

  • I lost about 40 before I started MFP and mine went from a big C to a big B/sometime C depending on brand. My boobs were about the last place affected though. Everyone is different and loses in different orders. If that is the first place you gain that will definitely be a big place where you lose but possibly not the first.
  • Mine didn't start shrinking until I had lost about 40 lbs which annoyed the hell out of me. Also after about 50 lbs I've barely went down a letter size. Genetics are freaking wonderful.
  • I don't want to post pics but I have lost just over 50. I started losing at 222 lbs and now I'm at 171. I use to wear a size 18 in jeans and those would be tight. Now I wear a 12 that I have to wear a belt with. People that I haven't seen in a while notice that I've lost weight, there is no doubt about it. I hope this…
  • Whey Protein has to be good for you. My stepdad is a body builder off and on as a hobby. When he decides to start bulking up again to increase muscle mass/ decrease body fat he drinks protein shakes like they are water. Other than a bad knee he is in fantastic health condition.
  • Tuna salad. Mix tuna with some light mayo, relish, pepper, and a bit of seasoning salt. You spread it over a pita, make a sandwich out of it, eat it on crackers, make a salad with it by adding more lettuce/veggies, or its good eating it as is.
  • Today's my second day taking it. So far I've realized my cravings are practically nonexistent and I'm not hungry other than right after I take it. Hopefully it has more good benefits!
  • I find a healthy low calorie food that I really like and pig out on that. For me, it's brocoli and cheese. I can eat a bag of it and it will only be one or two hundred calories.
  • I know this is one of those 'easier said than done' things but when grocery shopping, don't buy any bad desserts! That is the only way I can deal with my need for sugar. There are some good healthy choice desserts that are better and more limiting choices than a bag of cookies. If you don't have anything in the house that…
  • I've heard that for every mile you are on a treadmill, it's about 100 calories burnt. Of course this doesn't count if you increase the elevation.
  • The special K drinks are really yummy but not really filling. If you research the Wonderslim drinks, you do have to buy them over the internet but they are packed with protein and surprizingly taste really really good with lots of flavors. Wonderslim is a protein packed diet that has a ton of different protein…
  • I read a report that said that losing more than 2-3 lbs a week isn't healthy so aim for around that I guess. As far as crashing dieting, don't change your diet to where you would hate still doing it 3 weeks down the road. If you can do something for that long then either you're very stubborn about an unhealthy diet or it's…
  • I don't pay attention to the sugars. All I watch is protein, calories, fat, and carbs. Sugar is kinda what keeps me sane even when I'm doing wonderful elsewhere on my diet. If you eat a lot of protein and watch the breads it typically makes me drop a couple lbs a week. Don't pay to much attention to ALL of the categories…
  • Try going up on your calories for a couple days. Even if you are eating the way you should your body may have hit a point where its using a higher percentage of carbs than before which could cause the dizzy spells. I know when I have cuts carbs all together for a couple days I get dizzy for a bit till I get more energy so…
  • oh yeah, it gets easier. when i first started out i had to push myself to get to 6 minutes and now i can do about an hr as long as i stay entertained. if u watch tv or listen to fast music it helps not pay attention to how hard it is.
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