More diet than exercise?

Is anyone else concentrating more on diet than exercise?
I know both are necessary and I'm walking for 30mins per day plus playing badminton for an hour a week, but I'm really not in to the gym or anything like that.

I've lost around a stone through weight watchers (with little to no exercise) but it's getting pretty stale so I thought I'd try something new.

Feel free to add me 'cause I use my app more than the forum :)


  • sjtreely
    sjtreely Posts: 1,014 Member
    I am for now since the doctor put me on a no walking/running program until my knee heals. Hopefully he'll give the go ahead at my appointment on Friday. I'm kind of going stir crazy.
  • buckobuckobucko
    I find it hard to find time to exercise myself. I have lost weight in the past without a lot of exercise but you have to be very careful about how many calories you take in.
  • catwrangler
    catwrangler Posts: 918 Member
    YES. The mantra I have read here is that weight loss is 80% diet and 20% exercise. I truly believe you only need to exercise 3 times a week to get the benefits.
  • Uerzer
    Uerzer Posts: 273
    Added you.

    I mainly diet... i just do some exercise for fun and health... and to maintain muscle... but i do not intend to generate a huge cal deficit by exercising.

    Theoretical best thing possible to do: to change your food habits + doing nice cardio!
  • allie1904
    allie1904 Posts: 248
    In the beginning I did no exercise and just followed Slimming World, which was fine I lost alot of weight..


    Looking back now, I wish I had exercised right at the beginning as I now have the muscle tone of an 80 year old woman :indifferent:

    Even if you don't mind loosing weight slower, I think it's important as it helps tightens things up and makes you look overall more appealing. You won't get buff but you'll look healthy :)
  • flimflamfloz
    flimflamfloz Posts: 1,980 Member
    Dieting is the only critical thing to do to lose weight anyway...

    (NOTE: I did not say to get every type of body as an end result, if you want to get a toned and muscled body then of course exercising is key...)

    Exercising just makes it easier, it's like a cherry on the top!
  • Bonny272
    Bonny272 Posts: 154 Member
    Everyone says it's 80% diet and 20% exercise. I started out walking and I'm slowly adding more at home exercises. Anything you do to keep moving is great.
  • Clare_429
    In the beginning I did no exercise and just followed Slimming World, which was fine I lost alot of weight..


    Looking back now, I wish I had exercised right at the beginning as I now have the muscle tone of an 80 year old woman :indifferent:

    Even if you don't mind loosing weight slower, I think it's important as it helps tightens things up and makes you look overall more appealing. You won't get buff but you'll look healthy :)

    I'm not doing no exercise so hopefully as I shift some more weight then I'll be more confident about doing more exercise.
    I also suffer from hyperhidrosis which is basically excess sweating so exercise kills me with embarassment.
  • ahavoc
    ahavoc Posts: 464 Member
    Dieting it 70% of weight loss. Exercise is 40% of weight loss. You have to give 110%. The only time success comes before work is in the dictionary.
  • Rutagabalis
    I love my food too much ... so I try to move my bottom on every opportunity I can to earn these extra calories (take my daughter to school on foot rather using the car, park at the futherst parking spot in the supermarket...) but If I had to go to the gym, I'd rather eat less .... :happy:
  • Angelabec
    Angelabec Posts: 505 Member
    I don't belong to a gym or anything like that. The weight I have lost so far has been from using my exercise bike, built up the time slowly, now at about 40 mins per day, plus some walks at the weekend. I have just bought a DVD to work on my upper body, but have only been using it a couple of days, so yes, you can definitely lose weight without going overboard on the exercise, although it probably takes a little longer.

    Good Luck :flowerforyou:
  • allie1904
    allie1904 Posts: 248
    In the beginning I did no exercise and just followed Slimming World, which was fine I lost alot of weight..


    Looking back now, I wish I had exercised right at the beginning as I now have the muscle tone of an 80 year old woman :indifferent:

    Even if you don't mind loosing weight slower, I think it's important as it helps tightens things up and makes you look overall more appealing. You won't get buff but you'll look healthy :)

    I'm not doing no exercise so hopefully as I shift some more weight then I'll be more confident about doing more exercise.
    I also suffer from hyperhidrosis which is basically excess sweating so exercise kills me with embarassment.

    Exactly. Just do whatever you can and whatever you feel comfortable doing :flowerforyou:
  • engineman312
    engineman312 Posts: 3,450 Member
    this is definetly 80-20 diet-exercise. you can't undo a day of junk food with an hour on the treadmill. that's not to say you can't have a slice of cake once in a while and go a little longer at the gym (this is real life).

    eat properly, watch your portions, eliminate the really bad foods, and limit you not so bad foods. work out 3-4 times a week, and you will see results sooner then you think.
  • rbarnes9292
    rbarnes9292 Posts: 14 Member
    Added you!

    I will say there have been diets that I've tried and lost a crap load of weight, but if you don't exercise you get flabby and all the extra saggy skin after the weight comes off. Also, I don't like the word diet. For me, diets never last. You have to just make the commitment to change your eating habits forever. I am a big believer in exercise and all the benefits that come along with it. I see many people have a time issue when it comes to exercise, but you have to make time for yourself. Anything is possible if you work hard enough at it. I have learned so much just from MFP. So many people out there have givin me such great tips and advice. So many people to help keep you motivated and give you a pat on the back when you are working hard. You can do this, you just have to put 100% in to yourself and your goals. Good luck and feel free to message me anytime if you need any help or advice. =)
  • Clare_429
    While you guys are here - I have a quick question or two.

    Is there such thing as too much water? I've drank about 2litres so far today (I have no idea what that is in "cups") and I'm playing badminton tonight so I'll no doubt drink more.

    Also, if I exercise and the calories come off my "total" - should I make that back up to the 1250 or should I just eat 1250 and exercise?
  • helenrode
    helenrode Posts: 4 Member
    I started swimming because walking was just not an option. I enjoy the new exercise better than anything else and like you I lost 80 pounds with no effort on WW before but I was younger. Now I need all the tools I can grab. Hope you can find something you like and can do... email me??
  • rbarnes9292
    rbarnes9292 Posts: 14 Member
    I have heard that you can over do the water thing and it can be dangerous, but have not idea what is too much. As far as the calorie intake, you should meet your required calories even after exercise. You're suppose to add them back on, but if you are tracking your food with mfp it should give your the correct total all the time even after adding exercise.
  • timmypeace
    timmypeace Posts: 27 Member
    If you want the best result, then you need to exercise. Exercise+diet=success.
  • Clare_429
    As I said, I'm not NOT exercising, I'm just dieting more than exercising.

    I'm playing badminton tonight for the first time since school (good 6 years ago now!) so hopefully I enjoy that like I used to.
  • TavistockToad
    TavistockToad Posts: 35,719 Member
    The first time i lost a significant amount of weight i did it more through diet, and only did some cardio for exercise. this time i have kept the calorie deficit through diet but i have done a lot more strenght training and am a LOT happier with my body shape this time than last. plus by eatign my exercise calories i can eat SOOOOOOOOOOOOO much more than last time, which is great!