Lunch on the Go

Lunch is my hardest meal these days. I'm in outside sales, so am in my car all day everyday, so it makes it hard to pack my lunch for work. And then the flip side is that it's expensive to buy my lunch everyday when salads at fast food joints are a minimum of $5 a pop. It seems lie I either skip lunch and then over eat for dinner, or end up eating junk to hold me over until dinner.

Any suggestions on something easy to pack that I can take on the road with me?


  • mbcarney
    Lunch is my hardest meal these days. I'm in outside sales, so am in my car all day everyday, so it makes it hard to pack my lunch for work. And then the flip side is that it's expensive to buy my lunch everyday when salads at fast food joints are a minimum of $5 a pop. It seems lie I either skip lunch and then over eat for dinner, or end up eating junk to hold me over until dinner.

    Any suggestions on something easy to pack that I can take on the road with me?
  • jnikitow
    jnikitow Posts: 334
    Can you buy a cooler to keep in your car? Then you can take just about anything with you.
  • mel_istheshit
    At my last job I didn't have my own office that I could close myself into, so I had to get out of the office for lunch. One of my favorite meals was to go to McDonald's and have a grilled chicken snack wrap and a side salad. You can also throw in some apple dippers or a parfait and still be pretty low cal. All these are pretty cheap and they have a few healthy things on the value menu so you can be cheap and healthy. Wendy's is pretty good for it, too. I like their kids meals with deli meat sandwiches and mandarin oranges.
  • littletiger972000
    If you eat while you are driving wraps might be a good option!
  • littletiger972000
    With lots of veggies and maybe some hummus for protein? :)
  • fiddlechic
    i second the ice chest idea. sandwiches that you make or wraps are good. you could probably even have lean pockets and use a gas station microwave to heat it up.
  • MellyG426
    MellyG426 Posts: 91 Member
    When I'm out and about for the day, I always make time the night before to pack a bag of goodies to have with me. I always make sure there are at least 2 servings of fruit, yogurt, almonds, string cheese, whole wheat crackers, carrots and hummus, a protein bar... etc etc. You could put ANYTHING you like in there and be in food heaven all day without having to spend money at fast food/restaurants.

    Good luck! :smile:
  • Leigh14
    Leigh14 Posts: 871 Member
    I think having a mini-cooler is a great idea!! And, there are plenty of snack-foods that don't require refrigeration! Fiber One bars are my favorite!!

    But, if you have to stop at a fast-food restaurant, I recommend getting the Caesar Side Salad and baked potato with chives at Wendy's. $3.09 (haha, can you tell I get that often?! Got it down to the exact change! It'll prob be a lil diff where you are b/c of taxes, though. :wink:) Keep a bottle of I Can't Believe It's Not Butter or Parkay in your car - they don't need to be refrigerated. Eat the caesar salad plain - no dressing and no croutons. It's good, trust me!! And spray away on the potato. :bigsmile: The salad is only about 70 calories! And the potato is around 270, I think. VERY filling and VERY good!! If you can't eat the salad without dressing, try getting a spray dressing - 1 cal per spray on average. :smile:

    Hope that helps!
  • Thamber
    Thamber Posts: 194
    Hi I second the cooler idea since thats what i did when i worked out of my car. I had strips of veggies like red peppers and celery and hummus in a little container to dip. Or a pita stuffed with veggies and hummus. I also kept fruit and carrots etc.. I never ate at fast food places if i wanted to eat out I went to a Giant or other market that had a salad bar and would make a big salad there instead of getting something at a fast food place.

    You can do it ...
  • Winter23
    Winter23 Posts: 142
    You can buy coolers for the car that plug into your car lighter. Theat way they stay cold like a fridge. Then you can keep all kinds of foods in it
  • mbcarney
    Thanks for the tips everyone :-) Buying a cooler today!
  • motheroftwoboys
    My husband drives semi and I pack his lunch in a lunch bag with a frozen bottle of water and it keeps things cold for a long time.