chribro Member


  • Hi Jon Did you get gait measured for your trainers? It sounds like a common runners problem (check out for a quick overview). Despite me having measured shoes I have sometimes suffered as well, I suggest doing more core work and foam rolling your IT band and if…
  • This is the one I've got....haven't noticed it adding steps when I drive (used to drive 50 miles a day)
  • It's not an app per say but me and my wife both use a Fitbit, the lower end only cost about £30. They then synch with your phone and you can even set it up to talk to MFP. We love them so much I even managed to get my mum using one.
  • My wife and myself both run and my (soon to be) 4 year old has asked us to enter him into a race, so whilst I run the MK Marathon my wife and the little one will be racing in the 1.5m Super Hero Race!!!! Does that prove the point?
  • Voted....and way to go, your looking trim compared to the other pic!
  • Sign up! I did London in 2012 unfortunately hurt my leg at mile 8 so had a rubbish time, but it was a TIME not a DNF so now it's time to get me a decent time!
  • Thanks for the replies guys, but like the impatient imp I am I didn't wait, just went ahead and booked it! 9 months to get back in shape...... I can do it......I hope.....
  • I just used cheap but good socks by karimore and found that they worked fine. I tried the Nike dry fits but found them to thin, I was wearing the thicker karimoress when I brought my trainers. They retail in the UK for about a fiver in sports soccer
    in socks Comment by chribro February 2013
  • Its a common problem, Runners trots. There is alot of advice on the Runners world site In the forums and in the articles. Just search for it and you might find something that will work for you. Chris
  • Thursday- running my first half marathon (running for pie)! Friday-depending on how I feel....60 minutes cross or run easy 3 Running for Pie? Where's that? From experience you might want to turn Friday into a rest day. Good Luck for Thursday!!!!! Chris
  • Downloaded the Rock one a few days ago, tried it tonight, decent mix!! Thanks for the heads up! Chris
  • How long after your breakfast do you workout? Might be worth putting a snack in about an hour before doing your workout. Just remember to keep it healthy rather than a chocolate.
  • Hey, I'm down in Wiltshire, any body else?
    in Welcome Comment by chribro November 2011
  • Most of the timings are up to you, I work out at different times of the day depending on what else I have on. With the weighing pick a time and stick to that same time, that way you will cut out the variables.
  • My work sometimes involves alot of running about for a day (waiting tables for 10 hours), the way I log it is put in slow walking, 2mph and then 1/4 of the time that Ive been doing it. My reconking is that I do run about but there is a lot of pauses in there as well. I also have the other part of my job (kitchen Manager)…