Best times to weigh, work out etc????

So im just getting on the boat with my dieting, and there are a few things I need alittle advice on...

1. Whens the best time to weigh ones self?
- colthes on/off ?
- if its in the morning after morning rituals?
- etc.
2. Working out when is it best to do that in the morning/afternoon/nights?
- I work 10am till 5 and im up by 8:30 to get ready to leave for work.
3.SNACKS!!! i need to get used to healthy ones any ideas on some good LOW CAL ONES?
4. (FOR WOMEN) is it true durning ovulation and period you weigh more???

Any advice is welcome for anyone men women...

Also looking for great support friends please add me =)

Coll <3


  • stacyjbaker1010
    stacyjbaker1010 Posts: 161 Member
    1. Whens the best time to weigh ones self?
    in the morning before the shower, sans clothing, after peeing

    2. Working out when is it best to do that in the morning/afternoon/nights?
    in the evenings here.

    3.SNACKS!!! i need to get used to healthy ones any ideas on some good LOW CAL ONES?
    all natural! almonds, cranraisins, fruits, baby carrots

    4. (FOR WOMEN) is it true durning ovulation and period you weigh more???
    yes, yes, yes. you retain more water during menses
  • Tonnina
    Tonnina Posts: 979 Member
    1. Weigh in the morning, after peeing. I do it with my pj shirt on since it's thin, but most weigh nekked.

    2. I think working out WHENEVER is best. If you need to do a bunch of errands in the afternoon, you better get your workout done in the morning!!

    3. Celery, carrots, nuts, peanut butter... There's tons of good snacks. Experiment and find what works best for you.

    4. You can weigh more during you Time Of the Month (AKA TOM here) I stress getting more than your 8 glasses of water during this week of the month. You will feel better, and won't be all bloated from water retention.
  • afigueroa_pr
    I weigh myself in the morning once a week. I do it at my nutritionist office in the hospital and we account an extra pound for clothing. As for exercise I love working out in the morning after eating breakfast. I eat usually at 5:30 am and I am at the wellness center at 6:30 am.
    Snacks: Here are a couple I use - orville redenbacher 94% fat free smart pop (100 calories for the whole bag of popcorn) Dannon light n fit yogurt (80 calories), dole pineapple cups in 100% pineapple juice (70 calories). Pringles Light original (70 calories for 15 chips).
    Now the women part I can't help you LOL.
  • spear062108
    spear062108 Posts: 1 Member
    Best time to weigh: Morning, clothes off

    During ovulation do you weigh more? Yes, unforntunately
  • marz31
    marz31 Posts: 159 Member
    1. consistency is the key, as trend is the mail goal, right? seeing the loss? I weigh first thing in the morning before I hop in the shower.
    2. again, consistency, when you will go most often. if that means getting up early, great, if that means after work (like me) great. I think there are some studies that say there are "perfect" times (I think one was 4pm or something, optimal oxygen intake I think it was) but that time would NEVER work for me, so it's meaningless. if you can't workout until 8pm but you can do that on a regular basis, sounds like a great plan!
    3. I'm bad at snacks, so hopefully someone else can answer
    4. I've found that I absolutely retain at ovulation, but not nearly as much during my period as I used to before having a child. But it's SUPER annoying that it can happen twice in a month, basically ruins any high from losing a few pounds the weeks before the retention.....
  • Britt2Fitjrny
    Britt2Fitjrny Posts: 558 Member
    1. I weigh myself in the morning with no clothes. Try weighing around the same time everyday (or once a week) that’s the best way to get a good idea of your weight and how much you're losing.
    2. Whenever it's easiest for you. As long as you burn those calories it will count! No matter what time of day.
    3. Um... this is a hard one...
    4. Yes! But i normally gain about 3-4 pounds during my Time of the month. But its goes away soon after.
  • chribro
    chribro Posts: 20 Member
    Most of the timings are up to you, I work out at different times of the day depending on what else I have on. With the weighing pick a time and stick to that same time, that way you will cut out the variables.
  • Jackie9950
    Jackie9950 Posts: 374 Member
    This is just what information I have heard from being on this site the time that I have.
    1. Best to weight FIRST thing after you pee in the morning, and weigh naked. You can weigh yourself as much as you like but its best to only record the weight weekly.
    2. I don't know if there is a specific time to work out but I was once told (might not be true mind you) that it is best to work out before you eat because you metabolism speeds up during stenious activity and it will burn you food better.
    3 You are welcome to add me as a friend and look a my snacks. I have my food diary out for all friends to read. My favorite is Apples and peanut butter. I have had a lot of peopole mention laughing cow cheese as well. I like Carmel mini rice cakes and seem to be able to drink more water while I eat them.
    4. Yes. I have gained up to 4 lbs during TOM and lost it plus more just as quickly as it came.

    Hope my answers help. I am going to go ahead and send a friend request. Good Luck!
  • robinogue
    robinogue Posts: 1,117 Member
    Hi, I want to welcome you to MFP. It's a great way to meet people that will inspire, motivate and help you on your journey... I'm no fitness expect by far and I kind of do things my own way but so far they've worked for me.

    weight yourself: I do it Saturday mornings, right after my shower
    working out: I can only work out after work, I have to be to work at 6:30am so it's usually around 4pm
    ovulation: oh yes, step away from the scale during that time. Trust me you'll get depressed lol
    snacks: I'm trying to eat more fruits, nuts and granola bars to help fill me up

    I hope this little bit helps, but I'm sure there are more people with much better advice. Feel free to add me if you like and good luck.
  • sissy0604
    Best time to weigh is in the morning right after you get up and use the bathroom. Clothes aren't enough to matter in my opinion. Work out when ever is best for your schedule. Every little bit counts! Snacks, I like the slim fast shakes and fiber1 bars. Both easy and fast. Not daily, but peanut butter crackers aren't terrible. Fruits, and carrots are good. Good luck :)
  • MissMaryMac33
    MissMaryMac33 Posts: 1,433 Member
    1. Whens the best time to weigh ones self?
    ** It doesn't matter as long as you are consistent week to week. As long as you do the same thing at the same time and wear the same thing every week you're measuring apples to apples.

    2. Working out when is it best to do that in the morning/afternoon/nights?
    ** It's best whenever you have time to do it. If you're a morning person do it then. I'm not, so I do it after work most days.

    3.SNACKS!!! i need to get used to healthy ones any ideas on some good LOW CAL ONES?
    ** Almonds, greek yogurt, string cheese (watch the sodium), protein shakes, protein pudding

    4. (FOR WOMEN) is it true durning ovulation and period you weigh more???
    ** Yes, I easily gain/lose 5-7lbs that week.
  • Scatterdragon
    Scatterdragon Posts: 225 Member
    I always weigh myself right when I get up in the morning after my morning bathroom break. That is the lowest I will be all day. Weigh yourself naked, or with very little on.

    I work out usually during the middle of the day (but I don't work, so it is easier for me) I hear working out in the morning is the best, but I don't know why.

    nuts are really good for snacking because they have the healthy fats in them (not in excess though) veggies veggies veggies! I eat tons of cucumber.

    I always retain a massive amount of water around my time of the month. So drinking more thank your recommended 8 glasses is very important around this time. My weightloss seems to stop for the entire week :( so frustrating.

    Feel free to add me :) Good luck!
  • agthorn
    agthorn Posts: 1,844 Member
    1. Whens the best time to weigh ones self?

    Morning, after going to the bathroom, no clothes, same day each week.

    2. Working out when is it best to do that in the morning/afternoon/nights?

    The best time to work out is the time you'll do it consistently. Weights before cardio.

    3.SNACKS!!! i need to get used to healthy ones any ideas on some good LOW CAL ONES?

    Fruit or vegetables, low fat cheese, kashi granola bar (4-7g of protein), hummus, peanut butter or nuts, yogurt

    4. (FOR WOMEN) is it true durning ovulation and period you weigh more???

    I weigh the most the week *before* TOM, and actually drop back close to normal the week *of* TOM. I only record my weight mid-week during the week *after* TOM.
  • Mariposa187
    Mariposa187 Posts: 344 Member
    . Whens the best time to weigh ones self?
    - I am too self conscious to weigh naked...:embarassed: but hey if you can go for it!
    - I usually weigh after I use the bathroom when i wake up and before breakfast.
    2. Working out when is it best to do that in the morning/afternoon/nights?
    - I am def not a morning person so i usually exercise in the afternoon. A lot of people say the am is better b/c it gets your energy pumping.
    I love yogurts, apples, oranges, bananas, almonds are really good for you. If you have a sweet tooth you can always buy the 100 cal packs at the store. I try to stick to fruits cuz they keep while im at work. Carrot and celery sticks are awesome too if you can eat them raw.
    4. (FOR WOMEN) is it true durning ovulation and period you weigh more???
    YESSSSSS! Sometimes i gain 10 lbs during my TOM -_- it usually goes away the next week. You retain more water during that time
  • kflo76
    Working out...schedule it! Try doing the morning and if you can't seem to get in a good enough workout in the time you have then switch it up to evenings. I look at my calendar for the week and my workouts are all over the place but I make sure to fit them in.

    As for snacks...low fat string cheese, apples, unsalted nuts, celery and hummus, cereal

    Good luck!!!
  • miss_kisha
    miss_kisha Posts: 74 Member
    1. Whens the best time to weigh ones self?
    - Like the others say, in the morning, after using the bathroom, clothes off

    2. Working out when is it best to do that in the morning/afternoon/nights?
    - I read in the Body for LIfe book that morning is best, but I forgot his reasoning (made sense when I read it though...)
    - I find that when I work out in the morning it wakes me up, gives me more energy and I seem a little less hungry throughout the day

    3.SNACKS!!! i need to get used to healthy ones any ideas on some good LOW CAL ONES?
    - fruits & veggies are the best snacks, also nuts but you have to be careful not to eat too much of em
    - there are some nut and grain bars that are tasty and satisfying, but look for the ones that are the most natural & organic, not a bunch of weird stuff you can't pronounce in the ingredients
    - low fat dairy, like yogurt and string cheese

    4. (FOR WOMEN) is it true durning ovulation and period you weigh more???
    - I don't know, but it sure seems like it. I read somewhere that following foods help you release fluid:

    I can testify to the asparagus, I love the stuff and it seems to help me :)
  • capriciousmoon
    capriciousmoon Posts: 1,263 Member
    1. Whens the best time to weigh ones self?
    - Naked, in the morning, after using the toilet.

    2. Working out when is it best to do that in the morning/afternoon/nights?
    - Whenever you are least likely to make excuses to skip it.

    3.SNACKS!!! i need to get used to healthy ones any ideas on some good LOW CAL ONES?
    - veggies with hummus, fruit with cottage cheese, wasa crispbread with cheese (laughing cow cuts down the cals), Greek yogurt (Chobani pineapple is my favorite, I always pick 2% over 0% fat)

    4. (FOR WOMEN) is it true durning ovulation and period you weigh more???
    - Not that I've noticed... at most maybe a pound or two but that's normal fluctuation and I don't connect it to my period.
  • darlandbaird
    darlandbaird Posts: 103 Member
    I like to weigh once a week in the am when I awake and after using the bathroom and naked.

    I think it is good to exercise any time that you can get it in and also helps with sleeping.

    No carbs(bad) at night,I like the special K cracker chips,veggies,string cheese,fruit but eater like berries towards night time.
    I believe a person can have anything in moderation and portion control and count for it and exercise and get the water in.

    Good luck,just remember our bodies work different than each others.
  • DGSki
    DGSki Posts: 71 Member
    I weight in once a week, try to, and I do it when I wake up after going to the bathroom. I wear my clothes but I don't sleep in much but small shorts and a tank.

    I like to work out at night after work, but since moving to nights I work out before I go to work which would be considered morning I guess. I enjoy getting it out of the way and it keeps me energized for the rest of the shift.

    As far as snacks, I LOVE Chobani, that is a great snack and it keeps you full because of the protein. I also have carrots with jalepeno hummus, kashi cereal bars, apple. Some times I just drink water to curb my appetite.

    Not sure about that last questions, it makes sense.. kinda TMI but I usually get constipated and retain water weight so I usually weigh a few pounds more
  • xYumzx
    xYumzx Posts: 953 Member
    Thank you for all the resposes really answered alot of questions ive had...