Natsume Member


  • My mom had my baby sister add ranch dressing, ketchup, and any other sauce they had on her food. Hot dogs are a quick snacks. Trail mix might help (honey nut cheerios, m&ms, Reese pieces, dried fruit, and nuts). If she just needs calories, juice... LOTS of juice... Orange juice and pineapple were my favorite as a kid.…
  • Tuna Patties over rice (recipe makes enough for 4) -2 big cans tuna in water (albacore or regular) -2 eggs -season (I PERSONNALLY add a little lemon juice, garlic, onion, crushed red peppers, and a LITTLE cheese [helps mix the flavors]) *Pack patties into desired size. The patties need to get drained, otherwise it won't…
  • britishbroccoli, I last weighed and taped myself two weeks ago. I have been gradually changing my diet. I also am only on my second week of weight training. I have been doing circuit type training for the past month with my coworkers three days a week. I already use a food scale. It helps to make my morning smoothies. I…
  • Annavalente, I apologize. Muscle is more dense than fat. Poor word choice on my part. Thank you for the correction :)
  • Add bananas to a bowl of cereal. If you want the cheerios as a snack, mix them with raisins (any dried fruit you like), nuts, and make your own trail mix. Spinach is high in iron. You could have salads and mix baby spinach in :) I hope this helps.
  • I create recipes while I make the dish, weight the ingredients, cook it, and when serving it divide it into visual "servings." It is not 100% accurate, but it has worked for me when I make food for lunch/dinner parties. :) The thing with weighing the food before and after you cook the ingredients is the weight won't match.…
  • If you are looking for overall body work outs, I would recommend yoga and Pilates. They are lower impact and shouldn't trigger your asthma. If you are looking for a cardio work outs, the only idea I have is go to a gym. You are probably trying to save money by working out at home, so that idea probably isn't an option. :)
  • I would be willing to help you, but I must admit that I have not hit my "goal weight", but am happy with my current weight. If you would like, send me a message and I can give you more information about myself. I have never been in that kind of situation, so I may have some questions for you. Good luck.
  • I am the wife of a Type 1 diabetic, and we have been married for 4 years. The good news is you can eat almost whatever you want, as long as you take your insulin. The best advice I can give is test your blood sugar regularly, take note of your blood sugar before/during/after a work out, keep orange juice or honey in your…
  • I would recommend Nutrition for Dummies. These books make it easy to stay entertained and amused. The information is also easy to understand.
  • I am in the Air Force, and have to run 1.5 miles every 6 months as well. Here is what works for me: 1)If on the treadmill, I have the incline no LESS than 5.0. This way I am running harder, and it makes running on flat ground easier. This makes the 1.5 mile run see "shorter," when in actuallity there is less incline. 2)If…
  • I am 5'2" and currently weigh 127, and have a 29" waist. I wear a size 8Short. If I could find any, I would wear a size 7. 8s are baggy, (the glory of having hips and a butt), but 6 is too tight. If pants fit my butt, they are too big around my waist. If pants fit around my waist, I can't get them up. :P I hate it, but my…
  • I take GNC Well-BEing be-ENERGIZED. It makes me ping (hyper), so I work out harder. It helps with toning, but that might be because my workouts are harder. You have to be careful though. The caffeine speeds up your heart so if you are not careful you would hurt yourself.
  • I currently have 2, and planning for 3 more. I have a simple line dragon (wyrm if you want to get technical) on my upper back, and an ankh with wings on my left wrist. My shoulder blades hurt the worst, my spine not so much. My upper wrist was scratchy, but the bone that connects to my wrist bones vibrated through ALL of…
    in tattoos Comment by Natsume July 2012
  • I try to "eat cleaner." I will admit I still eat processed foods, but I try to make sure the ingredient list is fairly short, or that I recognize the ingredients. Kashi for example is a GREAT cereal. One BIG culprit in my diet that was "unclean" was turkey bacon. It has less fat than pork bacon, but the ingredient list is…
  • I am a happily married and attractive female. I often work out with either my husband or a male friend. I do this to discourage the creepers, however I do not mind guys talking to me as long it is constructive. If I am told how to correct my form, given a compliment about my workout, asked if I am using equipment, or a…
  • I am an animal lover, cats, dogs, it doesn't matter. I prefer bigger dogs due to them not feeling breakable. :P Wrestling with the bigger dogs is fun ^_^. Anyway, I have found that the best pest are either strays, rescues, or came from the humane society. Granted an animal can fall into all of those categories. My theories…
  • I personally love pits. They are highly intelligent, lovable, quadrupeds, and a good addition to any family. ^_^
  • This is a bit more natural for protein, but I think it is well worth it. Yogurt topping: Plain fat free yogurt (I like Stoneyfield Organic, but to each their own) Baking nuts (I like almond slivers or crushed pecans) 1 fruit (bananas, kiwi, peaches, and apples are all good in this) The quantities vary for what flavor you…
  • One thing you should all keep in mind is read the nutrition labels. Your body does not need more than 100% of anything. If most of the vitamins are over 100% for one pill, you should probably change the multivitamin. If you are getting over 100% you body cannot properly process all of it. You could develop health issues…
  • Coffee is good for you if you process the caffeine well. According to this article, the antioxidants in coffee help with your heart and energy level, but only if you metabolize the caffeine slowly. If you process it quickly, you will get the "jitters" and other likely not…
  • I LOVE this thread. Sometimes this little humor is all it takes to keep going. ^_^
  • Wow... I guess I am lucky that my family is very supportive of my "diet." My hubby occasionally reminds me that I am on a diet when we go out to eat. :P I hope your families become more supportive though. Losing weight is very hard without family support. I am always amused when I explain that a diet is what you eat on a…
  • I give myself ONE "cheat day" a week. Though I do not always take it; however, if I have a craving I listen to it. There are "special occasions" that I allow myself to eat anything I want, but those are things like birthdays, promotion, hitting certain goals (ex: losing 5 pounds). It depends on the person. As long as you…
    in cheat days? Comment by Natsume May 2012
  • I am currently deployed, so unless I plan on swimming I don't shave. I am married. At home, i normally only shave about once a week, unless my legs will be visible. I shave the visible parts at home for public perception. I will admit clean shaven looks better, but I am lazy and have no reason to impress the public. My…
  • I never thought of the activity log to get rid of stairs climbed. Thank you very much for the idea SteffieMark. I really appreciate it.
  • I have a FitBit Ultra and love it. It is small, easy to wear, and helps with my OCD. Here are some "cons": 1) You have to know when you start your work out for accurate calorie tracking. 2) Riding a bus will likely give you extra floors you didn't climb. 3) Wear it on your waist band because if you wear it in your bra your…
  • I personally love oatmeal. I mix about 1 cup of cook oatmeal with brown sugar, raisins, and almond slivers. It has slow burn carbs, LOTS of fiber, protein, and the good kind of fat. Overall it is a very balanced breakfast.
  • Now I am definitely curious. My HRM goes around my chest, and records it on a watch. I wonder what the range for the watch is though. Hmmmm. This should be fun ^_^
  • As an early warning to all who have not taken the Bod Pod... It is EVIL!!! I am 5'2", weight 130 pounds and still sitting at roughly 33%. It is nice to see the difference in numbers. I am using mine as a motivational tool. 4.5% loss in 5 months. I still have to either loss 5 pounds of fat or gain 5 pounds of muscle,…
    in BodPod Comment by Natsume February 2012