
The last 2 weeks I have been under my calories allowed each day by at least 100. Did very well.
Yesterday (superbowl party) I "cheated" a little. Went over my intake by 300. So only 1500 calories for the day, still under the 1600 I burn naturally.
It is all I can do not eat the whole @#$* pie in the fridge....just out of pure frustration!
My goal is to be down 20 for my sisters wedding but I feel as though I take 3 steps forward and 2 back!


  • kaylou
    kaylou Posts: 375 Member
    The last 2 weeks I have been under my calories allowed each day by at least 100. Did very well.
    Yesterday (superbowl party) I "cheated" a little. Went over my intake by 300. So only 1500 calories for the day, still under the 1600 I burn naturally.
    It is all I can do not eat the whole @#$* pie in the fridge....just out of pure frustration!
    My goal is to be down 20 for my sisters wedding but I feel as though I take 3 steps forward and 2 back!
  • Chellekk
    Chellekk Posts: 421 Member
    Go re-check your weight in a day or two. I bet all the sodium from yesterday is making you retain water.
  • Theresa35
    Theresa35 Posts: 1,102
    My initial feeling without knowing all your numbers, etc., is that your aren't eating enough. MFP already provides a deficeit of calories and then your aren't eating your mfp amount on top of that...and what are you doing with your exercise need to be eating those as well...if you aren't, then you are definitely putting your body into starvation mode.
  • mamashrub
    The last 2 weeks I have been under my calories allowed each day by at least 100. Did very well.
    Yesterday (superbowl party) I "cheated" a little. Went over my intake by 300. So only 1500 calories for the day, still under the 1600 I burn naturally.
    It is all I can do not eat the whole @#$* pie in the fridge....just out of pure frustration!
    My goal is to be down 20 for my sisters wedding but I feel as though I take 3 steps forward and 2 back!

    yeah, It could be water gain too..I know how you feel..I weighed my self one day and the same day, i had gained 4 pounds and gained 2 inches on my waist...I know it wasnt possible, but it still made me feel really defeated..I now refuse to weigh myself..I'll only go by when I can pull up and button my skinny jeans with out laying down, sucking in or using a hanger or pliers..and still breathe when I stand up
  • MellyG426
    MellyG426 Posts: 91 Member
    Was the little amount of food you cheated on maybe high in salt??? It could be just water weight, drink drink drink today and stay on track. The calories that you are set at for each day, what is it? If its 1200 and you are eating under 100, you aren't eating enough. If not, don't worry about this. Our bodies fluctuate drastically from day to day, tomorrow you could be down 5, you just never know!

    As for the pie.... drink some water, occupy yourself with something else and you won't want to eat it anymore. Just remember, they never said this journey was easy! We all have our ups and downs, its when you stick with it that you succeed. Good luck!! I am sure you will do wonderful.
  • kaylou
    kaylou Posts: 375 Member
    I do eat my excersize calories. I am hoping that chelleka is right and it looks a little better by the end of the week.
    I am 5'3 and the MFP is saying that I should eat 1200 cal. not including excersize cal.
    I think I might bump up the excersize also...right now I am only doing 3 days and 30 min. I am going to adda day this week
    Created by - Calorie Counter .
  • kaylou
    kaylou Posts: 375 Member
    Thanks! Give it a try.
  • Sheri4MS
    Sheri4MS Posts: 87 Member
    Great advice on the sodium intake. I certainly had my share of that over the weekend. I use Thursday as my weigh in days. It is easier for me to stay on task during the week, but the weekends go a little crazy, especially since my hardest work out is on Saturday, as I do my long run for the week with my training group and than ride bike afterwards.

    The harder workout requires me to eat more or gives me an excuse to not be so strict.
  • vanessadawn
    a lot of the people on this site need to stop being a slave to your scale! I only weigh myself about once a month if that and I feel way better about my journey to better health. Because as people who do weigh themselves several times a day will know, the scale jumps around sometimes it seems on it's own will lol.
  • kaylou
    kaylou Posts: 375 Member
    Ok...I feel a little better. I went back to yesterdays food journal and I was over my sodium intake by 1500!!!
    I was just concentrating on the calories...didn't even look at the sodium.
    I am on my 4th glass of water as we speak.
    Thanks guys!