rbarnes9292 Member


  • Well, I'm in Florida! I have been trying to come up with new healthy meal ideas, but everything I always find in cookbooks, etc. seem to have way too many ingredients. Usually I make simple stuff, but would love to see some of the meals you all make so I can try something new when I have time on the weekends to cook. I…
  • I am 5' and was down to 129 - 130 lbs before Christmas and was fitting into my size 5 jeans. I think the weight that they say I should be being like 93 - 103 lbs or so is just ridiculous. I think 115 - 120 is a better weight so I won't look sick. I agree with another lady who said she focuses now more on inches and body…
  • Hey when I was a kid people use to give us Pennies. LOL!!!!! That sounds safe.
  • I know exactly what you mean. I hear that all the time, but from my husband. He is constantly getting an attitude and making fun of my change in lifestyle saying that I don't need to lose weight, but yet I've seen him talk about people putting on a few pounds that are smaller than me. I hate when anyone makes comments…
  • I tend to agree with the last guy. You need to eat healthier carbs like brown rice, oatmeal, and veggies and more protein. I also think you might be having caffeine withdrawls cause I know I did and also don't over do it on the water. Everyone has been giving some great advice. Hope you feel better soon.
  • You will definitely love it here. You can add me too if you want.
  • This site is awesome! I think I'm actually addicted to it! LOL!!! You will love it and it will help you in so many ways. Good luck and as far as when to eat if you work at night, I'm not sure on that one.
  • I have heard that you can over do the water thing and it can be dangerous, but have not idea what is too much. As far as the calorie intake, you should meet your required calories even after exercise. You're suppose to add them back on, but if you are tracking your food with mfp it should give your the correct total all…
  • Added you! I will say there have been diets that I've tried and lost a crap load of weight, but if you don't exercise you get flabby and all the extra saggy skin after the weight comes off. Also, I don't like the word diet. For me, diets never last. You have to just make the commitment to change your eating habits forever.…
  • That was so good to hear today. I know that must have been so exciting for you. Keep up the hard work. =)
  • Well for any of you that have an hour a day to work out and give it all you got and can afford to eat right and stick to it, P90X made me lose 20 lbs in a month and was the best workout I've ever done. It's very hard and to me seemed like it was geared more towards already kind of fit people that just needed that extra…
  • Wow! I'm so happy with the responses so far so quick. I have tried to add all of you as my friend, but it will only allow a certain amount so quick. Please, if I haven't sent you a request I'd love to friend you so please send me one. I'm so excited that so many people are in the same boat as I am. Thank you all for…
  • Hello everyone out there! I actually have been trying this for a couple of months now but am starting over today and trying to get on track. I have been struggling to lose about 20 lbs for what feels like forever. I'm hoping by coming on here more I will find the support I need and become more dedicated to keeping track of…
    in New Comment by rbarnes9292 October 2011