Feeling Light Headed

Hi guys,

I've been watching my calories since Sunday (went over slightly on Sunday and Monday) but have generally been okay. I'm sitting in work just now and I've had no less than I would normally have (breakfast and lunch) but I'm starting to feel a bit lightheaded.

The only major difference is that I've been drinking a lot of water - probably around 1.75l so far - where I would usually have diet pepsi (around 600ml) a day. Could this be the cause? Or is it all in my head (pardon the pun)?


  • allie1904
    allie1904 Posts: 248
    You may be on the caffiene come down!
  • godroxmysox
    godroxmysox Posts: 1,491 Member
    it could very well be lack of caffiene....most people say not to quit cold turkey
  • ElizabethRoad
    ElizabethRoad Posts: 5,138 Member
    That much water in a short time makes me feel weird.
  • ProTFitness
    ProTFitness Posts: 1,379 Member
    Could be a few things as the cause

    1. your dehydrated

    2. too much processed sugars

    3. to much caffiene

    4. not enough good calories

    many things can play into the problem everyone is different.
  • Clare_429
    I've not totally quit though - I had a can of diet coke with my lunch (330ml) and yesterday had can with lunch and a glass with dinner.

    However, I was drinking around 600ml per day before, plus whatever I had when I went home.
  • Clare_429
    Could be a few things as the cause

    1. your dehydrated

    2. too much processed sugars

    3. to much caffiene

    4. not enough good calories

    many things can play into the problem everyone is different.

    I don't get how I can be dehydrated after drinking nearly 2l of water? Maybe I should slow down my water intake?
  • eeebee
    eeebee Posts: 471 Member
    I have that all the time, cant work out what it is, am going to my docs to find out and will let you know what they suggest and come back to you in case it's a similar problem.

    Feel dizzy and bit blurry and defo light headed, just sitting here at my desk. often is worse in the mornings.
  • CJK1959
    CJK1959 Posts: 279 Member
    Caffience withdrawal.....and dehydration would be my guess. Drink up that water! It should get better.
  • jesshall281
    sometimes when you drink too much water in such a short amount of time it can dilute the salts in your system, try to space it out over the course of the day, it takes me all day to drink 3 litres, so slow it down :)
  • debloves2ride
    Don't forget water is a natural diuretic. so if you are really pushing the water you may be depleting your chemical levels to fast. Also sounds a lot like caffiene withdrawal. I get terrible headaches when I go through that. Fortunately I drink very little caffiene now - learned my lesson the hard way :) If it continues I would see the doc
  • SPheonix22
    SPheonix22 Posts: 90 Member
    Caffeine withdrawal definitely. But try to space the water out. You shouldn't drink over 2 L and definitely not all before lunch.
  • SPheonix22
    SPheonix22 Posts: 90 Member
    Don't forget water is a natural diuretic. so if you are really pushing the water you may be depleting your chemical levels to fast. Also sounds a lot like caffiene withdrawal. I get terrible headaches when I go through that. Fortunately I drink very little caffiene now - learned my lesson the hard way :) If it continues I would see the doc

  • Jeneba
    Jeneba Posts: 699 Member
    You may just be hungry!!! Have you tried eating tiny meals throughout the day instead of 3 squares with a snack?
  • Clare_429
    Can I just clarify it's like 3pm - not before lunch - just incase anyone thinks I'm totally insane lol.
  • Liluth
    Liluth Posts: 84 Member
    Whenever I feel lightheaded I know I haven't eaten enough protein for the day. I aim for between 50 and 60. I'll eat some yogurt, a string cheese or something else with a little kick of fat and protein.

    Hope you figure out what the cause is!
  • Tangerine302
    Tangerine302 Posts: 1,509 Member
    When I get light headed I know to eat. Usually I eat often throughout the day to avoid it. Otherwise I will get light headed. I don't drink much caffiene, so I don't know about that part.
    Hope you feel better soon! :)
  • Bamacraft
    Bamacraft Posts: 175 Member
    Yes. 24/7. Dizzy / lightheaded…Happened about 30lbs into my wt loss. I dont believe it had anything to do with the wt loss but for me was coincidence. Feels like a mild beer buzz or something. I have been to 2 different family doctors, had blood work ~4-5 times to include 3 hour glucose, T3, T4, TSH, vitimins, Ultrasound of my thyroid, cardiologist – stress test, 24 hour Halter (sp?) test, Neurologist – can’t remember what the test were, neurosurgeon – CAT scan and MRI of head/ brain, MRI of neck, X-ray of neck, gastrointestinal, ENT – ECOG/ hearing/ ENG etc.., eye doctor, chiropractor. Have not been to allergist yet (appt next week) but take an antihistimine pretty much every day. Blood pressure ranges from 115/70 to 130s/low 80s. 7 day average is ~ 125/75. Average resting HR is ~58-60. It has been going on for over a year. It happened July 2010 driving to the beach and put me in the ER b/c I thought I was going to die it got so bad at one point! So far the doctors have diagnosed as (family doc says stress/ anxiety. Neurosurgeon and ENT have no solution but says only thing they know that can cause my pupils to dilate irregular and the symptoms (seen on a test with microscopic cameras watching my eye movements) can only think maybe migraines (I don’t feel as though I have migraines). Evidently you can have silent migraines. All my test came back fine, everything normal except they noticed my pupils dilating without change of light. Today I still do not know what it is. The neuro said you are in great health, “go live your life” and gave me no restrictions. I work out 2-3x a week and log about ~18 – 30 miles a week running. I would go to the doctor and have a check up and maybe ask to be referred to specialist. If nothing else it’ll help give you peace of mind ruling out anything bad. Stay away from goggle. All that pops up is the bad stuff…been there done that. If you do get resolution to your problem please let me know the diagnosis. While it may be personal, I really need with other ideas to rule out/ confirm what is wrong with me. Good luck and hope all goes well.
  • greasygriddle_wechnage
    from looking at your diary, i would say you are taking in WAY too many carbs, no real protein and a ton of water. your sugars are out of whack. try eating a solid protein inthe morning instead of relying on cereal or carbs to get you through, see if it helps.
  • rbarnes9292
    rbarnes9292 Posts: 14 Member
    I tend to agree with the last guy. You need to eat healthier carbs like brown rice, oatmeal, and veggies and more protein. I also think you might be having caffeine withdrawls cause I know I did and also don't over do it on the water. Everyone has been giving some great advice. Hope you feel better soon.
  • KyleB65
    KyleB65 Posts: 1,196 Member
    If this occurs a few times book a quick visit to your doctor or clinic to have your blood pressure checked.

    I had this problem.

    I have high blood pressure. When I started on my meds and the new diet. I would get woozy from time to time. The doctor told me that my body wants my blood pressure to be high. So as I eat better and take my medication to lower my pressure. My body is rebelling.

    One of the things my doctor mentioned is that this can occur even when a person is not on medication. A change in diet and/or exercise may cause a degree of light headedness.

    As my body has adapted to my new life style this has gone away.

    If you have made recent diet & exercise changes. A quick check of your pressure will let you know confirm the situation.