PlumeriaTattoo Member


  • What exactly does it hurt to keep friends that are inactive? I don't even understand why this is an issue. If they aren't active now, they're just a name on a list, right? But if you are truly interested in supporting them, leave them as friends and if they come back you'll be there.
  • Once a week, first thing in the morning, before any eating or drinking. Preferably after using the bathroom. I step on the scale 3 times and take the average since my scale seems to vary a bit.
  • It's different for everyone. I can't lose weight unless I lower my intake of carbs and sugar while I am also counting calories. And I have to stop drinking.
  • Eat meat, cheese, nuts. All the green veggies you can stand. Go easy on bread, starchy vegetables and stuff with sugar. If you truly want to cut back on carbs, keep your consumption of beans, sweet fruits and grains down to a small serving a day. Adding some good fats can also help you feel full. Eliminate as much…
  • LOL...If only it were as simple as eat less, move more. But it's not. It's also about the kinds of foods you eat, your gender, your age, medications you take, your current health, and genetics. Everyone's bodies react differently to everything we do to them, and this can change throughout our lives. Some people can eat…
  • Increase the amount of protein you are eating. It fills you up much better. Watch out for foods with lots of carbs/sugar as they spike insulin levels and you will feel hungrier.
  • LMAO! Wow.... Forget I even mentioned the Taubes book, which appears to get some people's panties in a bunch. MY experiences with what *I* ate and what *MY* results are are real. I posted it to HELP people, not to have someone contradict my experiences because they don't agree with the findings of a book (actually quite a…
  • I don't see anything other than some guy's opinion on this I missing the cited studies he uses when criticizing Taubes' work? Like I said, people are free to make up their own minds based on their own research.
  • Not sure why you think that, but I disagree. I've done a LOT of research, and this works for me when nothing else did. I don't care if anyone tries it or not, and I don't gain anything if you believe me or not. But since I've had such great success with it I thought I'd share. Good luck to you!
  • I don't know about anyone else, but I gave up calorie counting all together, and just limit my intake of CARBS and SUGARS. The pounds are finally coming off. I still eat carbs -- no way I could be one of those people cooking up weird noodle substitutes or never eating bread again -- but I have limited them significantly.…
  • Wow...this seems like a lot! I run 2.5 miles, and burn less than 300 calories. How are you all burning so many calories?
  • Do you feel healthier? Have you lost inches at all? Sometimes it's just slow going. I know because I'm right where you are. But despite not losing weight the past several weeks, I do feel better and stronger, and the jiggles are tightening up a bit. You'll get there. And for the record -- you look great already! :smile:
  • I do the JM 30 Day Shred on the days I don't run. I tried it as my main cardio for about 2.5 weeks, and it's just not enough. It's a good off-day exercise though, combined with more strength training and/or a walk in the evening.
  • I'm 5'5" and like how I look at 140sih. I'd love to be in the 130s, but at 47 and my screwed up metabolism, I'll be happy to get into the 140s again. :)
  • The recipes I've found in Clean Eating magazine have all been FANTASTIC -- delicious, healthy and low-calorie. Highly recommend you check it out. They have a website with many of the recipes. I made Orange Chipotle Chicken the other night -- delicious!
  • I did the 500 calorie HCG diet. Twice. I lost 30 lbs each time, and gained it all back when I tried to add carbs back into my diet. I lost a LOT of hair. I lost a LOT of muscle. My skin looked bad. My metabolism slowed to a crawl. And now I feel like crap because I gained all that weight back like it was nothing. I gained…
  • I did the 500 calorie HCG diet. Twice. I lost 30 lbs each time, and gained it all back as soon as I tried to add carbs back into my diet. I lost a LOT of hair. I lost a LOT of muscle. My skin looked bad. My metabolism slowed to a crawl. And now I feel like crap because I gained all that weight like it was nothing. I gained…
  • Why a sad face? Be THRILLED with your loss! 23 pounds! If 90 days ago someone had told you you'd be 23 lbs lighter by this date, I bet you'd have been over the moon. I know I would. So rejoice in your accomplishment and set a new goal that includes being happy for what you've accomplished. At least you are in the game!
  • I'm shooting for 8 lbs this month, but will be happy with 5! Starting today at 168.4, hoping to get out of the 160s by October.
  • I started C25K on 8/24. I did W2D1 today and I'm a little sore, but proud of myself. I can't wait to be a runner! :happy: