yellodaysee Member


  • Got my Fitbit Charge HR a few months ago. Please feel free to add me. Having friends challenge me on Fitbit helps to motivate me. I used to use MFP quite a bit but haven't been on in awhile. Trying to get back on to help me count calories and stay accountable with my food choices.
  • Jonathan Taylor Thomas from Home Improvement. In elementary school they had us write a letter to our fav celeb and I picked him. I got a wonderful letter in return! Thought it was the best thing ever! Then when I grew up and found it, realized it was a great form letter with his signature stamped on the bottom. Hey... when…
  • It really is all depending on your body. When I started at 205 lbs (and I'm 5'4") I was wearing a size 18 and they were starting to get a little snug. So far I am now down to 189 lbs and wearing size 16. This is also wear it depends on the pants you wear because some of the 16s I'm in fit perfectly and others are too big.…
  • Well I'm a week late in seeing this. But I'm going to get started today. Look forward to checking in on Saturday!
  • Said it best with this one! I love getting the mini bags of popcorn that are 100 calories. My problem with snacking is that I want more than 2 bites of something. With the popcorn I feel I'm able to do a good amount of snacking but it's still only 100 calories! Love my popcorn!! :-)
  • How does everyone else log their "Leslie miles"? I have just been logging it as "walking 5.0" Am I giving myself too much credit? I'm still a bit new to MFP and trying to get the hang of it! :-)
  • My favorite color is yellow and favorite flower is daisies. When I created my email address a few years ago yellowdasies was taken so I changed it up a bit, and have been using yellodaysee ever since!
  • I wish I could quote every single one of you! After I posted, I went for a walk and have TONS of great ideas upon return! Thank you!
  • Thanks Haeden!! I'm going grocery shopping tonight so I'll check it out! Thanks again!
  • What type have you found with no calories? I can't go without my cup of coffee and would love to have a no calorie substitue!
  • Like you, I have limited space and a limited budget. I also enjoy the cardio activites and was looking for a workout dvd that I would enjoy doing at home. Of course my frugal self did not want to purchase a dvd if I wasn't going to like the workout. So I hit up my local library. They have a large selection of workout dvds…
  • Well I took a break today because I was tired from weekend. But so far I'm 5 miles down on my goal of 30. I see people posting about "mini challenges." Where do you get that information??
  • I just recently joined as well. So far I think it really helps to see what you're eating. I also like the idea of a support system. I live aone so I don't have anyone there to kind of cheer me on and keep me accountable so I'm happy to have found the site! Good luck!
  • I just started on the site a few days ago. I don't hae money for a gym membership so I had gone into my local library to pick up some fitness dvds. Wouldn't you know I grabbed one of Leslie's dvds! So count me in for this September Challenge!!
  • Thanks!! I'd love to be ale to go to a gym but living on a budget doesn't allow for it. Thanks for the great tip!