Sometimes though it is a bit frustrating if you are plateauing.
  • Do you mean face moisturizer? I use Kiehl's Ultra Facial Moisturizer. I don't have a problem with breakouts, even when I apply before sweaty workouts. I apply it once daily, right after washing my face. Kiehl's does not have SPF, but I wear BBCream daily that has SPF 42. I haven't had a problem with breakouts, and my skin…
  • Salt is one of those things. I think it really depends on how your body reacts to it. It is true that if you eat excess salt, you might get bloated. However, eating more salt won't make you gain fat or anything like that. I think that if you do not have a family history of high blood pressure or cardiovascular disease, and…
  • If you are actually doing a really intense workout during which you burn 1000 calories, yes you need to eat a lot of them back. However, most people overestimate what they burn through exercise. To give you some context, running stairs for an hour straight burns about 1000 calories, as does jump roping for 75-90 minutes.…
  • Can you be a little bit more specific what you eat on a daily basis + your current workout plan? :) Also, your current height, weight, and BMR might be helpful. It will be easier to give advice if we know where you stand now.
  • Ah, an apple with peanut butter is one of my favorite desserts! I eat Better'n Peanut Butter, but I'm thinking of switching over to PB2. They have dark chocolate peanut butter :D
  • More snacks! I looked at your diary and noted that you only had some string cheese and some popcorn today. Snacks will be an easy way to up your intake. You could also try and consume higher calorie foods; such as, nut butters, avocados, sweet potatoes, some fruits (like bananas and mangos), greek yogurt, homemade granola,…
  • Jeeezzz, I had no idea I looked that old D; D; Not that 43 is old, it is just nearly twice my age.
  • kgs0201 - I'd guess about 22?
  • Well, weight loss starts in the kitchen. It is definitely possible for you to lose a lot of weight without exercising. However, you should keep in mind that if you are sedentary (sitting at a desk all day) and are eating at deficit, some muscle loss could occur. You may see the number on the scale go down, but you will…
  • He's probably just some old, widower that started taking a photography class to fill his spare time since his wife passed away. Here, he saw a young man reminiscent of him in his prime, and he decided to practice his new photography skills on a moving subject. When you came up to see the pictures he was probably overjoyed,…
  • Persimmons and winter squash are my favorites. I don't eat fish so I can't help you there. I agree with the other poster though; kimchi is delicious and sooo versatile. It's also easy to make and customizable to your own tastes. There are great instructionals for making and storing kimchi; I like maangchi.com because she…
  • Iced chai latte with skim milk and only 2 pumps. The carbs kill me though D;
  • Weekly! At least that's my opinion. Granted, you won't get a weekly deficit without daily deficits.
  • I have never tried nutrisystem, but my aunt did. She sent it back immediately after one or two meals because she said it just wasn't appetizing in the least. I wouldn't call my aunt a picky eater, but she definitely won't settle for something that she doesn't want. If you want to try it, go for it. There is something nice…
  • I wouldn't beat yourself up during your period. One or two "cheat" meals won't blow your diet. You would have to over eat by much more than you are capable of to put on a pound of fat from one or two such meals. That being said, if you are feeling hungry more often, try to eat really filling foods so that you stay fuller…
  • Greek yogurt, cottage cheese, lean meats, fish, low-fat diary, chick peas (technically a bean, but when roasted they are delicious!), nuts, flax see, etc. There are a lot of different ways to incorporate those things into your diet as well! You don't always need to eat yogurt with nuts and berries; use greek yogurt as a…