MellyG426 Member


  • Chick flick!!!:love: Hugs or kisses?
  • I try to exercise in the morning, about an hour after waking up. To stay on plan, as soon as I get out of bed I don't sit back down and always have clean work out clothes to jump into and out the door I go!!
  • Was the little amount of food you cheated on maybe high in salt??? It could be just water weight, drink drink drink today and stay on track. The calories that you are set at for each day, what is it? If its 1200 and you are eating under 100, you aren't eating enough. If not, don't worry about this. Our bodies fluctuate…
  • I like both of them for different qualities. They both get good results but have different approaches. Bob is not as :devil: as Jillian is but sometimes maybe he is a little too :sad: for my liking! They both are excellent at what they do! As for me, I personally have a Jillian for my personal trainer, she beats me down…
  • After surgery, walking really does help to get rid of the gas. Also, a lot of the time they will give you a medicine call simethicone which helps. You should definately ask your doctor about this! I hope you feel better soon! :happy:
  • Congrats! You put in the work, you deserve all the credit! You are doing a fantastic job! :drinker: To being healthy and looking hot!:happy:
  • Oh you know what, haha. I think I'm a little slow- I read what you said as if you were asking if she was in menopause :blushing: :blushing: sorry!!!! As for the cravings, they say to give into some of them within reason. If your body craves chocolate, have a piece of dark chocolate, or maybe a sugar free pudding. Hot…
  • I think she may be a little young for menopause! No offense to anyone :blushing: As for dealing with aunt flow, as I like to call it- My recipe for success: Midol, water, low sodium intake, rest, hot water bottle. It work wonders! I hope that helps.
  • Welcome welcome welcome!!!!! We are always excited for new people. I wish you the best of luck, and FYI this site is very ADDICTING!! :happy:
  • I heard the chef say it has 12 potatoes, 12 eggs, pound of cheese, one onion, pound of ham & then smothered in green chili. :sick: Can you imagine how many calories/fat/sodium is in that??? I would gain about 20 lbs, I think I gained 2 just thinking about it!
  • That is the biggest burrito EVER! Pardon me for saying so, I see what it looks like now, I don't want to see what it looks like later (if you know what Im saying about mexican food!)... hehe :blushing:
  • That's so exciting, WARM WEATHER!!!! As for your question, they say it is safe to lose 2 lbs a week, thats about 5 weeks, so you could lose 10 lbs if you consistently lose the 2 lbs. Maybe you can lose more if you work harder, but that is the safe rate. But even if you lose 5-10lbs between now and then, you won't believe…
  • Welcome to MFP!!! :drinker: :smile: :wink:
    in Hello Comment by MellyG426 January 2009
  • When I'm out and about for the day, I always make time the night before to pack a bag of goodies to have with me. I always make sure there are at least 2 servings of fruit, yogurt, almonds, string cheese, whole wheat crackers, carrots and hummus, a protein bar... etc etc. You could put ANYTHING you like in there and be in…
  • I may not be an expert, but it seems to me that you might have screwed your metabolism up, BUT that doesn't mean you can't fix it!! Just eat what you are suppose to eat, and even though you see that you are gaining, once your body gets used to having the proper nutrition and doesn't think its going to be starving all the…
  • I too stay up late and get hungry right around that time. I asked my trainer if it was okay to eat, being that shes a nutritionist and chef (woo hoo!) and she says as long as you don't eat refined sugars, processed foods or carbs like white breads and such you can eat before you go to bed. Because it allows your body to…
  • It does that???? :blushing:
  • So how did you do it?!? I friggin bought my boyfriend a membership to the gym to go with me and HE DIDNT!!! He said, and I quote "I would rather run outside than be inside a gym" Well, um for the past 4 1/2 years I have yet to see the man RUN anywhere except to get his favorite spot on the couch! Good for you though,…
  • Congrats!!!! :drinker: You look amazing! I am so happy for you, the hard work does pay off! You should be so proud of yourself! Keep up the good work, you are an inspiration to us all! :flowerforyou: :smile: :happy:
  • I also am a HUGE fan of peanut butter! :love: Thanks for the idea, I'm gonna try it!!! :wink:
  • Despite the bad press sodium often gets, it is essential to life, and you do need some every day. Sodium is necessary: to maintain the proper fluid balance in your body to regulate blood pressure to transmit nerve impulses to help muscles, including the heart, relax About 500mg of sodium a day is considered the least you…
    in Sodium Comment by MellyG426 January 2009
  • Its OKAY! We all have off days where we don't feel like exercising or maybe we want to eat more than we should! :blushing: But you did accomplish something yesterday, so don't forget that. You were able to muster up the courage to LOG EVERYTHING you ate, which allowed you to see you went over 450 calories, thats a lot more…
  • Congrats!!!! Good for you!!! Keep it comin'! :drinker: :flowerforyou: :happy:
  • Those bars are rather addicting. I was eating them in the afternoon before work for a quick snack, and lets just say at 11 pm I started to have the worst pains in my life. Not to mention the rumbles that went on in the intestinal area..... I didn't put it together until I tried to eliminate the tasty treat and Ive been…
  • Pop some motrin and drink drink drink your water, itll rehydrate you and you'll feel like a new women. I've read some of your posts, I know that you are going through a very hard time. But you are a strong woman, and even strong woman have their days where the drink away your sorrows. Don't beat yourself up about it and…
  • 1 bottle water 2 slices light wheat toast 2 tablespoons weight watchers cream cheese 1 banana and off to the gym I go!!
  • So I finally purchased a HRM, woo hoo!! I absolutely love it.... it actually makes me feel more healthy already! But I do have a question. I only had time for a quick little workout before I have to go to work and its snowing so I didnt want to go to the gym, so I jumped on my good ole trusty treadmill and did a 30 minute…
  • So what has everyone eaten on this freezing day? (For those of us who have to suffer with the cold & snow!) I had a re-certification class for my ACLS, so I woke up at 6 and.... drum roll please ( I usually dont rise b/c of my schedule until 930!) 7 am: 1 cup coffee with 2 splenda and fat free vanilla creamer 2 pieces of…
  • Im a registered Nurse in an Emergency Department, plus a second mother to my boyfriend- trying to train him. Its a full time job!! I'm also the proud mother of my puggle Tucker.... yeah, wow. I need more responsibilities!
  • Welcome dangerkitty2001!! Be glad that you signed up for this site, its great motivation. There are always people willing to help when you struggle, and give you props when you succeed no matter the amount!! I too, live my bf who is a chef.... and its an obstacle to try to make him cook healthier because he is all about…